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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to whatever 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 17:30:55 ago (+15/-2)     (whatever)

This Boomer doesn't give a sloppy splash of a wet fuck for the emotional instabilities and imperative inadequacies of ensuing generations intent upon blaming us for everything that's fucked up in the world, including their own spineless disposition and lack of direction.

Our protection of and genuine concern for you was met with ridicule and insolence, you chose to live an unstable life of day to day existence without conscience or foresight as to the consequences resulting from your actions and poor judgment.

Rather than toughen yourselves to the harsh realities of the world you chose to seek out the limited, superficial comfort of a safe space...instead of "standing your ground" you chose to run. Rather than speak against the wrongs being propagated by your teachers in class you chose to not raise your hand and just go with the program instead of asking the teacher to explain the pros and cons of the subject matter you were exposed to.

Somehow the Boomer is to blame for the many failures of our generational successors???
This Boomer sees how those failures have been weaponized against him and that there's no way of unifying with those in possession of such weapons.


55 comments block

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 1 point 2 monthsMar 18, 2024 02:22:34 ago (+1/-0)

@Joe_McCarthy...per to your statement re my "playing cheerleader", I assume in support of @Moravian where I commented on his "rhetorical abilities", it has the earmark of a "squeaky wheel" analogy leaving the impression of being an attention seeker, an aggressively implacable attention seeker constantly in need of praise and adulation, who, despite a history of "unacceptable" ethics and inability to convey a/your convincing theory(ies) through wisdom, wit and experience, you just have to get the last word in...oh yeah, re my cheerleading...IT'S MY FUCKING POST AND I'LL COMMENT ON WHATEVER CONTENT I FEEL IS WORTHY OF COMMENTING ON....one last thing, you're a shit disturber, even when and where there is no conflict you will find a way to rectify that and instigate a shit toss...it's pretty much apparent that you would conspire against your host group in times of good relations and then join with outsiders who want to disrupt good relations.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 2 monthsMar 18, 2024 12:12:39 ago (+0/-0)

By "host group" I assume you to mean you are accusing me of being Jewish?

I'm not. But that's boring. So I'll just note as I long have that Jew obsessives don't make sense and waste time on nonsense. It is an involved enough topic too that it is tailor made for use as a weapon to waste time as a distraction.

I'll also say that these debates, such as they even occur, could not be easier for me. Typically y'all just respond to my arguments by calling me a Jew. Like you just did. Moravian at least tries. But he is obviously deficient in knowledge. No one can accuse the typical internet Jew namer of being well read. Or even logical. Most of you are fucking morons in fact.

[ - ] Moravian 0 points 2 monthsMar 18, 2024 22:13:00 ago (+0/-0)*

I don't think I'm deficient in knowledge as I come from Europe and have direct knowledge in 3 different languages. I've visited countless historical sights all over central Europe and spoken to many people, including my own family which has lived in the Moravian region of Czech for over 500 years. In fact we were directly effected by jewish nepotism but unfortunately you won't find that story on the internet or in any book so you just don't know. You're knowledge is much, much less than you believe it to be. I don't really have to try with you as your arguments are weak and easily disproved using common sense. In fact they are more so excuses rather than arguments. Even if you remove all the instances of jews being expelled or killed do to religion there are still countless times they were removed or killed for subversion. An argument would be to draw a parallel to this behavior from other groups. For example if it was normal for a very small sub-group of people in a country to try and subvert power there would be many examples besides jews and there simply is not any. It's really not that complicated or very arguable. It's the same with niggers. Everyone trying to make excuses as to why they act the way they do, looking for some outside force and downplaying the destruction they cause and the lives they ruin when it's very simple, they're just acting like niggers do and jews act like jews do. Tell me what is the problem we should be focusing on or noticing? So far you've complained and pointed out multiple times how jews are a distraction so what are they distracting us from?

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 13:27:52 ago (+1/-0)

They were late, and have no idea what they missed. Reality is unforgiving. If they live long enough, maybe a few of them will begin to see what's going on.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 00:50:41 ago (+0/-0)

Why so defensive?

