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Going from lurking to posting, also a rant

submitted by hylo to introductions 1 monthApr 5, 2024 17:16:31 ago (+12/-2)     (introductions)

I've been lurking for a long time, I don't even know how long it has been. I used to be an avid reddit user and really started hating the site right back around when they banned r/Coontown and all the other fun subreddits. Anyway, I don't want to make this about fucking reddit. It's not even a shadow of what it used to be, now it's full of zogbots and pussy ass faggots and queers. I know Voat got started as an alternative back around then and I've been reading since.

Anyway since I can't bitch about the jews there I am going to do it here. I'm not from the US, you see, my parents were illegals but I came here legally once they finally got their papers. Yeah I know some of you already hate me already for that but fuck you I don't give a shit, at least I lived in another country enough to expand my horizons and it's not like you're doing jack shit here anyway. I bet most of you don't even try to contact your reps to at least give some opposition to all the shit they're doing. I never voted D, but lately voting R is also a waste of fucking time because they answer to the dollar, and who has lots of that? You know it...

But I'm pretty much with you guys, for the most part, excluding the obvious tards and idiots on here. Us Eastern Europeans have known about the Jew longer than this country has existed. We hate gypsies too because for the most part they are degenerate fucking people but they aren't as bad as the niggers you got here in the states.

But the fucking Jew. I tolerated them before and was like they contributed a lot to things, but ever since this Palestine shit after they have killed 30k+ civilians I am furious. Fuck these fucking rat jew fucks and fuck all of their apologists and supporters. I don't give a shit if they are pro Palestine or whatever the fuck, until they renounce their downright evil religion I don't believe a word. Look at Brother Nathaniel as an example. Does the flag of Israel not have the star of David on it? It's literally THE jew country, their escape from the bad deeds they do in every country they undermine, and every act and deed of that country reflects on all jews.

Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself. Does a murdering rapist that invades your home have the right to defend themselves? Israel shouldn't even exist at all, let alone that it's a product of imperialism but also is responsible for all if not most of the Middle East wars. They drag this country into war every 5 years and idiots (Americans) lap their shit right up on queue. Also, what the fuck is up with circumcision in this country? Are you all pretend jews or something? Ready to convert at a moment's notice? Is it a way to distinguish good Goys from bad Goys when the mass executions start?

What I think about this site - You're flawed but you're miles ahead of the mass murdering fucks in office. Don't get me wrong, I am racist (so fucking what, since when is it a crime to have an OPINION), but I never killed anyone, I don't support genocide against any group of people, even jews despite their propensity for wealth accumulation at any cost. I'm just here for the truth and to be free from censorship. And to each according to their ability.

I also have a message for the employees of any 3 letter agencies that are undoubtedly reading this site to keep an eye on "extremism": Eat shit and die! Also fuck the ADL, fuck the SLPC, fuck Soros, fuck all of you shitheads who think you know better what's good for us, if that is even the real reason and not that you are simple egotistical fucks who lust for power.

32 comments block

[ - ] bobdole9 3 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 18:45:25 ago (+3/-0)

You seem tense.

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 20:02:32 ago (+2/-0)

He's been holding it in since 2015.

[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:38:04 ago (+1/-0)

He's had a bad night...again. Insomnia. So he gets up, like a bad mood bear looking for someone to kick.


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:43:54 ago (+1/-0)

Did he kick me???? How dare he?! Now I'm all a fluster.

[ - ] MaryXmas 3 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 18:59:10 ago (+3/-0)

Why is this marked adult?

[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:43:02 ago (+1/-0)

My thought too but then I had another thought: "click-bait".

[ - ] hylo [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:25:42 ago (+0/-1)

Is this how children talk in your family, degenerate?

[ - ] ProudRebel 3 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:05:00 ago (+3/-0)

Fuck off nigger we're full.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 17:38:03 ago (+3/-1)

"the jews contributed to a lot of things"

I'll stop you right there. No they don't. They subvert and try and get max shekel at all cost. They gatekeep and hold the door open for each other while keeping whites out. They have NOTHING of their own. Just like niggers, everything they "have" came from whites. Funny how jews have no great empires or anything. They can only leech off nation after nation because jews are parasites.

