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Ask your bimbo feminist who she thinks she has power over.

submitted by yesiknow to whatever 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 19:50:31 ago (+5/-0)     (whatever)

It's easy to go on their sites, as Sally from Maine, and innocently ask questions as if you're an empty nothing. They love educating and informing. It's sharing the propaganda and converting. They only repeat exactly what they heard over and over again, so questions are best to break their heads open.

"I'm not sure why I should be a feminist. I can't quite see what's in it it for me"

"What about all those women who say they don't like strangers telling them what to be?"

"Why is it so important to politicians and non profits that I be part of a collective, instead of an individual?

"Where does all the money come from that the feminist non profits get? and why should I work to pay for all those tax write offs? Why do media owners want me to be what they say I should be?"

Speak with hesitancy.

1 comments block

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 20:12:08 ago (+0/-1)

You got mom issues

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 20:25:25 ago (+0/-0)
