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St. Florian May 4th | Saint of the Day

submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 4 weeksMay 4, 2024 08:22:36 ago (+2/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


#St. Florian May 4th | Saint of the Day

The St. Florian commemorated in the Roman Martyrology on May 4th, was an officer of the Roman army, who occupied a high administrative post in Noricum, now part of Austria, and who suffered death for the Faith in the days of Diocletian. His legendary "Acts" state that he gave himself up at Lorch to the soldiers of Aquilinus, the governor, when they were rounding up the Christians, and after making a bold confession, he was twice scourged, half-flayed alive, set on fire, and finally thrown into the river Enns with a stone around his neck. His body, recovered and buried by a pious woman, was eventually removed to the Augustinian Abbey of St. Florian, near Linz. It is said to have been at a later date translated to Rome, and Pope Lucius III, in 1138, gave some of the saint's relics to King Casimir of Poland and to the Bishop of Cracow.

Continue reading: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=149

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