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Writing a national socialist opinion article everyday until Anglin comes back. Day 3.

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 2 weeksMay 16, 2024 21:59:41 ago (+3/-0)     (whatever)

Money is fake and gay.

Money is fake. It is manipulated by money changers. The value of it goes up or down depending on what helps them.
Money is backed by nothing and no one. It is the greatest scam known to mankind.
The only thing that gives the USD power and value is that if you refuse to accept it an aircraft carrier will park offshore and bomb your countries govt.

Money is backed by nothing but the promise that tomorrow there will be more of it.

Money has led us all to population collapse. Even South Korea. Money poisons the society and the people.

How to fix this problem and make your citizens wealthy healthy and family orientated.

Currency value should never be tied to arbitrary spreadsheets and data graphs. Neither should the value currency be tied to the value of gold. We already have something tied to the value of gold and that's gold.

Besides no govt on earth is truthful and honest enough to say how much gold they truly have.

Currency should therefore be valued by citizen work production quarterly.
The more the farmers produce, the more the factory workers produce, the more the industrialist produce, and on and on.

We just solved Half of all societal problems with this one single move.
Banks no longer exist because they don't produce anything.
Social sciences no longer exist because they don't produce anything. Universities would dry up of woowoo nonsense fast.

So now you have money with real true value. The value of another man's hard work in your hands. And now you have a job giving this money. How do you ensure the value of that money will continue to climb up and be worth more in your old age?
You have children. Children produces more workers. More work. More production. More inventions, factories, railroads and science and technology.
There are no limits.

In this way a national socialist nation grows rich and wealthy together as a family.
Working together towards the common goal of societal prosperity and expansion.
Empire building becomes the daily life.

This is the ultimate weapon of the national socialist and the key to building a society more wealth and innovative than all others.

A nation so powerful that take 68 other nations fighting it on all sides to stop it. A nation so powerful the Russians were forced to machine gun their own drafted soldiers to force them to march at the national socialists.

The national socialist soldier fights with religious ferocity because he is fighting to defend not only his family and nation but the value of his work hours.

Remember this is the ultimate weapon of the national socialist. An economic instrument that makes all workers rich.

2 comments block

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 2 weeksMay 16, 2024 22:28:49 ago (+0/-0)*

How do you ensure the value of that money will continue to climb up and be worth more in your old age? You have children. Children produces more workers. More work. More production. More inventions, factories, railroads and science and technology.
There are no limits.

This is the cancer model. In fact, the inhabitable surface area of our planet and the available resources are effectively fixed. That is a hard limit. Sustainable existence remains within the fixed constraints. If not, it eventually turns into what we see today.

Also, that site can FOAD until my ban expires some year in the 2200s.

[ - ] 4thTurning [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 16, 2024 23:57:33 ago (+0/-0)

Never worry and never be scared. The limitations of humanity are imaginary boundaries of fear.
Like children scared to walk into a dark room

The national socialists invented the space program to enable human growth beyond Earth.

Kepler -442b is a nicer and larger planet than Earth. Perfect for hyperborean civilization.

Earth is just the introductory tutorial for humanity.