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8 in per mile squared

submitted by McNasty to whatever 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 18:21:02 ago (+4/-7)     (whatever)

Here's a picture of the entire city of Chicago from the Michigan shoreline.


Here's an abc57 article talking about the picture.


From the article:

A picture of the Chicago skyline taken almost 60 miles away, is actually a mirage. This is a form of Superior Mirage, superior in this meaning the mirage or image of the skyline is seen above where it's actually located.

The article has to claim this because from where the picture was taken, there should be over 2,000 feet of obstruction caused by the supposed curvature of the earth, but yet we see the entire city of Chicago which has its tallest building, the Willis Tower, standing at 1,729 feet tall.

Every single time I see an image that shows an object that should be hidden beneath a supposed physical horizon caused by the supposed curvature of the globular Earth, I'm told it's a "mirage" or that it's "refraction." It seems like these words are thrown around as if they are magical words that create miracles while preserving this notion that curvature still exists but the lack thereof is only an illusion. I'm going to address this fallacy and prove that mirages and refraction do not create such an illusion.

Let's start with mirages.

The claim in the article is that a "superior mirage" is what's causing the illusion. What's a mirage? It's a reflection. A reflection is the act of light reflecting back. Reflections cause inversion.

Here's an example of a "superior mirage."


Notice the inverted image of the ship above its true position. The ship is reflecting off the atmosphere above it.

Here's an example of an "inferior mirage."


Notice the inverted image of the ship below its true position. The ship is reflecting off the surface below it.

The differences between "superior" and "inferior" are simply the position of the mirage.

Is the article suggesting that the mirage is somehow a projected image above the object's true location and without inversion? Maybe they meant to say "Fata Morgana," a "complex" form of superior mirage visible in a narrow band right above the horizon.

So it's "complex." What makes it so complex? Basically, the only thing complex about it is that it's actually not a mirage at all but a misinterpretation of what really is a "false horizon."

Here's an example of a "false horizon."


Notice the image on the left. It appears to be a ship floating in mid-air. If we were to change the color temperature in the photo, like we see in the image on the right, we can see that it's actually not floating in mid-air but is floating on a section of water that is experiencing a mirage effect. It's caused by a change in the refractive index due to the high temperature near the water and the lower temperature above it. Remember, mirages are reflections. It is reflecting the sky above it, giving the illusion that it itself is part of the sky. So technically, it's just an "inferior mirage" of the sky. Notice where the mirage ends. It's creating a "false horizon." This type of inferior mirage can also be seen on solid surfaces.

Here's an example of an asphalt road experiencing the same type of inferior mirage.


The reality is, there is no such thing as a mirage that can be seen as a non-inverted image projecting above an object's true position. The only examples that exist are provably misinterpreted false horizons.

Now that we've established that the Chicago photo isn't caused by a "mirage," let us take a look at the possibility that refraction's causing the illusion.

What's refraction? Refraction's the process by which light shifts its path as it travels through a material, causing the light to bend. That's what refraction is, but most people misunderstand the effect of refraction.

Here's an example of refraction.


Notice you are viewing the pencil as it exists in two different mediums. From your position you see the top of the pencil surrounded by air as you'd normally see it. As it enters a different medium, water, which acts as a lens that bends light, you see that it magnifies the pencil. A lens has limitations though. When an object's magnified within a lens, the entire image is expanded from the center of the lens outward, cutting off the edges that no longer fit in the lens. Since the pencil isn't directly in the center of the image being magnified, it expands outward, giving the illusion of a broken pencil. Also notice that you cannot see the eraser anymore because the bottom of the image is also cut off when it is magnified.

Here's another example that shows what a pencil would do in 3 different positions.


Notice the image on the far left. The pencil is positioned in the center of the glass. The lens magnifies the image from the center outward. Since the pencil is in the center, it remains in its horizontal position but magnifies, only cutting off the top and bottom slightly. Now notice the image on the far right. The pencil's placed close to the left edge of the lens. Since the lens is magnifying the image from the center of the lens outward, part of the pencil is cut off due to the limitation of the lens not being able to fit the entire image that's now being magnified.

Now that we understand what both reflection and refraction is, and the actual effects they create, let me give you an example of refraction occurring naturally in the atmosphere.


This is called the "Shrinking Mill" because of the refraction that occurs regularly in this area. Notice the object being refracted is magnified at a distance, then reduces in size as it's approached. This effect is no different than holding a magnifying glass out from your face and bringing it closer. You'll notice the closer the magnifying glass is to your face, objects will appear smaller, allowing more room in the lens to see more objects.

