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10 comments block

[ - ] Spaceman84 4 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 10:52:09 ago (+4/-0)

Faggot played pretend his entire life, barely worked and got paid exorbitant sums for bullshit. Rest in piss.

[ - ] letsgetit 2 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 12:43:29 ago (+2/-0)

Jabbed? Yay? Nay?

[ - ] Greasy 2 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 13:50:32 ago (+2/-0)

79 years old.

[ - ] dass 1 point 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 16:59:52 ago (+1/-0)*

The elderly are extremely vulnerable to adverse effects of the jab because of their advanced age....
So it's a legitimate question - esp if he had been healthy his entire life and then 'suddenly' has a diagnosis and dies within months.

EDIT: Every single copy paste msm article on his death all fail mention how or why he died - nothing as to COD. Imo Obviously the family/ agent getting a plausible story together and not mention anything vax associated.

[ - ] dass 1 point 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 17:17:42 ago (+1/-0)

Likely to the gills - he's an acclaimed UK actor - he would've been convinced by his agent and acting company to be a role model for the elderly blah blah blah. It caught up to him. Seeing as all the articles on msm - fail to mention any COD. (lol, maybe he did the needful after Doctors repeatedly tell him it's all in your mind - there's nothing wrong with you).

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 19:53:33 ago (+1/-0)

He was 79 dude, that's the age where people actually die of natural causes.

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 20:17:17 ago (+0/-0)

Yea but its probable the jab accelerates age related issues. Especially with immune system dysfunction. Any surgeries or operations, hospitals were requiring jabs or else they said fuck off.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 08:19:14 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] NoRefunds 0 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 10:26:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ilikeskittles 0 points 4 monthsMay 6, 2024 07:46:28 ago (+0/-0)

Sad. RIP to a great actor.