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18 comments block

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 11 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 14:01:24 ago (+11/-0)

Nothing will come of it, but at least Massie is one of less than 5 politicians at the national level who's not a complete total piece of shit. That's pretty impressive.

[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 20:02:41 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah man, introduce a bill that he knows will get shot down. Will he reintroduce it when trumps in? Fuck no. It's all a show.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 21:11:37 ago (+2/-0)

If it gets people talking about how the Federal Reserve is screwing us over, that's a plus. I don't expect him to succeed, but don't shit on him for raising awareness about the problems with a jewish control scheme.

[ - ] NoRefunds 2 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 21:59:54 ago (+2/-0)

It's exactly what trey gowdy and all these other fake congressman did. Bring up actual points and do nothing about it. They have the power of arrest and referring criminal complaints but they don't actually do shit.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 4 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 12:39:50 ago (+4/-0)

Ooooh, more talk and useless bills to rally the troops! Things will definitely change now!

[ - ] inaminit 3 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 12:00:13 ago (+3/-0)

The kikes will murder Mr. Massie before long.

[ - ] _Obrez 2 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 19:23:25 ago (+2/-0)

The dull saber he is rattling will stay firmly sheathed, stashed in his umbrella rack back home if trump wins.

Im reminded of the video of the dogs barking through a gate at each other that immediately stop barking when the gate is opened and they could get each other.

[ - ] PearofAnguishJuniorManager 2 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 18:36:00 ago (+2/-0)*

Ron Paul wrote several books about ending the FED and sponsored bills to deal with them. He couldn’t get it done, and Paul was well known. When Paul wanted to audit the supposed gold in Fort Knox, the shabbas goy kikes wouldn’t even let anyone see the gold. Golds gone, no one has clamped eyes on it since the 70’s.

I don’t have high hopes for this bill. The only thing that will rattle the kikes of the Reserve would be if the job suddenly became fraught with danger. Like every quarter when they meet around that big table, a few of their boys would be represented by an empty chair and a memorial painting on the wall behind it.

Mansion stairs are a silent killer, dudes fall down them all the time.

[ - ] Sleazy 1 point 4 monthsMay 18, 2024 04:52:40 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Monica 1 point 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 15:08:51 ago (+1/-0)

The government no longer represents the people. The government imports the people then charges them to stay. It's the United States of AirB&B.

[ - ] Leveraction 1 point 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 13:44:33 ago (+1/-0)

Would be nice, but the kikes will kill that faster than the speed of light

[ - ] iSnark 1 point 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 12:28:17 ago (+1/-0)

Who needs the a relic like the Fed after AI gets fully implemented?

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 18:25:56 ago (+0/-0)

We need a constitutional convention after an election year when everyone knows what is at stake.

During this convention these things must be addresses.

1. The first line of the constitution will read.

The United States of America to make a safe environment for its citizens must never allow any jews on its soil ever
2. The 1965 immigration act will be repelled and any one who does not qualify has 1 year to leave or be removed
3. No united states citizen will ever be taxed more then 10 percent in a year and accumulated wealth will never be taxed
4. Communism is outlawed
5. Islam is outlawed<<< I wouldn't do this if we don't do the first 3 they already don't tax non-Muslims over 10 percent and they hate the jews
6. Sexual preferences will not be considered for special rights
7. Sodomey will be outlawed nation wide
8. Only land owning citizens can vote
9. If you receive any state or national welfare you are not allowed to vote
10. A voting system will be created that is weighted towards patriots and people more invested in the good of the nation and their community
11. National trade will be limited no longer will mega corporations be allowed to suck the local communities dry and absolutely not international corporations will be stealing our labor and ingenuity
12. The Cia nsa fbi and any other unconstitutional institutions will be allowed imiedeietly disbanded
13. Federal reserve will be eliminated and any private investors will be brought to justice for over 100 years of theft
14. Isreal will not be recognized as a legitimate nation any war crimes committed by Isreal will be investigated and punished
15. Circumcision and mutilating of any minor under 18 iwill be outlawed any doctor who preformed such barbaric surgeries will be prosecuted
16. Abortion outlawed except for non whites<<< lol
17. All drugs will be made legal<<< use morals you fucking idiots the Amish don't have a drug problem

I'm sure there are more you goats can add to the list.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 14:52:56 ago (+0/-0)

Welp. RIP in peace Massa.

[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 11:56:57 ago (+0/-0)

The fed cant be stopped

[ - ] Leveraction 3 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 13:47:08 ago (+3/-0)

Yes there is, but it takes courage from the American people of which they don't have

[ - ] DukeofRaul 1 point 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 14:35:29 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 4 monthsMay 17, 2024 14:34:33 ago (+0/-0)

Trybthat inna small town!