Here's a video debunking the globohomo claim that the atmosphere isn't magnifying things.


Here's an example of how refraction would actually prevent you from seeing objects at great distances.


Notice how objects at the bottom of the lens disappear as it magnifies. This is because the apparent horizon acts as the bottom of the lens as it's at the bottom of the medium creating the magnification effect.

This is how refraction works. It doesn't magically project an image of an object above its true position. Not only is it nonsense to say it's refraction that allows one to see an object beyond a supposed physical horizon caused by supposed curvature, it's asinine because refraction would actually do the opposite and hide an image you actually could see if it wasn't being magnified by refraction.

Being able to see the entire city of Chicago from the shoreline of Michigan is due to the atmospheric conditions creating a LACK OF REFRACTION and it's NOT producing a magnifying effect, allowing the bottom of the lens to be viewed as normal. Like taking the water that's causing refraction out of the glass, allowing you to see the pencil as it truly is.

Conclusion: There is no curvature to the earth and any claim that a mirage or refraction can bend light in such a way as to project an image above an object's true position is just false. It simply does not work that way and not a single bit of evidence exists that would suggest otherwise. So if you have the evidence, please present it.

64 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:49:40 ago (+3/-0)*

You didn't take that picture of Chicago. You have no fucking idea about what when into taking and reproducing that picture. It's fake and ghey. Show me a picture over a spance of land. Let's see Dallas buildings from the Rockeys. Bet you can't.

And the ship? Why not keep the camera showing the ship? Let's watch it go over the horizon.

Take the Challenge

Does this sound like you?

Do you hear this much? What's your response?

What about the moon?

And the stars?

Why wouldn't planes just fly in a straight line?

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:58:13 ago (+2/-3)

You didn't take that picture of Chicago.

What's crazy is, You faggots all say the same thing. That's why I have this topic in a note that I can copy and paste. It has all the information you need. The newspiece that involved the picture was about the photographer taking the picture because the photographer believes the world is round and he understood that to be an illusion and thought it was interesting.

These are globe motherfuckers telling you that they took the picture and they tell you where they took the picture from.

It's fake and ghey.

You're just retarded. You didn't even read one thing about it. You're just too far gone.

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:01:39 ago (+4/-1)

No, nigger. You have no idea what went into that picture thar you didn't take.

Go take an actual photo and post it. I'm sure you can find a hill and take a picture of some big city buildings 60 miles away. You won't because you can't.

[ - ] BoozyB 2 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:27:10 ago (+2/-0)*

I have a question.
Why do you work so hard to convince those of us who don't buy what you're selling?
Why do you expend both mental and physical energy on the topic when at the end you have no idea if you've converted one or a thousand?
And, in the end, does it matter?
I think you're wrong, but I'm not inclined to waste any more time on the subject than it took to type this.
I don't care what you believe, and I mean that in the kindest possible way.

[ - ] I_am_baal 3 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:47:15 ago (+3/-0)*

It's essentially a social forum buster technique. The flat earth cult was cultivated so kikes could generate a pool of useful idiots to then throw at online communities that are a harmful to their agenda. They want normies to associate real conspiracies, like how the holocaust didn't happen, with insane fake conspiracies like the flat earth. It's a way of keeping the larger population believing the mainstream narrative for things. It's also a good way of causing a brain drain in whatever forum they hit with this particular attack vector. The cult is designed to create insufferable people that drive away reasonable people. It also ties up people's time and energy that could otherwise be used to dismantle kikery.

[ - ] oyveyo 2 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:11:36 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:15:47 ago (+0/-0)


Flat earth was created by very smart people on 4chan back around 2014, and was a response to holohoax denial.

Holocaust deniers will say that there is no proof that the Holocaust happened. They will say that photographs are not proof of anything. They can be faked or taken out of context.
Witnesses and testimony can be fraudulent. People can lie. And, given this, proving the Holocaust is impossible.

The response was, "well, using those rules, you can't prove the earth is round", and flat earth was born.

Any time someone would post things to suggest the earth was round, 4chan autists would go to work debunking that proof. Pictures are fake and people lie. Doesn't matter how big the required conspiracy theory, all Pictures are fake and all people are liars.

Problem is, unlike the holohoax, you can prove the earth is a globe. These Jonny-come-latelies are just disingenuous fucking nigger who think their smart because they are pushing this like actual smart people tried to do.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:24:51 ago (+2/-3)

Holocaust deniers will say that there is no proof that the Holocaust happened.

Lol. I'm 100% sold that you are full retard.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:29:49 ago (+1/-1)

No. You're simply a disingenuous fucking nigger barfing up 2014 4chan memes that have expired years ago.

