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14 comments block

[ - ] Thatguy 2 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 16:34:00 ago (+2/-0)

Being white and a member of antifa during a “kill all whites” campaign is just as hilarious as putting Trump stickers on the lefty cars at an Antifa demonstration.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 19:08:39 ago (+1/-0)*

Boomer faggot fever dreams.

Either, start taking your meds, or stop taking them. Whichever have you believing this bullshit.

Left-wing 'Antifa' militants, in their neckerchiefs, threw Molotov cocktails into the red-hatted Maga crowds.

At least he admitted "Antifa" was a thing not just a ideology.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 17:10:48 ago (+1/-0)

Trump forces versus Biden forces

Our enemies killing most of each other off would be a good start.

[ - ] stillmostlyfriendly 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 17:05:53 ago (+1/-0)

"Rebel generals" ... funny. Between the clot shot and systematic purgers, they shitcanned all the conservative and/or intelligent officers already. Why do you think they get away with having so many useless trans freaks? Those are the officers that were protected.

This is all by design ... no one should imagine for a moment that the US military is friendly.

Example: https://nypost.com/2021/09/08/biden-fires-trump-trio-from-naval-academy-board/

[ - ] Lordbananafist 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 15:26:25 ago (+2/-1)

I'm building each of you a cabin to punish you in

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -1 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 15:12:42 ago (+1/-2)

I have a more plausible scenario. Lucifer's messenger on earth gets people fucking in the streets all over the world in a plot with Vladimir Putin and collapses the global economy, sending earth back to a simpler existence.


[ - ] Sector2 2 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 17:22:17 ago (+2/-0)

Why don't we do it in the road?

WatchPeopleDie.tv has some pretty compelling answers to this question. Not just intercourse either, 'the road' is a place of death for any behaviors, especially driving.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 18:30:09 ago (+2/-1)


Not sure I understand you but consider this my attempt: you think mass fucking in the streets will be hopelessly messy with undue complications but you propose "full on global nuclear war" as a real solution?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 18:57:56 ago (+1/-1)

Also, I want to note that I have had some discussions with them on this topic. That and my knowledge of primitive tribes now and in the past tells me that the repression of Eros, or in this case public sex, is basically a byproduct of urbanization and sophisticated trading societies. You can't let people fuck in the streets unabated because humans are basically monkeys. They'll just be having orgies, blocking the roads, inhibiting commercial traffic, destroying capitalism. But in a more tribal wilderness environment these safeguards weren't needed hence things like concern over female chastity was not as paramount.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 18:59:41 ago (+1/-1)

Apples and oranges. The only reason I propose "full on global nuclear war" is because we have no ability to generate a CME that outshines the Carrington Event. We don't even know when the suns aim will be accurate again. But yes, one works in favor of overpopulation, and the other cures it.

Do the people who tolerate modern jewish society deserve unearned relief? There's a lot that could be said about the qualities and attributes of our species, and perhaps will be at some point.

Meanwhile: https://warnews247.gr/uncategorized/anoiksan-oles-oi-apothhkes-oplwn-se-germania-kai-polwnia-hpa-kai-bretania-metaferoun-terasties-posothtes-oplismou-sthn-oukrania-gia-ton-neo-natoiko-strato/

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 19:39:25 ago (+1/-1)*

The point of mass public sex is less about population levels than halting migration (among other things). But I'll get back to overpopulation in a moment.

Note: what I am about to say is Russian propaganda (and Chinese and Iranian). Be warned EVERYONE.

The post-WW2 global order is basically a US shakedown operation. Countries are effectively charged to use the dollar which promotes underdevelopment in their own countries. This both makes the US wealthier and attractive as an immigration magnet. It also makes the West in general wealthier and more attractive as an immigration magnet.

So Target America. The US is the linchpin of the international system. De-fang it and things can change fundamentally.


So I stay out of jail, I stay not dead... a TALL order if you ask ME - but they assure me this will be the case...

I put the fuck n' suck together... we get into the Rockies. Soon a bunch of anarchists effectively do to the US what FARC did to Colombia: we de facto control much of US territory with this mass public fucking in the wilderness. Jake Sullivan said we'd need 30,000 guerrillas... I dunno but there will be people there. People will abandon the bullshit lifestyle for the fuck n' suck lifestyle. In any event, regardless of how pervasive the effects here, it will do enough damage to America's economic standing to cause the dollar to lose its reserve currency status and lead to large amounts of inflation in the US. This will mean a less attractive US to migrate to or stay in as Third World countries can more easily develop and we become poorer.

