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What happened to Canada's real estate?

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 1 monthApr 30, 2024 10:26:52 ago (+16/-0)     (TellTalk)

Even the shittiest shitbox is well over a million, and finding anything descent looks impossible. I say this cause Zillow finally works in Canada and i was curious one day. Who the fuck is buying up this overprice housing, it has to be fraud or something

16 comments block

[ - ] NoRefunds 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 13:40:58 ago (+0/-0)

Member for: 6 days

is this a rabbi?

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 14:51:24 ago (+0/-0)

Immigration is so bad even the liberals on /r/Canada are itching for mass deportations. The funniest part is the 2nd most common complaint is that it isn't true diversity since most of the migrants under Trudeau are Punjabi.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 16:37:25 ago (+0/-0)

People with money from the CCP overbid on asking and people take it and then have to buy another house but find it's being overbid on too.

When the dumbfuck liberal voters begged to have a billion people imported into Canada so they could be genocided, they didn't say where the houses were going to come from.

It's not funny or sarcastic, but liberals actually do believe the universe provides everything they want if they do shit like leave their empties next to the dumpster for the homeless.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 20:04:02 ago (+0/-0)

It's not overpriced.
The value of the Loonie has plummeted.

The shittiest shitbox home used to cost the equivalent of this many cartons of milk and that many loaves of bread.
And it still costs the equivalent of the same amount of cartons of milk and loaves of bread.

So why is there so much inflation in Canada?

My grandparents worked and paid taxes.
After 10 years of paying taxes, they paid their fair share towards the water treatment plant.
After 20 years, they paid their share towards the electric grid.
After 30 years, the school.
And after 40 years of paying taxes, they finally paid their fair share towards the hospital.
Because of them paying taxes, I was born in a hospital, went to a school, etc. which their lifetime of taxes paid for.

Now Canada is flooded with immigrants.
Immigrants who need water, schools, hospitals.
Even if they get jobs and pay taxes, it'll take them 40 years before they pay their share.

But they need those things RIGHT NOW. They can't wait 40 years.

So the government borrows and prints money. Causing inflation. Massive inflation.

[ - ] ilikeskittles 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 21:52:23 ago (+0/-0)

It’s the deflation of the US dollar. In the last 4 years they have printed at least 10T dollars. It’s called inflation. All of the western world uses the US dollar as the reserve currency. At least until the BRICS countries can rest the reserve currency away from the US. Those of us in the US are going to be F-ed.

[ - ] germ22 6 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 10:47:50 ago (+6/-0)

Very large corporations are buying up the houses and then renting them out. What ever the listing price is, be prepared to pay a lot more than asking price.
Building new houses has become very expensive as well. Partly due to inflated building material cost, and also due to too high building requirements in the building code.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 10:56:28 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 1 monthApr 30, 2024 20:51:49 ago (+1/-0)

Right, yeah, it didn't get generically harder to build shit, and I don't think that wood literally became more scarce. Whatever they say about "costs", it has something to do with government and the fuckton of immigrants they let in.

[ - ] MasterAce 6 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 11:17:14 ago (+6/-0)

It is fraud for one but there is other factors, there is more millionaires in China than there is people in Canada.
So chinks.
A chink business man owned a few billion in Vancouver realestate the CCP said he’s working against the state or something and took those properties so now the CCp owns billions of Vancouver realestate. Curry niggers are coming by the millions as well so you have very little supply 250k new builds a year and very high demand.
And our infrastructure such as roads and everything else is not designed for all these people so traffic and hospital etc. is overwhelmed.
Shit is straight fucked up and the RCMP /CSIS is warning the liberal government to prepare for an uprising within the next 5 years when normie tier leafs figure out how fucked they are.
Basically Canada has been ruined we’ll see how it plays out.

[ - ] VitaminSieg 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 16:55:59 ago (+0/-0)

CSIS warned Chretien's Liberal government in the 90's about chinese buying up realestate and importing a fifth column. Chretien buried the report. Must've been before CSIS was in on it.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 9 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 11:10:28 ago (+9/-0)

White Canadians were sold out to the Chinese

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 4 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 12:45:37 ago (+4/-0)

In the past few years, Canada has been sold out to the jeets as well. I think what's been happening to the real estate market ever since the coof is that all these currynigs pouring in have been pooling their resources together to buy up property. These days you'll either come across homes that are multi-generational (big darkie family of course), homes that are being rented out to way too many brown occupants, or homes bought by a group of street-shitters as investment (i.e. to be flipped in the future).

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 20:50:52 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah I know what that is because it happens in the US the same way.

[ - ] Hugh 11 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 11:23:21 ago (+11/-0)

Houses aren't up. Stocks aren't up. Paper money is down by 50% because they printed 50% more of it in Covid. The anticipation is even more money supply and inflation, so people are putting money into hard assets.

Welcome to Argentina! Welcome to the Weimar Republic!

[ - ] dontbeaphaggot 3 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 13:15:51 ago (+3/-0)

Trudope free money for the COVID shutdown is officially fucked over the disappeared middle class. The business owners love trudope though, because their ass isn't bankrupt after that plandemic shutdown, & the market maker parasite' actually wanna cause a similar shutdown every 3 years 'to meet climat change targets'. Idk what the real goal with this shit is, because the gov faggots have market maker parasite cock in their mouths and they can't talk apparently. Imagine the spineless fucking politicians that don't see a way to beat the faggot market maker parasites if you he look ician just unite the whole country instead of dividing the citizens with plandemic medical apartheid bullshit. Fucking spineless amoebas.

Maybe the goal is full on shit commie takeover by the same market maker parasites that gave us the current timeline, maybe they're trying make us more competitive with chyyyna, who the f knows. Fucking politician cockgobblers.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 20:49:50 ago (+0/-0)

The US was actually the least punished for its money supply increase. As bad as inflation is here.

Most major economies seemed to do the same kind of thing in a coordinated fashion. But lesser confidence in smaller economies drives people to the dollar, so increased demand for it offsets the supply while the opposite effect happens to smaller countries.