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47 comments block

[ - ] carnold03 1 point 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 06:32:04 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 1 point 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 00:50:13 ago (+1/-0)

Who would have guessed that men would miss their cocks after having them cut off? Geez that's shocking, no one could have predicted that.

[ - ] canbot 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 23:06:38 ago (+1/-0)

Everyone in the medical industry knows it's a mental illness and is going along with trans propaganda to take advantage of the mentally ill for their own financial and social benefit.

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:43:40 ago (+2/-0)

Transgender females not a real thing it's yiddiocy.

It's a mentally ill male.

That's the word you were looking for.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:40:17 ago (+3/-0)

On my public social page, I got LIT UP, for suggesting they just be gay instead of being a mutilated science project.

It was a psychotic dogpiling attack over a very useful suggestion.

So I have absolutely no guilt in saying to this story, good.

[ - ] canbot 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 23:08:09 ago (+1/-0)

Perhaps you should link us to that page so we can set them straight.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:52:24 ago (+0/-0)

At least you know where all the pedos hang out Now.

[ - ] didyouknow 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:32:45 ago (+2/-0)

This is how nature corrects itself.

[ - ] green_man 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:26:30 ago (+3/-0)

These numbers seem way off, overall suicide risk for troons before mutilation ritual was 1.5% and 3.3% after. Seems extremely low to me.

[ - ] TheYiddler 3 points 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 01:49:38 ago (+3/-0)

Maybe that's per year. Ten years at 3.3% adds up.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 5 monthsMar 27, 2024 14:48:55 ago (+0/-0)

Compounding interest n sheeit

[ - ] Shotinthedark2 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:12:12 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Nosferatjew 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:02:32 ago (+1/-0)


Rookie numbers.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 16:07:30 ago (+2/-0)

I had trouble understanding your post title because I didn't understand what Vigilant News meant by "transgender females". They actually mean mutilated men suicide after their surgeries.

[ - ] Cunt 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:07:13 ago (+2/-0)

Same at first. What always helps me is replacing trans with "fake" or "pretend".

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 16:04:17 ago (+4/-0)

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:08:05 ago (+1/-0)

I would really like to know how stats are for female to male, suddenly losing all your validation and being told to fuck off must be crushing, but there are way too few of them to have relevant numbers.

[ - ] Cunt 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:03:32 ago (+0/-0)

It was listed in the article as the same before and after (0.8), because they never became a man in reality so they don't have the guts to execute a successful suicide. Most FTM trannies are just trying to become invisible and unfuckable/unrapeable so I imagine they would be satisfied with surgery.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 19:04:09 ago (+1/-0)

Lol by becoming a "man" you become unfuckable (at least compared to what they are used to as anyone who trones out very unlikely is in the top 5% women go for these days)

[ - ] NeedleStack 6 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:05:29 ago (+6/-0)

I'm OK with this.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:00:28 ago (+2/-0)

be somewhat suicidal
uncomfortable in your body
rejected by the opposite sex
told you have body dismorphia
decide to chop of your dick
have ax wound that smells like shit
must painfully dilate every day
no sex drive

How would anyone believe that this wouldn't happen?

[ - ] HeavyBrain 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:14:29 ago (+2/-0)

Its even more funny when you know that the "doctors" never tell the tranny different and lie to it by say "oh no problem is reversable" (at lest when kids start hormone, but there have been cases when a teen girl yeeted her tits then regreted it and asked the doc how long it would take for them to grow back)

[ - ] BulletStopper 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 14:55:28 ago (+3/-0)*

Might also have something to do with the increased number of the mentally ill who's psychosis is being catered to instead of being treated.
faggots are generally more suicidal anyway, so if you increase the number of untreated...

Reality intrudes again. It always does. "No matter where you go, there you are."

[ - ] Prairie 6 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 14:08:05 ago (+6/-0)

That is, the people desperate enough for that are also the most fucked up. Who'd have thought?

[ - ] WNwoman 16 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 14:00:20 ago (+16/-0)

People want to off themselves after cutting off their sexual organs and then realizing they will never again have a functioning sex life and will have to care for a festering wound for the rest of their lives? Wild!

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 10 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 14:09:52 ago (+10/-0)

I'm convinced srs is suicide light for these freaks. Think about they call their original name their "dead name". Odds are pretty good they wanted to kill themselves before the surgery.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 21 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 13:52:52 ago (+21/-0)


[ - ] calx 8 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 14:48:29 ago (+8/-0)

It's a start!

