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63 comments block

[ - ] McNasty 1 point 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 22:33:16 ago (+3/-2)

That hoax is so obvious, but I'm curious how many people here will claim that calling it a hoax is a jewish conspiracy.

[ - ] TheYiddler 7 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 22:55:58 ago (+7/-0)

I won't call it that, but I don't think trying to find the truth of Sandy Hook matters. The correct answer to "How many kids have to die before you give up your guns" is all of them. Even if sandy hook happened, it's no excuse to take guns.

[ - ] McNasty -3 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 23:03:19 ago (+2/-5)

Maybe I would accept your downplay of the situation if your screen name didn't tell me that you are a jew. As a white guy that is aware of the jew, I can say that in real life I have never met a single anti-Semitic person that would talk like a jew or use their lingo. Not even to insult them or to try and be funny. Typically, we think jews are disgusting and not worthy of imitation.

[ - ] TheYiddler 3 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 04:12:23 ago (+3/-0)

I'm not a kike. My name is a reference to the riddler memes.

Only two percent few, but always in view. The media won't say who. It's always a ...?

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:26:47 ago (+0/-1)

is a reference to the riddler memes.

I get it. You took something cool like the Riddler and combined it with Yiddish. So you purposely took something that wasn't jewish then made it jewish and decided that is going to represent you. That's the name you have to look at every time you log in. Like I said, I never personally meant an anti-semite that would be okay with that. So I'm having a hard time believing you're not a kike. You might not be. But as a rule of thumb, I never trust anybody that feels comfortable using jewish words and slang.

[ - ] Peleg 6 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 22:34:56 ago (+7/-1)

I believe that all of the "school shootings" were contrived events orchestrated by the jews to convince useful idiots to vote away the right to bear arms.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 3 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:11:42 ago (+3/-0)

Any real school shootings were committed by blacks and didn't make the news.

[ - ] Peleg 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 08:26:19 ago (+1/-0)

Yep. The only "real" school shootings have been niggers shooting other niggers, usually over retarded things. The only shootings that make the "news" are the fake ones done by the establishment for the purpose of removing guns from the hands of the citizens.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 13 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 22:49:53 ago (+13/-0)

The fact that (((they))) were able to sue Alex Jones for 6 gorillion over it and win, proves your point.

[ - ] McNasty 6 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 23:11:01 ago (+7/-1)

Alex Jones is so outrageous. He'll give you bread crumbs of truth and then scream at the top of his lungs that the CIA is turning frogs gay. This design is meant to establish that when he endorses any kind of truth, it will be dismissed as a crazy conspiracy theory by the masses.

Q is the new Alex Jones. I don't follow Q whatsoever. I don't see any posts talking about Q here on voat. But somebody made a post about DEWs the other day and somebody attacked the op by using term "space lasers" and was making jokes about Qanon. This confused me because I personally haven't heard a thing about Q since the election. To see somebody mention it here on voat as if believing the government has DEWs means you believe Q is legit. I thought that was retarded because DEWs have been well documented for years. Way before Q was ever a thing.

[ - ] NoRefunds 6 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 23:41:17 ago (+6/-0)

My dad had a big ass laser on his ship when he was in the marines in the early 70s. Dews are old as fuck.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 09:09:24 ago (+1/-0)

What is an ass-laser? Does @paul_neri know about this? Especially if it’s a big one.

[ - ] NoRefunds 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 10:34:31 ago (+0/-0)

What is an ass-laser

It has cheeks and a central asshole that it emits light from

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 14:21:10 ago (+0/-0)

You could probably shape it that way. Make two big drums to hold capacitors and shit, and recess the lens in between them.

[ - ] Sleazy 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:01:16 ago (+2/-0)

q did point out a lot of the corruption, with links to prove it

as for the prediction part, whatever, but the facts can not be disputed

[ - ] McNasty 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:30:25 ago (+3/-1)

And that's my point. The breadcrumbs is what gains your confidence and trust. And then the peak of the wave happens, which was the election "two weeks" ordeal or whatever. Now you have those that are so far invested that will continue a blind support. And you have those that might have been paying attention because it was a good source of information but kind of new it would be bullshit in the end, they've moved on and understand that it was counterintelligence. Counterintelligence is all about giving you truth mixed with lies. And they create a group that they can attach truths to. That will automatically be dismissed by other groups that they have designed to dismiss them.

