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DOJ prevents pro-lifer on house arrest from attending Sunday Mass — Headlines — May 6, 2024

submitted by carnold03 to WorldNews 3 weeksMay 7, 2024 06:54:34 ago (+5/-1)     (WorldNews)

#DOJ prevents pro-lifer on house arrest from attending Sunday Mass — Headlines — May 6, 2024

DOJ prevents pro-lifer on house arrest from attending Sunday Mass

Paulette Harlow was refused a religious accommodation to go to church. FULL STORY

Russia issues military ultimatum to UK

Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons. FULL STORY

World-renowned scientist Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Inventor: Globalists Are Pushing ‘Death Agenda’ to ‘End Humanity’

WEF members argue that most of civilization will become “useless” when industries are powered by an AI-driven workforce. FULL STORY

LOTR, Actor Bernard Hill is dead at 79

The heroic but doomed King Théoden Ednew would be Hill’s best known role. FULL STORY

Biden Regime Cuts Off Ammunition Supplies to Israel as Advisors Panic Over Electoral Threat from Anti-Israel Democrats

Netanyahu, meanwhile, issued a statement on Sunday for Holocaust Remembrance Day insinuating tensions with the U.S. and declaring that Israel will act alone if necessary. FULL STORY

State Libertarian Leaders Invite Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Seek Libertarian Presidential Nomination

The letter, published on Friday by Libertarians for Kennedy and signed by various party leaders. FULL STORY

How furry convention descended into orgy of sex, violence and destruction as diaper clad adults dressed as cuddly animals trashed host hotel

The failure of RainFurrest 2015 is one for the books - and saw the often sex-crazed subculture of furries cast into the public eye. FULL STORY

LibsofTikTok DAILY BRIEFING: "Ugly Libs Mad, Praising Genocide, Trans Tack Runner, and More!"

Ugly liberals mad at Libs of TikTok, girl praises Mao Zedong's genocide, trans track runner crushes females, and students praise North Korea. FULL STORY

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