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Electric Skies [1:58]

submitted by Jimmycrackerson to AI_Music 2 monthsApr 9, 2024 00:10:11 ago (+1/-0)     (app.suno.ai)


*I got this one from 4chan

Atmospheric rap

Verse 1:
Gas the kites, set them free
Watch them fly, up in the breeze
But as they soar, they bring a fear
For they hold a power, that's not so clear

Gas the kites, kill the juice
We must stop, this deadly use
For though they're pretty, in the sky
They hold a danger, we can't deny

Verse 2:
Boomers vote, with strings in hand
Not knowing the harm, they could command
But when the juice runs out, and the kite falls
It's then we see, the true cost of it all

Gas the kites, kill the juice
We must stop, this deadly use
For though they're pretty, in the sky
They hold a danger, we can't deny

We must find a way, to keep them away
Our homeland, is our rightful place
But we must also, protect our race
From the dangers, of a kite's command

Gas the kites, kill the juice
We must stop, this deadly use
For though they're pretty, in the sky
They hold a danger, we can't deny

So let's find a balance, between the two
For the kites to die, and the juice to be abused
But never forget, the power they hold
Gas the kites, kill the juice, let the story unfold.

1 comments block

[ - ] Sleazy 1 point 2 monthsApr 9, 2024 01:05:01 ago (+1/-0)
