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2 comments block

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 20:23:02 ago (+0/-0)

"and where this behavior becomes criminal I will ensure that we act....."

Well good luck homo because nothing you just "charged" them with is and even if there is something you might be able to deem criminal you cannot show intent OR capability. THEY'RE 8TH GRADERS, they don't even have a license, they don't have money or the freedom to do anything they might want to do.

This is just grandstanding, bread and circus type shit.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 1 point 2 monthsMar 19, 2024 23:38:07 ago (+1/-0)

Why is this ALWAYS Assachusetts? Isn't it bad enough that I live in this bastion of liberal diversity and hypocritical assholes who think they're so much smarter than anyone who doesn't have a cow ring thru their nose but every time, every single time it's Assachusetts! I suppose with all the "new americans" I shouldn't be surprised.