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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 5 monthsApr 11, 2024 20:09:06 ago (+2/-1)     (HDLunited)

I'm too burned out to elaborate but I have to get this in.
Last year while on a project in downtown Toronto I got into a conversation with the mechanic pertaining to the geopolitical world, more specifically, as to expound on this part of our conversation, ISLAM.

I've always had a disdain for islam, the only good muslim is one that is in the later stages of decomposition, case closed. I learned something from our mechanic that I maybe should have known or maybe I just didn't (want) to acknowledge the facts that I did know, facts that I argued with my father about and know now that he was right ( and I fucking want to kick my ass now that he's gone and I can't tell him that he was right). But the mechanic was from Northern Turkey and he was White, his wife was from Serbia and was a good looking White girl, and incidentally, his older brother owns the Demag Terex crane dealership for the Baku/Caspian region he loaned his brother to Canadian dealerships to assist in advanced technical trouble shooting issues, and he was good at wrenching,but the mechanic told me when he introduced himself that he was a muslim, but a cultural muslim, cultural islam, and not an IDEOLOGICAL MUSLIM. Those words had a loud ring to them. And then proceeds with his hate for ideological islam ie the muslim brotherhood, the
Wahabists, the Salifists, Sunni, Shia and then Erdogan.

Now the end of this post. And this is what he told me.
Erdogan is controlled by Israel and HAMAS IS TWO FACTIONS, IDEOLOGICAL & CULTURAL. Ideological islam is the DONMEH JEW...CULTURAL ISLAM is the liberation movement that HAMAS had originally intended it to be. The muslim brotherhood is jewed and is the big problem with the "ISLAMIC TERRORIST FACADE", the media darling that keeps the world in fear and perpetuates absurdities like climate change and tranny fag rights, an evil narrative introduced by an evil (((entity))). The HAMAS liberation faction is actually open to Christians, Pagans and Seculars of all type and that is what has divided HAMAS...the cultural muslims hate israel and the khazar jews, along with the other muslim (DONMEH) jews. And that makes sense.

Now I'm on my 3rd playback of today's DURAN episode with Alex Mercouris and two facinating guests who are discussing pretty much what this mechanic was telling me.
I'm fucking impressed.

Israel controls ideological islam...period. Just as a point of interest, there's a grocery chain in Toronto named RABBA FOODS and they're Palestinians, and for certain reasons I won't get into any of my conversations with them...BUT...they are good decent people who know exactly where the world's problems are centered and maintained...and their stores are imaculate, produce and fruits are fresh and everything is top grade, fish chicken beef pork and mutten and baked goods, very clean and approachable people who do not like who is causing all of our problems today.

In closing...America, Great Britain and Israel/Palestine were defeated from within...and there's no doubt about it, we are defeated. The only way to revive the Western Empire is to totally annihilate what is left ( including the left) of the Western 1st world. We have to start all over and I'm talking about a ruthless rebuilding without compassion or tolerance for and understanding of anything abnormal.

6 comments block

[ - ] JosephGoebbels 0 points 5 monthsApr 11, 2024 20:10:46 ago (+0/-0)

Weren't you syrazie's ex?

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 5 monthsApr 11, 2024 21:18:40 ago (+0/-0)

ME???...I'm nobody.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 5 monthsApr 11, 2024 20:23:58 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 5 monthsApr 11, 2024 21:17:02 ago (+0/-0)

Negative...I know of the Panama papers, not in detail but they're no different than the papers on many world government (leaders)...who does anyone think that they're going to side with that hasn't exploited their position of power?...it's inevitable and a fact of life that those in power are going to "capitalize"...BUT...the difference with Putin is that at least he transformed Russia from the (((BOLSHEVIK))) gulag nightmare of the (((lenin trotsky stalin))) soviet era to a system that gave the Slavic Russian people a far more superior standard of living than we in the West have had taken from us.
First off I'm of Russian Slavic roots with family in both Russia and Ukraine including this fucking war...I know what the geopolitical world holds for us and I know that there's fuck all that I can do to change it, I also know that I want nothing to do with the venomous vipers of democracy who've obstructed my path for the last half century, people in Russia are far more better off under Putin than we are here in the "free west"...most all information is owned and disseminated by the jew, I also know that Vladimir Putin has really put a knife deep into the throat of the "ABRONAVICH" and (((tbey))) hate him for it...I personally know a few guys who've been under contract in Russia on large mega projects and they were treated well and payed everything that was negotiated, they had only good things to say about their 6 months to 1.5 years in Russia, except that Siberia is desolate and cold...I've stated here many times..."Я поддерживаю Владимира Путина"...I stand with Vladimir Putin.
And I am firm in my position.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 5 monthsApr 12, 2024 09:36:02 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 1 point 5 monthsApr 12, 2024 16:11:13 ago (+1/-0)

No problem...Im glad that you took the time to at least read the bit that I stated