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:01:50 ago (+2/-0)

somebody attacked the op by using term "space lasers"

That was probably Sector2. That guy mocks the Qtards (tew mor weaks!!) like you wouldn't believe, and dismisses the credulous fringe as little more than low IQ puppets of the enemy.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:18:54 ago (+2/-0)

Nice work.

[ - ] McNasty 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:23:28 ago (+2/-1)

That was probably Sector2. That guy mocks the Qtards (tew mor weaks!!) like you wouldn't believe, and dismisses the credulous fringe as little more than low IQ puppets of the enemy.

That's not what I was referring to at all. I don't care if you mock the Qtards. I see it no different than mocking someone that uses Alex Jones as a source. I was pointing out that DEWs have nothing to do with Q and are well a documented even back in 2014 with the iron beam in Israel but people like you try to make connections to disinformation agents like Q Alex Jones as an effort to discredit information.

That's literally how counterintelligence works.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:44:23 ago (+1/-0)

Powerful laser weapons on the ground have access to large sources of energy, and their melted parts are easy to replace.

[ - ] McNasty 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:20:56 ago (+1/-1)

Powerful laser weapons on the ground have access to large sources of energy,

Lol. You're one of those kikes. You're not going to convince me of anything. I was on vacation in a North Carolina beach with my wife back in 2012. We were there with her family. At some point I needed a break from her family so I left the condo to take a walk on the beach. I remember it was around midnight and I was the only one on the beach. I seen six UFOs fly up the coastline from the north like a flying V. They all abruptly stopped, not quite over the top of me but not that far away either. They were still pretty vertical. Then they abruptly scattered. Performing physics that we are told should be impossible. Then all of a sudden they shoot back into the V but are just in one spot not moving. And then in the snap of a finger they shot out over the ocean disappearing at a vanishing point.

I absolutely do not believe in aliens. I believe the government has that technology. Regardless, I saw the technology. I know it exists.

[ - ] oyveyo 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 03:01:17 ago (+2/-0)

I've seen it too. "Impossible" physics.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 02:04:45 ago (+1/-1)

Having never seen an alien or one of their spaceships, I'd probably want some explanation that makes the phenomenon seem more credible than brain hijinks.

Same with DEWs or space lasers. I saw a youtube video with "streaks of light" on the screen, and that has been the extent of what some are calling evidence. What we do have proof of is that people can take a 17 cent lighter or matches out into a dry field and light the grass on fire. Since it hasn't rained in 8 months, that fire keeps burning until it runs out of fuel or is extinguished.

You're not going to convince me of anything.

Have you forgotten? You're the one trying to promote a belief in space lasers being used to burn a path across California for the bullet train. Present a credible argument.

You could even say they're "doing it for the lulz". Just show that space lasers capable of doing that exist in the first place.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:48:22 ago (+2/-0)

This s*** has been in the wide open since the 1990s. There used to be great Yahoo groups called the lifters or people were making all kinds of these including ones that were self-powered and lift off the ground only with the batteries they had on board
This guy is done all kinds of scientific testing and measurements of the different phenomenon.

You can go on YouTube and see simple ones that you can make at home with toothpicks and a little bit of wire and tin foil and a high voltage source. Look for "lifter student projects flying"




If you still don't believe it go get yourself a high voltage power supply and some aluminum foil and a little bit of wire and toothpicks and build one yourself. Thousands of people have done it.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:45:49 ago (+1/-0)

Search the following terms all in one search together. Thomas Townsend brown, electrographics, lifters

[ - ] McNasty 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:39:26 ago (+1/-1)

Having never seen an alien or one of their spaceships,

I ain't ever seen an alien and I have no reason to believe they exist. But the government has a plethora of technology and leak documents. You're just naive if you think the government doesn't have anti-gravity by now. The one guy in the early 1900s made an anti-gravity hoverboard out of beetle wings. I'm sure the government just forgot all about that. It got lost with all the technology that got us to the moon.

Same with DEWs or space lasers.