[ - ] BoozyB 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 22:12:58 ago (+0/-0)

I know about the motive, and the obfuscation, distraction and irritation.
I was hoping he would answer my questions, but I won't hold my breath.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:18:41 ago (+2/-3)

Yep, such a ridiculous topic. Anyone that denies the Holocaust is an idiot. Can't they see the chimney at Auschwitz? 100% proof. Let alone the hundreds of eyewitness testimony. Those deniers just like to be edgy. They know the Holocaust happened. They just like getting a rise out of people.

You're just another kike pretending like the truth is unworthy of a debate.

[ - ] I_am_baal 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:28:01 ago (+1/-0)

lol. It's one of those things where you have to be pretty retarded to buy into it. I don't care much about debating the most retarded things with the most retarded tards.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:32:35 ago (+2/-3)

have to be pretty retarded to buy into it.

You know nothing about what brought me to my conclusion. You choose to dismiss it. That is a tactic.

[ - ] I_am_baal 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:39:06 ago (+1/-0)

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. To anyone that wants a little relevant info, here's a post I made a while back that easily disproves flattardland mathematically https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=64d8b8a4debc6

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:42:26 ago (+2/-3)

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Lol. You can just ignore me if you want. I didn't make you come here and post a comment.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:41:12 ago (+2/-2)

Why do you work so hard to convince those of us who don't buy what you're selling?

For one, it's not for you. It's also not that hard to research the subject. To me, it's no different than the Holocaust. Heliocentrism is a jewish lie. Any genuine person lurking can see what's going on. My knowledge on the subject is so extensive because I simply challenge everything you faggots say. Over the last couple years of doing this, I've heard every argument you faggots have. I find it hilarious that I can get the JDIF kikes on voat to defend jews like Einstein over white geniuses like Tesla. They are typically trying to push extreme anti-semitism. That's what a limited hangout is.but like I said, it's not for you.

Why do you expend both mental and physical energy on the topic when at the end you have no idea if you've converted one or a thousand?

It's not so much energy. Like I said, I've heard everyone of your arguments for years. Every time I challenge a dumb claim I just save that information in a note. I could write a book. Technically I did.

And, in the end, does it matter?

I think it's a bigger lie than the Holocaust. So yea. They're lying to you about Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was telling you there is free energy. He was right. You are a slave to the jew.... Or, you are the jew.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:58:04 ago (+1/-1)

To me, it's no different than the Holocaust.

See? Proof. You're just barfing up the 4chan debate. Ffs, nigger, it's been almost 10 fuckin' years.

Fine. Holocaust debate rules. No pictures that you didn't take, yourself, and no testimony or opinion from "experts". Your photo is fake.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:00:21 ago (+2/-2)

You're just barfing up the 4chan debate.

Lol. What are you talking about? Do we not deny the Holocaust here? Is that not allowed?

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:04:16 ago (+1/-0)

Oh, ya, play the fucking idiot.

Show me your model of the earth with a scale for distance determination.

Show me a picture of the moon, taken from earth, of any side of the moon other than the one I see.

Why does the tip of south America have extremely short days in the summer and very long days in the winter? Show me a model that explains that.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:08:46 ago (+2/-2)

Stop changing the subject. You know I'm going to post more. You can address it when I post it.

Are you saying the news piece about the photographer that thought he was seeing an amazing rare illusion is a hoax?

[ - ] oyveyo 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:46:23 ago (+0/-0)*

Attention whore.

He knows he's wrong, he gets a kick out of making other people go "wtf"

His threads fill up with people he can argue with, and he is delighted by how stupified and angry he can make people with his flat erf bullshit.

A troll.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:07:12 ago (+2/-2)

Show me how I'm wrong without showing me that reality is a persistent illusion.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:08:53 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:20:22 ago (+2/-3)

You're just spamming nonsense. You're not explaining anything.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:23:59 ago (+2/-0)

There is plenty of explanation in those videos, ya buttplug. I'm simply to lazy to put what he says in great detail into text. Take the Challenge video. Do #1. 3 minutes in and you can refute that video.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:26:46 ago (+2/-2)

Calm down nigger. You're annoying. You're having a mental breakdown responding to every single comment I make to other people.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:28:06 ago (+1/-0)

You're a disingenuous fucking nigger and I can post whatever the fuck I want.

Take the Challenge

Does this sound like you?

Do you hear this much? What's your response?

What about the moon?

And the stars?

Why wouldn't planes just fly in a straight line?

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:31:38 ago (+2/-3)

I already made a n entire post about the two-time dropout jew not a real professor Dave.