[ - ] purityspiral 3 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:26:19 ago (+3/-0)

My Dad was a boomer.
I miss him.

I think the people most think of is the rich assholes, hrmm.. rich assholes whom appear white... hrmmmm
My dad wasn't one of those, he didn't "allow" anything to occur on a national scale (he was not consulted)
I cannot blame him, but the people I tend to blame, are in his age group, but not his peers.

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 22:18:47 ago (+1/-0)

I don't hate Boomers, but I do really hate useless eaters.

If you're not useless, why argue at all?

[ - ] Crackinjokes 5 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:28:52 ago (+5/-0)

All of you shut the fuck up!

It's the jews!

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:27:31 ago (+3/-1)

Yeah this Boomer hate is just more Jewish division. Mean hell they already got blacks and whites hating each other and the last possible unit of cohesion was young white people with their families their fathers their grandfather's people who actually knew something. And now the Jews seem to be running an operation to get young white people to hate old white people. I'm not sure young white people are thinking too hard about that one cuz I don't know who the hell they think they're allies are going to be are going to be fighting for them cuz it sure isn't going to be the black person and sure isn't going to be the immigrant that's coming in to take their job and kill them in the street. And just about the only people who know how to fight that are left in this country are old white people.

[ - ] purityspiral 2 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:35:00 ago (+2/-0)

I agree with so much of this it may be hard for for me to stay on topic.

Yeah this Boomer hate is just more Jewish division.

The most sinister sort, convince us to hate.... drumroll... shuffles deck... our parents
Gee golly Gens, is that a familiar theme? Destruction of the family unit is required for SMARTOPIA cities.

don't know who the hell they think they're allies are going to be

They dont seem to think they need any. They harbor belief in what they say, a dangerous enterprise.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 18:39:52 ago (+2/-1)*

Boomers put Trump in power and Jew obsession is retarded.

A pox on both your houses.

I saw someone singling out Gen X, a small generation, earlier.

Boy, there are some confused people in these parts. Maybe someday y'all will learn it is all involved and not reducible to a simple bogeyman. In the meantime we can expect the tardposting to continue to be amplified by 'people' that don't even believe it.

See through the noise.


[ - ] Moravian 2 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:51:30 ago (+2/-0)

What jew obsession? It's just simple pattern recognition.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 00:00:18 ago (+0/-1)

Obsession implies an UNREASONABLE preoccupation with something. People here are overly-preoccupied with blaming Jews which is well into comic book territory. Not to say Jews are good or even mostly good, mind. The emphasis on them just doesn't hold up to close scrutiny. The numbers don't hold up. They are mostly bad in fact. But the narrative of them as all powerful controllers is intellectually bankrupt. And at this point we have hostile infiltrators amplifying it to drive out all rational discussion.

The only way I MIGHT be willing to amend my view here is if that old Independent article placing Rothschild wealth in the trillions can be verified. It certainly merits a congressional investigation. I'll say that much.

[ - ] Moravian 2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 00:22:44 ago (+2/-0)

Preoccupation is not always unreasonable, sometimes it's necessary. Close scrutiny of jews absolutely holds up.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 00:37:42 ago (+0/-0)

Not as all powerful controllers it doesn't.


They're more like pests. Civilizational termites.

[ - ] Moravian 2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 03:37:10 ago (+2/-0)

It's not about preoccupation or obsession or hatred. I don't hate anybody. jews hate me and my people. As a smaller scale example it would be ridiculous to notice the pattern of being attacked repeatedly by someone, speaking about it and then someone comes along and says "What's your obsession with this person? Why do you hate them so much? You haven't proven that you were attacked that many times by them, etc.. etc. The evidence of the deeds of jews is undeniable. Whether they are "all powerful" or not is irrelevant.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 13:39:21 ago (+0/-1)*


If you're actually worried about white decline and white betterment an over-fixation on Jews is actually harmful. Because there are other threats. Threats that Judeo-obsessives show a repeated ignorance of. To my mind you guys are neophytes when you're not state agents.