So there's a migration stopper.


You've suddenly got this new society in America making waves. This fuck n' suck, this throwback to the 60s on steroids. The question then for the emerging world is whether they want to adopt the fuck n' suck model or this bourgeois, bullshit society model that has just failed in the US. Either way the West gets less migration. Either they adopt the fuck n' suck themselves and thus take to a more scaled back style of existence in societies more prone to development and thus less likely to have outmigration or they just have less reason to move to the West because we're no longer such an attractive target.

For more conservative societies they will try to resist the fuck n' suck. Iran being a notable example. They think basically ANYTHING is better than the United States, including Lucifer, mass public copulation, etc., but they still believe Islam is the answer. In any case these types won't be coming here anymore - or at least not nearly as much - as there will no longer be any compelling economic reason to.

Now on overpopulation:

You can't 'fix' problems by nuking everything. They had to even explain that to me. But mass public fucking does not necessarily lead to more people. At this point the real issue is Africa. They are growing a lot in population at least in part due to them being first wave economically. That is largely agricultural. In other words they need hands to work the farm. If they transition to the fuck n' suck of mass casual sex in the streets it'll tend to encourage the introduction of birth control which their conservative mores have so far mostly disfavored. If you go from very conservative to Sadean that's going to involve other things in the package deal. And at any rate for reasons I've already articulated above Africans will be less likely to move in with us.

A big issue - one I won't dwell on here - is overconsumption. Fossil fuels, everything. You really can't fix overpopulation immediately. Africa's population boost in the next 25 years is basically baked in the cake... but you can begin to mitigate its ill effects with 'my' program. 'My' program addresses about 80% of the worst problems. But stopping exploding population cold immediately isn't something it does, nor can it be done unless you welcome Dr. Strangelove type options. To do that you might as well give up.

For that matter you have little hope at all. Except to hope I really am talking to the devil and the other guy in the red suit in the Kremlin...

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 21:28:13 ago (+1/-0)

The post-WW2 global order is basically a US shakedown operation.

They're using the US to do that, yes.

I put the fuck n' suck together... we get into the Rockies. Soon a bunch of anarchists effectively do to the US what FARC did to Colombia:

Chucks F&S isn't going to fly. The Bagwan was able to pull it off because of the times, his charisma, and his facilities. - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh addresses democracy: "The people are retarded."

I knew a couple of the orange people, and orange people were on the streets everyday. You'd need a huge compound with facilities and enforcers (the Bagwan had machine gun squads) to pull off another F&S cult, plus some kind of political leverage. A religion or cause to join in the first place would be necessary too.

A big issue - one I won't dwell on here - is overconsumption.

Overconsumption is one of the primary detriments of overpopulation, as well as basic overcrowding. Mammals need sufficient territory. Look at the insanity of citydwellers to see what happens. Competing for the top spot is the proliferation of parasites when the number of hosts balloons. jews are behind overpopulation. The third spot on my anti-overpopulation list is the technology overpopulation makes possible.

For that matter you have little hope at all.

Unless we can go back in time, there's no reversing what we've done to our environment and ourselves to date. Pretty much leaves a reset as the only cure.

Except to hope I really am talking to the devil and the other guy in the red suit in the Kremlin...


The Russians are not coming to save us.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 1 weekApr 23, 2024 22:13:52 ago (+1/-1)

A compound just gets you surrounded. It's 90s Waco ideology. The 80s and 90s are full of cases of anti-government types getting sieged by the police that way.


If there is one thing that is clear in this - it is that being a stationary target won't work. Unless your aim is to actually get along with bullshit society rather than separate from or replace it.

A lot of this is reliant on secret technology though. And I'm not of the opinion you are open enough to the possibilities there to really be open to discovering what is going on. It's not so much that Putin wants to save us... it's more like US weapons development threatens everyone, including Russia. There was a very specific reason I was put in this position having to do with the US AI system being as few as five years from killing off a/o torturing humanity. Russia's own AI system empowered me to head this off and dial it all back. I'm not the average bear. Or even guru.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 1 weekApr 23, 2024 22:49:46 ago (+1/-0)

Heh, they got raided before I was able to visit and check them out. They had a nice intro packet they sent out. As a person with White male boomer privilege, I survived some stuff that would curl an after-boomers hair.

And I'm not of the opinion you are open enough to the possibilities there to really be open to discovering what is going on.

I've actually been able to read for quite some time. But I was young once too so I sympathize. Bro, it wasn't just a matter of luck that I arrived on time for the party.