Brother Nathaniel doesn't speak for me or the white race. I like that he's a self hating kike but when shit goes south he will never be in any white circle, at least not smart white peoples circle.

israel has been genociding peoples for thousands of years. Its nothing new. They slit their own throat this time, however.

You come here thinking you're smarter or whatever but you are far behind men like me. You are a johnny-come-lately. But hey, glad you see it. Now fuck off, we're full

[ - ] hylo [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:39:58 ago (+0/-1)

What's your problem with Nathaniel? Not that I love the guy or anything, but he's an ally and I don't know if you've noticed lately there aren't many true red pilled people around. He is a bit crazy but I don't have anything against him. I don't have an issue with someone being born a Jew, as long as they don't act like their stereotype. I think there are plenty of contributors, now I don't have evidence of them cheating to where they got but do you? I don't expect you do. I could throw some names like Richard Feynman and Carl Sagan, and you can tell me how they cheated their way to the top.

Anyway... What do you mean by slit their own throat? You think Israel is not going to be around after this? The lobby will do everything in power including starting a world war to ensure that doesn't happen. No way Israel is going anywhere, Zionists have infiltrated every country worth a damn this side of the globe and US holds Europe by the balls with NATO funding so they are not saying a peep. That would be the day when congress sits on its hands and lets Israel be swallowed by its enemies. No, we're not that lucky.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:42:52 ago (+2/-0)

A jew an ally? wow. You are very naive. israel does not have a future. Remember that I told you this. and jews will become public enemy #1 the world over at a specific point in time that is near. If you allow filth into your circle then you will wind up exactly as all have who did before you. You never learn.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 20:18:31 ago (+2/-0)

Holy shit faggot, wall of text.


[ - ] hylo [op] 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:19:17 ago (+1/-0)

Get in line and suck my dick along with ProudRebel.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1 monthApr 6, 2024 00:56:24 ago (+0/-0)

Hold the fuck on now! I get it that your widdle feelings might be huwert but throwing me in with ProudRebel is going too far! That guy is a scum sucking nazi racist who eats babies and bangs farm animals.

That was totally uncalled for.

[ - ] hylo [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 18:36:49 ago (+0/-0)

Well you all hate each other but you're all the same to me, a buncha hateful retards hating each other, dying alone, how the kike wants.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 18:43:18 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] CasualObserver -1 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 23:23:07 ago (+0/-1)

Faggot comment checks out.

[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:38:29 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:34:35 ago (+1/-0)

Dude...you sure you're not just looking for a scapegoat in your life? We humans are like that. We tend to want to blame someone/something else for our shortcomings, bad luck, failures etc. Herr Hitler apparently said that if his policy-makers hadn't fixed on the Jew they would have needed to find something else [for the German people to vent their frustration upon].

[ - ] hylo [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 21:49:30 ago (+0/-1)

What does my life have to do with Gaza, Israel and the Jew lobby? Are you circumcised? Are you offended? Are you ashamed?

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 1 monthApr 8, 2024 18:27:45 ago (+0/-0)

Swallow faggott

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 1 monthApr 5, 2024 22:44:14 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] texasblood 0 points 1 monthApr 5, 2024 23:42:38 ago (+0/-0)

Just STFU and go back to your other ALTS(plural) faggott

[ - ] hylo [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 8, 2024 16:32:07 ago (+0/-1)

If I had alts they would, like me, be telling you to go fuck yourself, illegal tolerating brokeback mountain cowboy faggot. Go sweat outside and smell some more cow ass.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 1 monthApr 6, 2024 00:46:50 ago (+0/-0)

Please don't worship the jews, and welcome to the site.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1 monthApr 6, 2024 00:56:51 ago (+0/-0)

Whenever anyone says they aren't racist, I respond, "If aren't racist yet, you will be".
And when I say that, they never get mad. They never disagree. They never argue.
They just go quiet, knowing that I'm right. That they should be, that they will be, racist.

I never killed anyone, I don't support genocide against any group of people,

Not yet. But you will. Trust me. You will.

