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There's currently a cadre of beaners moving in next door.

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 monthsMay 4, 2024 15:30:03 ago (+21/-0)     (whatever)

Better than niggers I guess. I'll know if they're Mexican tomorrow if the air is polluted by mariachi and molta. They sound Colombian or Venezuelan. Too dark to be from Argentina.

It's a couple with three kids, so at least there's a family unit. No moving truck, just a squad of beat up f150's.

There goes the neighborhood, I knew I shouldn't have resigned the lease agreement.

44 comments block

Peleg 0 points 4 months ago

I like it better when you write in nigger speak. I can eventually work out what you are saying. This shit I don't know and don't want to know.