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submitted by McNasty to whatever 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 14:46:46 ago (+7/-3)     (whatever)

Is what gets upvotes. But posting what a White man said about a jew....

"Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists."

~ Nikola Tesla

11 comments block

[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 21:22:08 ago (+2/-0)

The theory of relativity has overwhelmingly been confirmed. But I won't call it Einstein's. The theory needs to be applied to make GPS work.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 21:31:09 ago (+0/-2)*

The theory of relativity has overwhelmingly been confirmed.

No it hasn't. I believe Nikola Tesla, one of the most brilliant minds a man can have. Albert Einstein was a jew who never did any work himself. He would literally go around and look at other people's work and try to explain their work in a way that would fit his jew world. The theory you say that is all about confirmed, 95% margin of error called dark matter. I will not, absolutely not, blindly trust some jew. I will always be skeptical. There is nothing anyone on voat can say or do to make me believe that the white man, Nikola Tesla, is dumber than the jew, Albert Einstein. Nothing.

[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 03:18:52 ago (+2/-0)

No one has done the math for how gravity affects its own field. That would eliminate the need for dark matter. We assume gravity decreases at 1/r^2. That only works in flat space. Modify that to fit the warping caused by matter and that only confirms the theory further. Schwarczhild solved his black hole equation for flat space time.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 04:46:24 ago (+1/-2)

That would eliminate the need for dark matter.

Go get your Nobel prize. Dark matter is the best jews could come up with to explain why nothing in the cosmos behaves like their physics explains it should.

We assume gravity decreases at

Not me. I don't assume anything. Gravity is electrostatics. Electrons give objects their weight. For instance, if you remove electrons from your own body, maybe by rubbing a balloon on your head, your hair will stand up because You have rubbed the electrons off of your hair, it's made up of atoms that have little room for electrons. Like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, the rest of your body has atoms that consist of more electrons at their neutral state. Like iron and so on. You touch your doorknob and you get a shock from the doorknob because it's connected to the ground. That is electrons entering your body and weighing you back down.

This is how the old zeppelins worked. The Hindenburg was a hoax. They blew it up on purpose and pushed propaganda that they were dangerous. They were the most efficient way to travel. They were like luxury cruise ships in the air.

The thing about electrostatics is, we know what it does. We know that it's an attractive force that has to do with electrical charge. We know that all matter has electrical charge. We know that the earth is a big magnet. Yet you're going to ignore it when we're trying to figure out why we stick to the Earth?

You're talking about "how gravity affects its own field" When relativity can't even define what gravity is.

Before you start doing this, you would have to explain to me what gravity is. Why and how is it moving objects? I can tell you exactly why and how electrostatics move objects.

[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 08:07:43 ago (+2/-0)

Your hair stands up because that is the most optimal way to deal with the repulsion force of other negatively or positively charged strands of hair. That happens regardless of the type of net charge.

As for gravity, is a fundamental force. Like electromagnetism, it simply is. We have Newton's law of gravity to describe how it works. But the gravitational constant is one of the least precise constants known because of the problem I mentioned.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -3 points 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 09:28:09 ago (+0/-3)

because that is the most optimal way to deal with the repulsion force of other negatively or positively charged strands of hair.

That's not how electrostatics work at all. Your hair is part of your body. Your entire body shares a charge. When your body gains a positive charge, You will get shocked from something that is grounded because the ground wants to share its charge with your body. The reason why your hair stands up but your body doesn't float is Because the atoms that make up your hair have a lower atomic mass than the other atoms in your body. The atoms in your hair are nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur. When these atoms lose electrons, they become lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen, nitrogen, that are in the air. Atoms in your body like iron can lose electrons but still have a larger atomic mass than oxygen. Therefore, it will still weigh more than oxygen, Even when it loses some electrons.

As for gravity, is a fundamental force.

It's an observation. We observe a downward bias. What causes this downward bias and why does it cause it?