Do you want me to just post it here again? I don't get what you want? Just go look at the other posts I made that address all your dumb shit that you keep spamming.

And stop being a toxic user. You can call me a nigger faggot all day But if you're just going to clutter up my inbox with spam, I'm going to block you. And I honestly don't mind calling you a retard sometimes so I would rather not.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:42:20 ago (+1/-0)

I don't want to hear ad hominem attacks. I want you to take the Challenge.

Show me another side of the moon that I don't see every full moon right here in Austin. You can't.

Show me a building that should be over the horizon over a spance of land instead of water. You can't.

Show me a model explains the lengths of days and nights at the height of summer and winter at the southern tip of south America. You can't. To wont.

[ - ] oyveyo 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:09:45 ago (+0/-0)

Reality IS an illusion, but that doean't make the erf flat.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 21:00:11 ago (+2/-2)

It just means that you have faith the Earth is round.

[ - ] oyveyo 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:29:08 ago (+1/-0)*

I'm sold! Where can I get my "flat earthers get laid more" T-shirt?

Data not included: The altitude and position of the camera. How do we know the camera was where it was claimed to be? It could have been taken from a boat that was actually near Chicago. One unverified photo does not make the erf flat.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:46:52 ago (+2/-2)

How do we know the camera was where it was claimed to be?

Lol. It had nothing to do with flat earth when the news did a story on it. It was just a genuine story. The news people weren't aware. They believe the earth is round so they just regurgitated what they were told to say about it. Flat Earthers just called it out. If you're going to dispute the picture you got to take it up with ABC News or whoever it was that published that newspiece. Looked like a local station aired the original piece. They had the details on where it was taken.

It could have been taken from a boat that was actually near Chicago.

The newspiece that had the picture in it was about the photographer taking the picture. They were just a local news station that thought it was interesting because they were being told it was an illusion.

If you want to know about the original newspiece that aired on TV, look it up. I just linked an article about that original newspiece. But the newspiece itself is about the photographer that took the picture.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:56:57 ago (+1/-1)

Why wouldn't ABC just edit a nice picture to go with a story?

Show me the same picture proving how far away it is. ABC doing a specific story doesn't make your bullshit true.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:03:36 ago (+1/-2)

Why wouldn't ABC just edit a nice picture to go with a story?

Just read the story retard. The story isn't about flat Earth. The news believes the earth is round so the photographer thought it was amazing that he was seeing this magical illusion and thought it was newsworthy. Why would they edit out the picture that they thought was a rare illusion?

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:07:00 ago (+1/-1)

Cause it isn't rare. It happens all the fucking time. And he probably thought it was newsworthy because it's a interesting phenomenon that only occurs between to points spaced out by water. Show me buildings that should be beyond the horizon over great distances of land. You can't.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:07:48 ago (+1/-1)

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:13:02 ago (+1/-2)

Make your own gay post debunking all these flat earth claims. You're obviously just trying to change the subject of this post. And I've already addressed multiple of those. You've already been to those posts and cried about it in there.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:21:21 ago (+1/-1)

No, nigger. The subject is that you are pretending to push a bullshit narrative and you're a disingenuous fucking nigger that only needs to spend 30 minutes listening b to someone point shit out to you.

Show me your model of flat earth with a scale for distance.

Show me a side of the moon that I don't see right here in Austin Texas, every full moon.

Show me a building that should be over the horizon, like your picture of Chicago, but over a spance of land instead of water.

Show me a picture of Chicago that YOU took from the shores of MI.

Show me a model that explains why the southern tip of south America experiences long days in the winter and short days in the summer.

You can't. Because the earth is a fucking globe, asshole.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:41:22 ago (+2/-2)

The subject is that you are pretending to push a bullshit narrative

I post facts. I link articles. Give you context to the articles I linked so you understand why I linked the article.

All you do is cry and spam the first thing that popped up on your YouTube algorithm.

I'm very thorough with how I debate. You are just complaining about a picture. A picture that you could easily verify further than I already did if you wanted to.

A genuine debate would go from there. You would look it up and see that it is a genuine news story that had nothing to do with flat Earth. In fact, it was a new story about your claimed illusion.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:43:48 ago (+1/-1)

You don't post shit for "facts" that show a flat earth.

I didn't get this from any search. Other people on this site have posted it. I'm simply bumping it because you are dodging it.

Show me one of the things I've asked for. Youn won't because you can't.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:11:28 ago (+2/-2)

It happens all the fucking time.

