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13 comments block

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -3 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:07:59 ago (+0/-3)

It is also plain that bots are being used to upvote posts attacking me. You almost have to be a moron not to notice how blatant this is.

[ - ] beece 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 22:26:11 ago (+1/-0)

See, I just downvoated that comment. It's not bots. See how you are? :-)

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:21:58 ago (+2/-1)

Thanks for confirming you are low IQ.
Do you honestly think anyone in the world gives a crap about anyone on this site enough to put the effort into an up vote/down vote bot?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -2 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:23:45 ago (+0/-2)

You clearly don't know anything about the FBI.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 2 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:22:22 ago (+2/-0)

Cope harder, kike. Your lies and propaganda will never be truth. Your feelings will never
be truth.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:29:52 ago (+0/-1)

The arguments I don't even worry about. Those are easy. Mostly they just waste my time. The same BS. Over and over. Jo0z, jo0z, jo0z!

But a real question is how organic this all is. I am willing to believe I am hated by morons, assholes, and misanthropes that hate people generally though. But I fail to see how I am nearly as disagreeable as the usual suspects claim I am. It's bullshit. I'm actually a pretty nice guy. And I'm smart. That could be the source of some resentment though. Because I definitely am smarter than most of you - and competitive, egocentric males don't like to be shown up.

Not really my problem though. What is my problem is a blatantly fake voting system.

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:37:58 ago (+1/-0)

/run bot_apology.exe

30 minutes late to downvoat this. Sorry.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 2 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 20:14:09 ago (+2/-0)

Words are hollow, deeds are deafening...people are judged by their words, whether spoken or written, that judgement is the suspected formation of character if one's deeds are invisible to the people...one's image is determined by one's choice of words...maybe you have been misinterpretated/miscategorized here but that's YOUR FAULT and it's all due to YOUR CHOICE OF WORDS AND TOPICS...it could be that you just don't know how to relay your thoughts in a way that is conducive to the natural perceptions of ethical/moral reality...eg...topics of degenerate substance and warped delusion.
Maybe you should learn to express yourself in a manner that coincides with the logic and reality that most here are connected with...ie only 2 genders, paedophiles deserve death and torture, women and children were/are inherently sacrosanct and we must return to the times when they were rather than the spoiled materialistc demons they are today thnx to jewish influence, and, also, being consistent in your position helps biggly, nobody wants to guess as to where an OP's perspective is going to be when it's expected that everyone is on the same page...you seem to be a different book all the time.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 20:47:14 ago (+2/-0)

You dismiss "j00z" but the three biggest social control schemes in history (christianity, islam, and communism) were all created by jews and they ran a whole network of child sex trafficking rings to sexually blackmail the people who supposedly run our country.

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 21:07:43 ago (+3/-0)

No. You are unpopular and hated.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 21:16:25 ago (+0/-1)

Another FBI account on the thread doesn't change my mind. Thanks.

[ - ] beece 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 22:25:07 ago (+1/-0)

Ist - I don't "hate" you. I suspect that you're likely getting paid by the .gov to do a job and that's what you do.

Next, I only downvoat your glaring bullshit, which most of your posts are not, so you only get a few downvoats from me. You also get a few upvoats on occasion as well. Saying that Putin talks to you for @ 10 hours a day or saying you're setting up a fuck and suck camp doesn't get an upvoat or down. It's ignored, as is most of your other bullshit.

It's not bots, it's real people giving you downvoats, many remember your earlier constant porn posting.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 1 point 1 monthApr 19, 2024 12:16:58 ago (+1/-0)

I was understating how much Putin talks to me if anything. It is probably more like at least 12 hours per day. There is a lot of downtime during the day depending on what I am doing. He doesn't sleep much and builds his whole day around me mostly. If you wanted to disprove this you could go about trying to regularly prove he isn't in Moscow. Because he mostly just sits in his Kremlin office the last 6 plus months.

You're weird. You can't go on accusing me of being a FBI agent for over a year, with one thread touting this conspiracy theory getting over 50 upvotes, at least in theory substantiating that it is plausible - and then rule out out of hand that I'm a revolutionary agent of an adversarial foreign government. It's ridiculous. If you guys want to give credence to the glownigger narrative - you have to go all in. A lot of things are possible.

Now, what is actually true is that YOU are the fed. And as such have an interest in denying me the credibility that comes with having the kind of backing I have. It's not going to help the US government one iota in the long run. This is a stall tactic. All you guys have left is trying to slow me down, hope my current trajectory can be stopped somehow.