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Can you all please help to get the term 'foreign occupation government' to become the ubiquitous term in use when ever the US Government is discussed

submitted by Sleazy to AskUpgoat 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 05:40:29 ago (+20/-1)     (AskUpgoat)

It will plant a seed, and a seed planted will sprout

14 comments block

[ - ] MichelleObamasPenis 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 17:41:16 ago (+0/-0)

saying something completely incorrect doesn't really help. foreign, like Fiji for example?

it's ZOG: Zionist occupied government.

As a dupe or servant of The Synagogue of Satan, the OP wants to excuse the actual members of The Synagogue of Satan. good job OP, have some shekels.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:22:32 ago (+1/-0)

Government is a tiny snippet of it, but it's really MjS. (Modern jewish Society)

The whole thing is jewish from top to bottom. Unfortunately, the only known cure is effectively impossible without everyone becoming completely different.

[ - ] Centaurus 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 09:32:31 ago (+2/-0)

The FOG of war.

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 07:03:18 ago (+3/-0)

Ain't ZOG more accurate?

[ - ] Sleazy [op] 2 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 07:26:02 ago (+2/-0)

Not saying it isn't, but ZOG is easier to ignore than 'foreign occupation government'

[ - ] Dingo 0 points 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 10:05:25 ago (+0/-0)

If you change it to "Foreign Influenced Governments". So, we can all agree that FAGs are the problem.

[ - ] Gowithit 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 07:08:46 ago (+3/-0)

A lot of catholics said not my pope when francis took over but they still go to church and tithe.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 3 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 11:54:16 ago (+3/-0)

You mean ZOG?

[ - ] Peleg 4 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 08:35:30 ago (+4/-0)

The foreign occupied government in the USA.

Yeah, I can work that into conversations.

[ - ] Looneyskiproony 1 point 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 16:15:36 ago (+1/-0)

Same here. Cuts to the quick without explaining zog. Zog is like step 4 lol

[ - ] bobdole9 4 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 08:52:58 ago (+4/-0)

Ban dual citizens from public office

Might get the noggin joggin a bit more.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 6 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 08:24:30 ago (+6/-0)

ZOG is the correct term

[ - ] fnbs 0 points 5 monthsMar 25, 2024 12:44:31 ago (+0/-0)*

Normies will never fully grasp what a ZOG is, even if you tell them, at least they somewhat understand what a foreign occupation is

[ - ] Dingo 0 points 5 monthsMar 26, 2024 10:04:08 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, we already have a term. James Mason was publishing stuff about ZOG in the early 1980s ... not that I'd trust that guy now for anything. The point is the term is out there.