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8 comments block

[ - ] vol09877 0 points 5 monthsApr 22, 2024 09:58:22 ago (+1/-1)

good, fuck those little muslim shits, the only good thing jews do is to kill muslims, and viceversa

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 5 monthsApr 22, 2024 06:05:22 ago (+1/-0)

I like how this plays with the liberal media victims, what we call voters.

That john lennon song loop in their head about how everyone admires them is starting to wear thin, along with the idea that they ever did anything except follow follow follow, no matter where it led.

They'll just pop in some other brain dead puppet of the luciferian jews

[ - ] King_Leopold_II 2 points 5 monthsApr 21, 2024 23:26:54 ago (+2/-0)

They could use chem and bio weapons and get away with it at this point.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 5 monthsApr 23, 2024 12:12:10 ago (+1/-0)

They control the banks and the US government, no one is left that could stop them. I wonder how much tax payer money was given to israel today alone.

[ - ] King_Leopold_II 0 points 5 monthsApr 23, 2024 16:36:06 ago (+0/-0)

1 penny is too much.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 4 monthsApr 23, 2024 23:29:42 ago (+1/-0)

Knowing our current elected officials and israel they likely traded in children.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 3 points 5 monthsApr 21, 2024 22:28:23 ago (+3/-0)

any politician who sides with israel should be fired. israel is a rabid dog and at some point will be put down. zionism should be illegal. judaism should be illegal.

[ - ] King_Leopold_II 5 points 5 monthsApr 21, 2024 23:25:39 ago (+5/-0)

any politician who sides with israel should be executed.

I got you bro.