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When I'm in this town I attend a thing I call the racial round table. I gave up 3 months sobriety at that table once but last night I did it sober and killed it thusly:

submitted by Dindu to whatever 1 monthApr 29, 2024 08:21:32 ago (+6/-0)     (whatever)

It is 2 indians, an arab, mexican woman, black woman, columbian, old pervert jew, me and exmiltary jerry the rino cuck. There were a couple new people so I had to get them into my pocket with some softball hemingway stuff. They all had food and drinks. I just had an empty table in front of me and I knocked on it I say

"Oh! I ran into the director of the convention in the elevator and he gave me some inside information. He said (bend in and whisper) that it - is - going to be a GREAT convention!"

It doesn't sound like much but it knocked them dead and with everyone in my pocket i could start getting really racist.

Someone mentioned the pyramids and how they were built so i offered "egypt was built by blonde haired blue eyed supermen." I got really good at being silent between proclamations. No sputters or poor timings. Just wait for your gap. Briefly compare my phone to Jerry's to restore softball tone

The Indian goes off about Indian supremacy and how they run England, how Germans perverted the swastika, etc. He drew a swastika on the napkin to illustrate. I said

"If indians are so great then how do you explain Perkash (point at Perkash who is a hated man and we want him off the table. This one made people nervous and giddy it was damn explosive) I used this momentum to go on a barrage

"All that hindu stuff was started by blonde aryans. And if you really want to have fun, put the swastika over here between me and jerry for when the waitress comes back." I pulled the napkin over to our part. Jerry panicked at this. He was always distancing himself from anything I say so I ask "why do you sit next to me? I'm your only friend in this world jerry you are my passenger. Show some solidarity"

The Indian opened up the napkin and spread the swastika on the top of my head. So I went "time to do my stretches!" And started firing off Romans with both arms "I always stretch my arms before dinner!"

The columbian fell out at this and never recovered and I used his conniption as a chance to excuse myself.

4 comments block

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 08:33:09 ago (+1/-0)

Tell us more of the racial roundtable. How did it start

[ - ] Dindu [op] 2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 08:44:06 ago (+2/-0)*

When I got there 2 years ago the leader was a light-skinned Jamaican accent cuban with straight hair. He was really funny so I did not say much the first time. I quit sobriety for that one.

It is a table for all the drinkers from the convention. Drinks are free for an hour and a half and there's a big round table. I was impressed with the dynamics of the big Indian being really racist and the military guy being a know-it-all but super sensitive and the other little round Indian being like a bad guy in an Indiana Jones movie. Pure bubble eyed evil

The jew is more of a goblin pervert than any jew youve ever seen. Like a ficticuous character. If I made a movie, he and the hated Indian and the cuck would have to play themselves. They are perfect. Ever since the Jamaican left, me and the big Indian have been trying to take over as the life of the party. They've never seen me sober and they really respect me all the sudden.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 09:17:12 ago (+1/-0)

They've never seen me sober and they really respect me all the sudden.

kneel under my beyond reproachedness. Kneel i tell you. haha

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 0 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 22:13:40 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. Reminds me of this