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I fought in Vietnam pt.2

submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:21:31 ago (+10/-0)     (AnonWhatever)

I got drafted into the USMC and went to Vietnam where I made a few observations about race: First, the press at that time constantly claimed that blacks bore the brunt of the fighting and dying in Vietnam. I found this to be completely false, starting with my stateside training. During that time I remember only one black out of a total of maybe 80 guys. In Vietnam, I was in a forward position, small artillery. Our unit had maybe four blacks that “lasted.” The corps seems to have a quiet way of dealing with troublesome blacks. Once, a very strange black guy was assigned to our gun, and about two days later one of the crew said somebody had stolen $300. There was no way to prove who did it. Heaven forbid that the USMC would do a search of everybody’s belongings, but a few days later the black guy was transferred out of our unit. This was not the only time something like that happened.

In my observations at the time, front-line positions always seemed to have very few blacks. But if you traveled to the big, secure supply bases (as I often did), the number of blacks was overwhelming. (From what I’ve seen of news reports of Iraq and Afghanistan, whites are still the vast majority of the front-line troops.) But, back to the Nam, every once in a while a black sergeant would accompany me on a supply run and, after we were inside the secured perimeter, we’d see blacks, often by the truckload. They were always very alert to other blacks, even from blocks away, and when they’d see my sergeant, they’d all give the black power salute.

Once, on a run, I found myself with some time to kill, so I found the GI club area. Man, I had forgotten how beautiful women can be! Not what you see out in the bush, but that’s a different story. After a while, I walked around the area, where I came to this terrible, decrepit, scary neighborhood, and I hung out just long enough to see the ugly, dirty prostitutes and their customers, all black GIs. Then it occurred to me, I had not seen any blacks in the previous bars. Of the Vietnamese, only the lowest of the low would have anything to do with the blacks. (Here in America they still have that same caution.)

8 comments block

[ - ] anon 1020879 0 points 5 monthsApr 2, 2024 07:23:55 ago (+0/-0)

Yes , yes the African brain is genetically predetermined to gravitate toward more primal and physically oriented urges that lend short term gratification, but often are deleterious to long term, positive outcomes. For example, awareness of sexually transmitted diseases is not completely lost on the negro, however the mere site of a scantily clad female sex worker over powers their innate instincts for self-preservation, thus short-term gratification wins every time. The concepts of mission, duty, valor, team-oriented brotherhood are present, but only to the degree that allow for organization toward short term and selfish end goals. The jew has mastered the art of taking advantage of these traits to weaponize the negro, as the jew can indeed see the forest through the trees, in terms of larger organizational planning and like the negro, also is selfish in their design, however generally more capable of longer-term thinking. Their selfishness is also self-defeating in the long run, however. Consider the current Kalergi attacks against all western and traditionally Caucasian / Christian nation states, with the end goal of stripping sovereignty, prosperity and independence from a traditionally conservative populace that that of a demoralized, broken and helpless society made up of a singular, mocha-colored slave class. An immune response expressing itself as BRICS nations producing alternatives with commerce, crypto currency alternatives producing alternatives to fiat currency controls, internet-based information sharing producing alternatives to centrally controlled propaganda, etc. In the end, the jew will have crossed a bridge too far, as they always have and the world will right its’ course once more, but not before a lot of pain.

[ - ] anon 4950474 1 point 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:30:04 ago (+1/-0)

front-line positions always seemed to have very few blacks

Still true. Combat units, particularly special operations units, were always predominantly White.

But if you traveled to the big, secure supply bases (as I often did), the number of blacks was overwhelming

Also still true.
(you will also notice that the niggers in the rear always have the latest field gear first, the stuff that was supposed to be pushed out to combat units first. I never saw so many of the latest winter boots and gear, or tricked-out M-4's in the field as I would see around the PX at Bagram whenever we had to do a mail/supply run from Ghazni.)

only the lowest of the low would have anything to do with the blacks

Also still true. Even the hajjis wanted nothing to do with niggers.


[ - ] anon 3043094 1 point 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 22:07:28 ago (+1/-0)

thanks for sharing. very interesting.

i was born in '65 so have memories of that era. one vivid memory was when i was five, asking my mother if i had to go to war.

[ - ] anon 5861586 3 points 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:23:33 ago (+3/-0)

Why post anon?

[ - ] anon 8959209 0 points 5 monthsApr 2, 2024 02:05:19 ago (+0/-0)

Why use black instead of nigger?

[ - ] con77 3 points 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:44:52 ago (+3/-0)

Interesting. I've heard this before. The troops doing the fighting are overwhelmingly white.

[ - ] anon 1918711 1 point 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:26:18 ago (+1/-0)

I thought so.

[ - ] anon 2913396 0 points 5 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:46:15 ago (+0/-0)

When you have one independent hearted goat in the flock that will jump the fence repeatedly and won't follow the rules you kill him. Then the sheepish remainder peacefully remains as the master wants.