There is also the simple fact of opportunity cost. If you're talking about Jews non-stop you're not talking about other things that need to be talked about. Like, say, solutions. And no, killing Jews isn't the solution. You guys don't have solutions. I have the solution. That alone makes my approach better - putting aside the poverty of your analysis.

[ - ] Moravian 1 point 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 13:55:00 ago (+1/-0)

Sorry but you are incorrect. I am not "you guys". I do not fit into any box. I am not worried about anything. There is no emotion involved. It is pure pattern recognition. Unfortunately you must have a very selective and diluted knowledge of history and therefore you can not see the pattern of jewish nepotism and deeds. There is no over fixation on my part. I'm pointing to the biggest leak and your pointing to the other many small leaks and saying that I am too fixated on the main leak. You are unable to see that the main leak is causing many of the smaller leaks. Does that explain things to you? You are speaking to a polymath not a neophyte.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 13:56:55 ago (+0/-0)


Like Jews getting kicked out of countries 900 years ago by religious fanatics? Who even really cares? This stuff is at best of secondary importance.

[ - ] Moravian 1 point 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 13:59:09 ago (+1/-0)

This is your ignorance to history showing. jews were not kicked out due to their religion.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 1 point 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 14:42:53 ago (+1/-0)

@Moravian knows how to forcefully debate his/her position...definitely skilled in rhetorical arts

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 15:29:32 ago (+0/-1)

I'm not impressed. Just another person obsessed with Jews from what I can see. The same simplistic talking points. No one can compete with me on this subject. Certainly not here.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 16:21:23 ago (+0/-0)

...don't over rate yourself

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 16:51:12 ago (+0/-0)

For whatever reason you decided to play cheerleader here. I only responded with what I think is an accurate response.

I figured out the Jew shit pre-Voat. Used to be obsessively anti-Jewish. In the 2000s. From my perspective you guys are very amateurish.

[ - ] GuyWhite -2 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 18:04:08 ago (+0/-2)

The successors have also stopped going to church. It gets in the way of their narcissism and materialism.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 3 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:23:42 ago (+3/-0)

To be fair, they aren’t missing anything - other than being gaslit by zionist kikesuckers misinterpreting what Jesus said.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 17:52:35 ago (+3/-2)*

doesn't give a sloppy splash
Typical retard, giving boomers more of a bad name

Rather than toughen yourselves to the harsh realities of the world
You preferred to watch younger generations succumb to the same pitfalls you went through and ENJOYED their suffering and watching them decrease their lifespans, you sociopathic moron

You are the kind of person that enjoys sucking dick, yet calls people faggots. Go out and inform people about the Talmud instead of defending your fragile ego.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 18:02:59 ago (+2/-2)

...typical low IQ reply...that "summer breeze" is blowing right through your ears...you never heard of the talmud before the internet

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:22:20 ago (+1/-0)*

I had books in different languages about the Talmud before the interNet, you lazy faggot. Looks like that typical retard brain of yours is making wild assumptions - AGAIN.

Do you speak any other languages? Don’t answer that question, retard.

[ - ] Panic -3 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 21:33:46 ago (+0/-3)

I had books in different languages about the Talmud before the interNet

Internet was everywhere by 1981. And you say you had Talmud books before the Internet? You either went to Temple on your Sabbath or you too are a Boomer. Pick one.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:36:40 ago (+1/-0)

What PC and modem were you running in '81?

[ - ] SumerBreeze -1 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 05:08:26 ago (+0/-1)

Banned European books. You invent the internet, too? I bet you look like Al Gore.

[ - ] Spaceman84 3 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 17:36:21 ago (+5/-2)

Boomers are kikesuckers. The goodest goys. Bunch of shabbos faggots. They get what they deserve.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 17:44:07 ago (+2/-1)

Noted...and go fuck yourself with a wire brush, that's if haven't already

[ - ] iSnark 2 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 17:53:40 ago (+2/-0)

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 18:03:56 ago (+0/-0)

...too skinny

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 18:52:09 ago (+0/-0)

Really, I'm surprised you think that! Babe has curves!