We have Newton's law of gravity to describe how it works.

No. Newtonian's gravity theory cannot coexist with Einstein's theory of relativity. This is an objective fact, even admitted by any prominent supporter of relativity.

Relativity defines gravity as the bending a space time. It tells you which direction an object will go. Never explains why it's going that direction.

But the gravitational constant is one of the least precise constants known because of the problem I mentioned.

No. You seem to think that newtonians gravity can coexist with relativity. Obviously misunderstanding even the jew explanation of metaphysics that they try to pass off as physics.


This is a force that is without a doubt real. I have no idea why everybody ignores this fundamental force of nature because a jew told them space and time was bending.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 10:36:34 ago (+2/-1)

Newton's theory of gravity is an approximation. It is less specific than relativity, but the formulas for movement of planetary bodies is generally good enough. Stop getting caught up in semantics. That is jewish pilpul.

Bending off time and space is a more specific way to describe gravity, but three dimensions is hard enough for most people to grasp. Explaining four or more leaves people with a blank stare.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 14:57:03 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] McNasty [op] -2 points 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 15:18:11 ago (+0/-2)

Newton's theory of gravity is an approximation.

That claims mass attracts mass. The claim that electrostatics is gravity uses atomic mass, which is dependent on the number of electrons an atom has. It's a fairly close approximation because Newton was on the right track. Regardless. Newtonia's theory cannot coexist with relativity. Neither can electrostatic gravity. So if you're going to talk about Newton, I'd say that he was closer to it than Einstein, but he still wasn't quite there.

but the formulas for movement of planetary bodies is generally good enough.

No. Relativity claims that dark matter exists. A matter that has never been observed but only exists to explain relativities shortcomings on predicting the behavior of the cosmos. They told you that matter bends space and time to cause other matter to be directed towards it. When we look at the cosmos and we see matter moving around nothing, they simply said that there is something there. We just can't observe it. Must be there because if it wasn't it would mean relativity is completely wrong.

Bending off time and space is a more specific way to describe gravity

It's literally the definition of gravity in the paradigm of relativity.

Explaining four or more leaves people with a blank stare.

Because it's rubbish. I'll refer you to the quote from Nikola Tesla.

"Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists."

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 3 monthsMar 19, 2024 02:24:18 ago (+1/-0)

Tesla didn't have all of the answers. Einstein was a fraud, but he balked at quantum physics and this attitude resounded with a lot of physicists at the time. "God does not play dice."

Your electro static gravity theory is easy to test. Plasma has no electrons but it still has mass. Items can be charged with extra electrons but this does not increase their mass. Not by a meaningful amount, anyway. CRT screens use electron beams to draw the image. If elections were the primary source of mass then that would be like a firehose in force.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 3 monthsMar 19, 2024 02:31:17 ago (+0/-1)

Tesla didn't have all of the answers.

The last words of Nikola Tesla:

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation” Dec 28, 2021

It's not that he didn't have all the answers, it's just that everybody is too busy ridiculing the truth.

A good example is this place. I made a post about Eratosthenes. If you believe the world is round, fine. But if you're supposed to be someone that sees through the Holocaust hoax, how can you ridicule somebody that brings up the same skepticism about Eratosthenes somehow knowing that all observable reality was an illusion and that his eyes were lying to him and that the earth was round? We never confirmed any of those things were an illusion until we were able to send a rocket into outer space.

An honest person would tell me that I have a good point, maybe the earth is round and someone lied about Eratosthenes. But you people double down and insist that they knew everything they needed to know in the year 240 BC.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 3 monthsMar 19, 2024 02:33:43 ago (+0/-1)

Plasma has no electrons but it still has mass.

It is an electron. It's just an energized electron. All particles are electrons. The neutrons and protons are electrons. During gamma radiation, if a proton turns into a neutron, it expels an electron that isn't vibrating. Want a neutron turns into a proton, it expels a regular old electron. Everything is electrons.