That is so my point. Lol. More often than not, we can see past the 8 in per mile squared curvature of the Earth. It does happen all the time. It's rare that you could see that far though. At 60 miles. You see in my post how tall the Willis Tower is right? That's why it was a news worthy piece.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:27:01 ago (+1/-0)

More often than not, we can see past the 8 in per mile squared curvature of the Earth

Great! Show me a picture that YOU took of such a phenomenon. Show me buildings that should be over the horizon from a distance over land, not water. You can't. You won't. You could go outside and do it right now, but you won't.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:43:34 ago (+1/-0)

Flattard regurgitates Michigan photo. Flattard doesn't show you if that photo can be repeated at any time of year. Newsflash: It can't. It's an atmospheric phenomena that depends on specific weather conditions. Flattard cherry picks the single photo.

Meanwhile, flattard ignores half the night sky. Star trails as seen from Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ZMZtq0qfY

Two poles on a spherical Earth, one pole in Flattard Land.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:49:54 ago (+2/-2)

Flattard doesn't show you if that photo can be repeated at any time of year.

Lol. My claim is that the horizon is apparent. It changes from day to day based on humidity. And if you look it up, Chicago residents will testify that there are days that you can see the entire city in days where you can see half of it and days where you don't see it. That is a flat earth. Globe Earth has a physical horizon called the curvature. This would prevent you from seeing Chicago 60 mi away from the shoreline of Michigan.

I could explain the rest of it but I already made a whole post explaining it. It would be kind of dumb just to rewrite the post under this comment.

So if there's something specific in the post that you want to talk about that isn't already addressed in the post, let me know.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:54:24 ago (+0/-1)

It changes from day to day based on humidity. And if you look it up, Chicago residents will testify that there are days that you can see the entire city in days where you can see half of it and days where you don't see it.

Lulz. So changing weather conditions that lead to different views is proof of Flattard Land. Flattard owns himself.

Meanwhile, I don't need the right weather conditions to see half the night sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ZMZtq0qfY

[ - ] McNasty [op] 1 point 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 21:05:35 ago (+2/-1)

So changing weather conditions that lead to different views is proof

Yes. It's reproducible.


I can reproduce the exact effect we observe in reality on a smaller scale.

You're claiming an illusion in which you have no evidence is possible.

And what you're asking was already in the post.

Meanwhile, I don't need the right weather conditions to see half the night sky:

I already made a post about that. If you're going to keep spamming shit I already addressed like that TX faggot then I'm just going to block you also.

I wanted to talk about that subject so much that I made a post about it.

Now I made a post about this.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 21:12:54 ago (+1/-1)

I already made a post about that.

And failed to explain half the night sky. All you had was a parallax cope, which I addressed, and you could not refute.

If you're going to keep spamming shit I already addressed like that TX faggot then I'm just going to block you also.

All you do is regurgitate flattard points, ad nauseam, no matter how many times they have been refuted. Meanwhile, you can't explain half the night sky. Every post you make I will point that out.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 21:18:11 ago (+1/-2)

And failed to explain half the night sky.

We went through this a million times. All the horses can't cross the finish line at the same time. If you want to talk about it a million more then go comment underneath the post about it. We can agree to disagree idk, but if you spam the shit one more time, I'm just blocking you.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 23:43:54 ago (+0/-1)

We went through this a million times. All the horses can't cross the finish line at the same time.

You can keep repeating bullshit, but it's just you mixing up rotation with parallax. Turn your head, everything moves at the same rate.

We can agree to disagree idk, but if you spam the shit one more time, I'm just blocking you.

Oh noes, the flattard will block me! Please, please don't throw me into the briar patch!

Every time you make a new flattard post, I will be there to point out you can't explain half the night sky, flattard.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 1 point 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 03:06:58 ago (+1/-0)

Oh noes, the flattard will block me! Please, please

You're too gay and retarded to find funny or useful at this point. You're going to have to go bleed from your vagina and cry about it to somebody else.

Peace faggot.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 03:11:18 ago (+0/-0)

On noes, I won't get the same old lies and bullshit from the flattard monkey anymore.

Good riddance, 'tard.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:56:50 ago (+2/-2)*

Two poles on a spherical Earth, one pole in Flattard Land.

I'll repost by post from earlier when I addressed everything that you are crying about.

That's all I'm going to do every time you cry about it.

[ - ] dirtywhiteboy 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:19:34 ago (+1/-1)

squares are fake and gay

[ - ] I_am_baal 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 19:25:50 ago (+0/-0)

lol. lmao.

[ - ] RevengeOfNeri -1 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:20:37 ago (+0/-1)

Thats one hell of a lot of nasty projection