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To celebrate the release of my ebook on Amazon, I'm giving away free copies of it (to Americans with Amazon accounts) (and while supplies last)

submitted by PeBeFri to books 4 monthsMay 5, 2024 22:44:15 ago (+27/-1)     (books)


If you or your kid is really interested in this book, you can send me a direct message and I will send you a coupon code with instructions on how to redeem it.

Note: You need to be an American with an amazon.com account to redeem the coupon.

Note: Apparently I'm not supposed to ask you to review this book in exchange for a free copy, at least not directly. That said, an honest review of this book would be very, very, very, very much appreciated (provided, of course, it contains nothing that would offend other potential buyers -- please don't betray my trust in you).

EDIT: You can also request a coupon code by sending an email to the address seen at the bottom of the web page above.

31 comments block

"I wrote Realia with boys in the fourth and fifth grades in mind. I was inspired to write it by the lack of interest in reading expressed by boys, with a dearth in books that boys would find appealing being one of the possible reasons. That said, it may very well prove appealing beyond that demographic"

Self published. Not published by Bertelsmann hiding behind an imprint.

The kind of thing we should be supporting.

Have you dropped it on Gab?