[ - ] hylo [op] -1 points 1 monthApr 8, 2024 16:27:32 ago (+0/-1)

To willingly kill children and people cowering in fear, wanting nothing more but to exist is not something I would do. I could have been born anyone, Black, Latino, Muslim, whatever and I'm mindful of that. I believe this makes me a better person, because I treat others as I expect to be treated. That makes me a good, safe person to be around. This is why I can look any one of these fuckers in the eye no matter how smart and powerful they are and tell them: You are human shit, I am better than you.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1 monthApr 8, 2024 18:04:05 ago (+0/-0)

That makes me a good, safe person to be around.

Exactly. That's what you are to them.

You are no threat to them. You will not fight back.

They will steal from you, and you will not stop them.
They will rape and murder your family, and you will do nothing more than politely ask them to please stop.
And they know that.
You are nothing more than their docile little pet.

I can look any one of these fuckers in the eye no matter how smart and powerful they are and tell them: You are human shit, I am better than you.

And when you do they will tug on your leash, spit in your face, and you will fall into line. Too frightened to defend yourself.

Yeah, maybe you can defend yourself and your family against a few of them. But not all of them.
And when they come for you and your family, you're on your own.
We won't defend you; we won't help you. Because you won't help us.
Let me make that clear - Because you won't help us.

And they know that.
When they go on the attack, they're going straight for you and your family.
Because they know that if they were to attack me, I'll fight back. And everyone like me will come to my aid.
If they try to fight me, they're picking a fight with all of us.
But you.... if they attack you and your family.... no one is coming to your aid. And of course, you are too much of a coward to fight back.

I could have been born Black, Latino, Muslim, whatever this makes me a better person. I treat others as I expect to be treated.

Say that as everything is stolen from you and your family is being raped and murdered in front of you.
"But...but.... I wouldn't be doing this to you if I was in your shoes." - Do you think saying that is going to stop them?
And afterwards, do you think that bragging about how virtuous you are, how you're holier than thou, that telling yourself that at least no one can call you racist - Do you think that's going to make you feel better?

willingly kill children and people cowering in fear, wanting nothing more but to exist

That's quite the strawman you built there.

My parents would qualify as "the good ones". The non-racists who accept others.
But because they existed, I exist.
If there are people who didn't want me to exist, then they would have had to attack "the good ones". But because they didn't, because the "good ones" were allowed to exist, I exist.

You can call us names like racist, transphobe, or far right extremist. Or call us big bad monsters who are willing to kill innocent wittle cuddly wuddly babies.
It makes no difference. Those words are all the same.

The fact is that we are the ones who are trying to prevent the bad ones from ever coming into existence.
And we can't defend cowards like you. Cowards who are afraid of being called monsters who kill itty bitty babies.
But I can defend and fight for people who are willing to fight for me and my family.

So as you're being robbed of everything you have, and your family is raped and murdered in front of you, remember -
At least no one is calling you a racist, or claiming that you're a big bad meany who would attack cute wittle itty bitty innocent babies.

- And yes, I see the hypocrisy of calling out your strawman and creating my own. But I still stand by it.

[ - ] hylo [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 18:28:44 ago (+0/-0)

Take your medication.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 21:36:22 ago (+0/-0)

Take your medication.

How is saying that any different than calling me a racist or transphobic?

All you can do is attack the messenger, because you can't attack the message. Thank you for admitting I'm right.

[ - ] hylo [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 21:59:48 ago (+0/-0)

Sure bud, you're right. Whatever you say.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1 monthApr 9, 2024 23:19:43 ago (+0/-0)

Sure bud, you're right.

Which part am I right about exactly?

The part where you said, "Take your medication" and "willingly kill children and people cowering in fear, wanting nothing more but to exist" being no different than calling someone racist and a transphobe.

Or attacking the messenger because the message can't be attacked.

Or the fact that the niggers, spics, and muzzies will rob you and rape your family while you cry, *"But...but.... I wouldn't be doing this to you if I was in your shoes."

Or the fact that pretending that you're a holier than thou virtuous non-racist is what will get your family raped and killed.

Or am I right about all of it?