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The WPATH To Hell... | with Mia Hughes #WPATHFiles

submitted by DeusExMachina to whatever 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 22:28:29 ago (+0/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


It took all of 9 minutes for some shitbag doctor to put a fourteen-year-old girl on testosterone, suggest a hysterectomy and mastectomy. This after the undercover actress told to doc that she saw a video of some tranny that had anorexia and since she had anorexia as well she thought she might be transgender too.

Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BjENnaDNL8

I've not watched it because I don't have that kind of time. The most surprising thing to me is that the CBC actually did this investigative report. I'm unfamiliar with the CBC and assumed pretty much all of Canadian media was pozzed to hell. Is this something different from them? Is it possible the tide is finally turning?

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