Space is fake and gay. Remember that Chinese spy balloon? If the Chinese have satellites in outer space, why would they need to spy on the US with a balloon? And if they were spying on the US with a balloon, this would mean that the balloon would normally go undetected. I doubt it was a Chinese balloon. That was just a cover story because one of "their" satellites fell out of the sky. And yes, their satellites are attached to balloons. That's why NASA purchases over 90% of total helium sold every year.

What we do have proof of is that people can take a 17 cent lighter or matches out into a dry field and light the grass on fire.

A blue patio umbrella would not survive next to a fire hot enough to melt metal. It could survive next to a piece of metal that is being melted by a direct energy beam. This is 100% proven to be an ultraviolet direct energy weapon. Just like your UV protected sunglasses. Have a blue tint because blue reflects ultraviolet light, blue roofs, umbrellas, in any other objects that are blue will reflect ultraviolet light. All the other colors absorb it.

You're the one trying to promote a belief in space lasers

Are you fuckin retarded? I've argued with you about flat earth several times. You know that I believe space is fake and gay. There are no lasers in space. There are lasers on satellites which are strapped too large balloons like the Chinese spy balloon.

All lasers use the same exact concept. Every one of them is a DEW to a different degree. That's why there are warnings on lasers. It's too much energy for your eyeballs. If you direct that energy towards somebody's eyeballs, it could injure them. Therefore, it is a direct energy weapon. So you take a laser and scale it up. That's all. I don't know why so many faggots act like it's some kind of elusive futuristic technology.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 12:46:30 ago (+1/-0)

You know that I believe space is fake and gay.

I still got sucked into trying to have a rational debate. Lol, secret technology it is then.

[ - ] Sector2 -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 12:46:31 ago (+0/-1)

You know that I believe space is fake and gay.

I still got sucked into trying to have a rational debate. Lol, secret technology it is then.

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 12:55:25 ago (+0/-1)

secret technology it is

It's not a secret. Young teenage nerds on YouTube are making small scale versions of DEW's all the time. And you're not even enough to think that the government didn't throw billions of dollars at this technology? You're probably right. The CIA would have no interest in a death laser. You want to have it debate about something? You're definitely not having it with me if you're going to tell me that they don't have the technology. Like I said, I saw it with my eyeballs.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:43:40 ago (+2/-0)

Actually the turning frogs gay quote had nothing to do with the CIA and was not outrageous at all which you would know if you were actually paying attention to the show. Are you gay are you particularly sensitive to this issue?

He was referring to a drug which I think was called atramine or something like that that was getting into the water supply and was proven to show that it would turn male frogs into female frogs or frogs that would start humping other males.

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 06:50:56 ago (+1/-2)

was not outrageous at all

It is when you have Alex Jones screaming it at the top of his lungs. Now it's a meme. If you're into conspiracies someone might say, "you probably think the CIA is turning frogs gay, huh?" This means that their understanding of conspiracies comes from Alex Jones and they just put you in the same boat as him. Even if you did talk about the CIA turning frogs gay, they have already made up their mind that you are just as crazy as Alex Jones.

I have no doubt that the CIA has done experiments on how to turn people gay. That is definitely on their agenda. But again, if you try to red pill, anybody about it, they're just going to assume you're as crazy as Alex Jones.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 13:32:55 ago (+1/-0)

the CIA is turning frogs gay

He didn't say the CIA was doing it. Look up atrazine, a widely used herbicide that persists in ground water (and, more pertinently, lakes and streams), and its effect on frogs.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 13:37:14 ago (+0/-2)

He didn't say the CIA was doing it.

That's irrelevant. Meme is the meme. The psychology is already done. Alex Jones is screaming at you that the CIA is turning frogs gay and Hillary eats babies. That's the mean. If somebody views you as a person that uses Alex Jones as a source, they believe you are the kind of person that watches a guy scream that. Whether he actually screams that or not is irrelevant. They believe you watch a guy that does.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 3 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 07:42:34 ago (+3/-0)

He fucked up when he apologized. If those fuckers wanted to get a billion dollars shut him up, they should have had to dig up their kids and test their DNA.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 02:57:13 ago (+1/-0)

They sued themselves. Amazing.

