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Man suspected of abducting, raping Jewish woman 'to avenge Palestine'. Suspect sent victim's mother messages saying he was going to "prostitute" her daughter.

submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 4 monthsApr 23, 2024 20:36:16 ago (+3/-0)     (www.i24news.tv)


A man in a suburb of Paris is suspected of abducting and raping a Jewish woman, French media reported on Tuesday. The suspect reportedly said his acts represented a "vengeance for Palestine."

The suspect is a resident of Gennevilliers, one of the immigrant-heavy suburbs of Paris. It is understood he was charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, rape and making death threats.

French media reported the suspect sent the victim's mother messages saying he was going to "prostitute" her daughter. The police reportedly were able to geolocate the victim's phone and end her ordeal after several days.

No word on whether or not Jews prostituted his daughter, first.

4 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 4 monthsApr 23, 2024 20:38:15 ago (+5/-0)

That's odd. muslims usually protect jews and attack Whites.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 4 monthsApr 23, 2024 23:30:41 ago (+2/-0)

kek for real. She must pass as white.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 1 point 4 monthsApr 23, 2024 21:55:10 ago (+1/-0)

Probably a whatchu doin rabbi moment. Although i wouldn't put it past some mudslimes to kidnap and prostitute women. What makes it suspect is they are supposedly jewish women.

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 4 monthsApr 24, 2024 06:47:42 ago (+0/-0)

He'll think rape much differently very soon.
When the Bars Close Pt2