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:17:08 ago (+2/-1)

I just have a preference for women who are built to withstand the "pounding" effects of reality...I dated a chick for 7 years who was a model, a math wiz, a long distance swimmer and could split a chord of wood with an axe in 45 minutes...and load the woodstove...5ft 11in and 135lbs...in my life I've found that light framed women just couldn't keep up to the adventure....I'm not knocking them...better than the "wire brush"

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:34:20 ago (+1/-0)

Oh no, he has full blown dementia. Sad!

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 20:51:34 ago (+1/-1)

No worries.

She sounds like an amazing gal otherwise.

She had some interesting contradictions:

135 lbs -> splits firewood... WOW!
Model -> Math Whiz (Not so common, I don't think.)

That long distance swimming will keep the pounds off, that's for sure.

Ok, I retired the wire brush. She Gone!

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 02:08:06 ago (+2/-0)

@iSnark...one last thing...I could not beat that fucking dame in the water with "front crawl" or "breast stroke" but I could leave her behind with "back stroke" and I could never figure that out but obviously it has something to do with physical design...but long distance was where I out performed her, we were in the Barbados late 89/early 90 and we were doing a 3 mile distance after being dropped into the Atlantic Ocean windward of shore and 2,000ft deep and mild seas, I told her to pace herself and never mind racing to shore, away we go and within a few minutes she's a splash in the distance leaving me behind, a half hr later she's treading on her back and totally winded, when I caught up to her she's in the body float position staring straight up into the sky with her head right back and toes out of the water relaxed and calm, no panic, without turning her head to look at me, because she's exhausted and also she didn't want to disrupt her position, she says, "shut the fuck up before you say it {last name}"...and I let out one of those cartoon character laughs and told her I'd see her at the warf and then I joked about hoping that she had smeared herself with shark repellent, now I get a loud blast of fuck off....one thing about swimming, not only long distance swimming, when you get worn down and tired in the water you're completely drained and you have to rest immediately to recoup energy, keep lungs filled with air and stretch flat out on your back and roll with the waves...in about 15minutes you'll have energy to at least "skull" in the direction of wherever...so basically I left her on her own in a thousand ft of water almost 2 miles from shore and in Hammerhead shark territory and it's 2hrs to sundown, and never once did I have any doubts that she'd be back in time to cook dinner.
I just had to relay this to you.

[ - ] iSnark 2 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 03:14:59 ago (+2/-0)

So, I've got to ask, and "None of your Fucking business" is a reasonable reply. What happened with you guys? She sounds amazing! She sounded like Robin to your Batman, Tonto to your Lone Ranger. It obviously ended somewhere. Maybe a story for another time, or, simply "None of your Fucking business"...

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 17, 2024 14:37:40 ago (+0/-0)

Was with her for 7 years and she was compatible except for the fact that she wanted "marriage and kids", even though I set the ground rules when we started dating that the prospect of marriage and kids was out of the question, my life was not a normal one, it involved too much (among other things), we almost got killed together in 93 (that's a wild story in itself) and in 94 I did offer to marry but no kids and it was eating at her so I had to end it...she's a good memory but that's life. We were in a bar in Barbados watching a hockey game back in 89/90 and that goof Steven Segal (seagull) was there with a buddy and his faggy man bun was obvious and he kept gawking over at her and then I got onto the topic of how to knock somebody out with one good blow and I said it loud enough for him to hear and he did hear me and then looks at me and turns away...fuck I could go on and on but I won't....and that's it.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 23:33:30 ago (+2/-1)

Say again boomer? Your faculties are failing you. Simple sentences are a challenge. Do you have a caretaker? I'm seriously concerned for your safety. I'm worried you're suffering from elder abuse due to your diminished mental acuity.