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17 comments block

[ - ] deleted 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 08:09:59 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 08:39:13 ago (+0/-0)

European Spanish is spoken with a lisp because one of the kings of Spain was a homosexual and all the members of the Court wanted to be acknowledged and fit in with him and be popular with the court so they started speaking Spanish with the list. Speaking Spanish with a lisp and the pleasant way you talk about is the language of gay fags

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 08:47:35 ago (+0/-0)

It's like English in that way.

[ - ] 2plus2equals5 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 11:52:02 ago (+0/-0)*

When in doubt, double-down:
https://www.npr.org/2024/04/09/1243755769/npr-journalist-uri-berliner-trust-diversity -David Folkenflik
"NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust"

I used to like to listen to Diane Rehm back when it was only slightly left. She made the mistake of calling out dual-citizenship on Bernie. Some of it was good info. Actually toured the place in DC and met Joshua Johnson who was tweaking in his chair and at the point of chimping out during the meeting with old white women. He actually seemed to be the only honest one there. Our juden guide wouldn't say what portion of their funds were government apportioned and gave me the full rat-faced sneer when asked.

These days I point out the major events happening in the world.
And then I ask if they heard about it..because it's important..and why not?
Why are there celebrity game shows and half hour book infomercials instead of real current events?

The "That's just internet Russian disinformation" doesn't work, after they look it up themselves to prove me wrong.
They willingly choose to eat the red pill.

[ - ] hylo 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 16:26:43 ago (+0/-0)

I like their mid day jazz, everything else is bullsheeeeeeeeeit

[ - ] Laputois 1 point 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 10:33:13 ago (+1/-0)

I have NPR on my car radio and listen to it almost exclusively while I am driving. I regurgitate the funnier bits when I get home. An old friend told me that he always listened to those that he disagreed with. It's sage advice.

[ - ] CasualObserver 1 point 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 11:53:22 ago (+1/-0)

Hey brown people: we are going to sacrifice your WHOLE FUCKING GENDERED LANGUAGE in the name of gender equality. K thx.

Gotta love the hutzpah.

[ - ] drstrangergov 1 point 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 15:55:02 ago (+1/-0)

someone should coin a term for the way they talk. i submit "early 21st century soy". they are doing something strange with their "o's". for example : ""things you should kneeew"

[ - ] Looneyskiproony 2 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 08:51:57 ago (+2/-0)

Latch me sang. Full of shit

[ - ] Sheitstrom 2 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 10:12:35 ago (+2/-0)*

Today on NPR: How Trump's MAGA white supremacists are using Climate Change to roll-back LatinX Holocaust survivors' constitutional right to gender affirming care.

[ - ] Crackinjokes [op] 3 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 08:37:18 ago (+3/-0)

Did you know that the reason Spanish is spoken with a lisp on th sounds and others is because one of the kings of Spain was a fucking faggot and in order to be popular with the court everybody started speaking with a list and that has been retained throughout the century

[ - ] con77 1 point 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 09:36:02 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Isaacjan 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 11:10:40 ago (+0/-0)

Why does faggotry = lisp though i never understood

[ - ] VitaminSieg 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 11:31:41 ago (+0/-0)

That's fake & gay. It's a class issue, and the lisp is lower class.

[ - ] drstrangergov 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 15:56:23 ago (+0/-0)

donde ethtah la therpethio?

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 16:18:36 ago (+0/-0)

Did you know that the reason Spanish is spoken with a lisp on th sounds and others is because one of the kings of Spain was a fucking faggot

show me proof of this

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 20:57:44 ago (+0/-0)

Is it a lisp?
How do you say “The”?

[ - ] con77 7 points 4 monthsApr 26, 2024 09:36:59 ago (+7/-0)

The Latino accent on people who are born and raised in the US is annoying as fuck