[ - ] GuyWhite 11 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 13:50:01 ago (+11/-0)

Troons are mentally ill.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 8 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:07:05 ago (+8/-0)

Are fags are mentally ill.

Think about it- you are accepting a life of social scorn, skyrocketing chances of disease, early death, addiction, alcoholism, violence, suicide and you accept that, even celebrate it. Choosing that is mentally ill.

If you accept such a harmful life for yourself your brain is impaired. You choose to harm yourself in such a way, how you feel about others is frightening. That is why so many serial killers are buttfuckers and why there is so much violence and murder among faggots.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 5 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 15:19:07 ago (+5/-0)

Human reproduction is essential for our survival. Faggots are like a parasite seeking to destroy humanity.

That is how mentally ill faggots are.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:45:22 ago (+0/-0)

Faggots +jews are like a parasite seeking to destroy humanity +the mental illness is a side effect of yiddiocy.

[ - ] NoRefunds 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 16:55:12 ago (+3/-0)

Being gay can be cured, I forgot what treatment it was, like adding some seratonin or something made 100% of gay guys tested it on ungay. Also they were all disgusted with their former gay self after.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:01:03 ago (+1/-0)

A lot of buttfuckers are born faggots but a lot of 'straight' men are turned to faggotry. There are techniques to bring out the gay in a heterosexual man but they don't work on men that are truly straight.

A lot of men that consider themselves straight are actually massively gay and I don't use that in the casual sense.

I was in line getting lunch today and there was a grown man (he actually had some grey hair) with a pink lanyard with cartoon pandas or some shit all over it. He also had flowers tattooed all over his faggoty body. I have no idea what he would consider himself but I know he's a faggot. That shit is unacceptable for a straight man.

Modern society is pushing more normal men into becoming buttfuckers.

[ - ] NoRefunds 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:02:24 ago (+2/-0)

Naw dude I'm saying I read a medical study that they were able to chemically turn fags back. They were proving that there are chemicals being given causing fags. Same with autism and cancer.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:24:43 ago (+1/-0)

I'm not disagreeing, I'm saying there are a whole lot more faggots out there than we think and a lot of people that consider themselves straight are cocksmokers.

[ - ] WNwoman 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 19:08:43 ago (+1/-0)

If you remember, please share. I’m interested. I’ve seen claims on 4chan that ivermectin will cure gayness.

[ - ] bobdole9 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 20:43:59 ago (+2/-0)

Bells are ringing something that faggotry is related to parasites, which is why ivermectin is useful against the faggotry.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 01:46:18 ago (+1/-0)

Parasites are one possible cause, but not the only one.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:48:49 ago (+1/-0)

When you hear more mid life males concerned about their marathon gaming the prior night instead of the marathon fuck fest he had with his wife and shes probably going to have triplets because of it.

We're in trouble.

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 20:45:00 ago (+1/-0)

Ivermectin and testosterone?

[ - ] Irelandlost 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:41:22 ago (+2/-0)

None of those things are really that important in the greater scheme of things though, on a very fundamental level the only important things are survival and reproduction, and the former is only important to accommodate the latter. Life hasn’t survived on this planet cos of avoiding social scorn or even violence, it’s survived and thrived because we are driven, at our most basic level, to “go forth and multiply.” Homosexuality is the ultimate perversion against our most basic instincts because it kills a genetic line that has persisted for billions of years in one fell swoop.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 01:44:37 ago (+1/-0)

Faggotry was an officially recognized mental illness. But (((they))) had to change the dictionary of mental illness because too many kikes are also fags.

[ - ] stillmostlyfriendly 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 22:09:19 ago (+3/-0)

Dumb question: I grew up calling them "tranny". You use the term "troon". (I'm likely a generation older than you.)

Do you use "troon" because "tranny" is now considered a 'slur' or is this something more nuanced, or something completed different?

(Legit request to be educated.)

[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 01:48:40 ago (+2/-0)

Troon works well as a verb: fags troon out. And it needs little explanation. People know what it means.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven 0 points 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 00:54:55 ago (+0/-0)

Good question. Turns out there was an entry made in 2021 in urban dictionary claiming it's a portemanteau of "trans"+"goon" that originated on some forum.

I never really questioned it and it did seem like it came out of nowhere. For some reason I always assumed it had something to do with toons, as in cartoonish. I personally avoid, I think it makes one sound pretty gay.