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JosephGoebbels called all of us pedo faggots on ConPro, but after being banned on ConPro he made an account here

submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 09:05:09 ago (+3/-3)     (TellTalk)

JosephGoebbels called all of us pedo faggots on ConPro, but after being banned on ConPro he made an account here. He is not contributing. All he does is shitposting in comments, because he is an autistic incel tard from 4chan. He was banned from ConPro because is an annoying mentally ill troll. He is shitposting and talking to his alt accounts from his basement all day long.

Check his profile: https://www.upgoat.net/profile?user=JosephGoebbels

You can ask on ConPro what users think about him.

6 comments block

[ - ] Lost 4 points 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 09:29:01 ago (+4/-0)

OP you shouldn't be calling anyone anyone an autistic incel. You come across like a barely literate sperg.

[ - ] JosephGoebbels 2 points 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 09:24:28 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, only ConPro though where reddit jannies got called out. Don't ask c/Funny, only ConPro. 🤣

[ - ] deleted 0 points 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 12:18:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] zongongo 1 point 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 16:48:58 ago (+1/-0)

JosephGoebbels has prove himself an asshole.
A gaping one at that.

[ - ] DukeofRaul 1 point 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 09:53:28 ago (+1/-0)

He made fun of me too earlier

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 0 points 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 14:25:54 ago (+0/-0)

I can't believe ConPro is still around. It was basically a graveyard a couple of years ago. I pop into patriots dot win once in a while though and I'm surprised at how much red-pilling has happened there.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] -1 points 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 15:08:03 ago (+0/-1)

ConPro is still alive and kiking on Scored.