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3 comments block

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 2 points 5 monthsApr 18, 2024 20:31:15 ago (+2/-0)

From the video description:

O'Block, a neighborhood within Chicago's South Side, holds a complex tapestry of narratives, blending a mix of community resilience, cultural richness, and challenges. Recognized for its significance in hip-hop culture, O'Block gained widespread attention through the music of artists like Chief Keef. However, beyond its musical associations, it's a neighborhood deeply affected by safety issues and socioeconomic disparities, facing struggles and striving for positive change amidst its vibrant community spirit. The area's history, marked by both hardship and cultural dynamism, contributes to its multifaceted identity within the broader context of Chicago's diverse neighborhoods.

You have to be kidding me. You want us to watch this liberal trash? We already know niggers can't behave themselves and every place they live goes to slums and violence.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 0 points 5 monthsApr 18, 2024 21:07:36 ago (+0/-0)

Hip hop isn't music and industry-manufactured niggers aren't "artists" either.

[ - ] 2Drunk 0 points 5 monthsApr 18, 2024 21:47:26 ago (+0/-0)

I want to throw things at niggers. Molotov cocktails, axes, various exploding things