[ - ] GreenSaint 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 07:36:43 ago (+1/-0)

Yea for real. Billions? Lol how the hell could his damages be in the billions. Complete nonsensical. The thing scares me that I’m stupid and yet even I can see their game. So many don’t though. Send me your nudes

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 21:52:00 ago (+1/-0)

Would you like my wife’s nudes, which are mine, or my nudes? I’m old.

[ - ] IsraelRespecter -5 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:20:30 ago (+0/-5)

There are fucking families still there today that you conspiracy nuts can go talk to. Just like their are millions of jewish families that can knock your fucking teeth out for denying their family members deaths.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 4 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:11:03 ago (+4/-0)

Go meet them then.

[ - ] IsraelRespecter -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 20:11:21 ago (+0/-1)

I’m not the denier here. Plenty of videos online of people that have talked to them at their houses.

[ - ] McNasty 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:31:51 ago (+2/-0)

Lol. Glass of juice

[ - ] Fascinus 0 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 23:16:49 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] BulletStopper 10 points 3 monthsMar 13, 2024 23:26:10 ago (+10/-0)*

I found it interesting that, shortly after the so-called, quote, unquote, "Sandy Hook School Shooting" the state of Connecticut made it illegal to release the results of a child's autopsy report, which, up until then, had always been a matter of public record. Seems oddly specific.

So now you couldn't even request any copies of the official autopsy reports of the so-called "victims".

Now why is that I wonder?

Then guess who died?

"...Carver’s death was natural, he said, but the exact cause was not immediately clear."


Question: Why do the same people keep popping up at these "disasters"?



And other places:


[ - ] NoRefunds 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:02:31 ago (+2/-0)

No, it was done 4 days before. They fought for 4 years to get it passed.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 7 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 00:16:35 ago (+7/-0)

Never forget the jew pedo Gene Rosen and never forget that creepy ass jew coroner, oh, and never forget Robbie Parker the kike crisis actors performance. sandy hoax is as big a jewish hoax as the holohoax. The synagogues of satan play tricks on the goyim.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:00:51 ago (+1/-1)

Haven't looked into it in years, and was not fully attuned to the puppet threads at that time, owing to the distractions of Arab Spring; but was aware at that time that the same slave-trade deceptions as surrounded that earthquake in Haiti that linked GHW Bush & Bill Clinton in a massive fundraiser.
Moreover, a week before Hurricane Sandy occurred, further to the east in the Atlantic, a tropical storm grew to a Category 5 hurricane within a day; then it moved north, then east, then south, then east, then dissipated. Knew immediately, that someone was testing Storm Warfare tech. ... Week later, European Weather service says: "There is a tropical storm near Cuba that will strengthen to a Category 5 hurricane, then, in 10 days, will hit New York City at low tide, flooding the subways, yadayadayada.
Whenever really evil cannibalistic troglodytes are going to establish roots in an area, they burn a town down then rebuild it.
San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, & Washington DC, have all been burned to the ground then rebuilt. But most precious city of all to the post-Viking Scandinavian Slave Trade German Jews, was and is New Amsterdam. A town so nice they named it twice & burned it down thrice, counting the hurricane damage repair concentration that put in place much of what has recently been somewhat managed.
It is possible that the draft riots, protesting that Ape Lincoln's illegal Emancipation Proclamation, was among the primary objections in starting the Civil War. The Nigger Abolitionist Republican Party was so successful at piling on the bullshit, that nobody knew or everyone forgot, that it was the White Native Americans east of the Mississippi, then later the Irish, who have been the core of the Slave Trade connected with Mohammedan filth.
So, after Arab Spring, Obama had his Black Muslim connections tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood; and they needed to establish roots. Flood New York, New York (Ivar the Boneless King of Dublin's New Amsterdam).

Significant point in Hurricane Sandy stuff was Chris Christie sucking Obama's dick dry, indicating the Sicilians & Irish mob were behind whatever was going on.

Hurricane Sandy;

Sandy Hook (to show they still had the means to sell children they had the Press pretend had been mass murdered);

And then you have:
Sandy From the Block,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Sandra Goldbergbaumsteinwhatever:
Grew up a wealthy New York Jewish American Princess, emigrated to Mexico, immigrated to America full of gawk-eyed wonder & an uncanny skill of saying just the most specifically retarded things at just the right times.
AOC came later; but is part of the Bernie Sanders Revolution, out of which came Seth Rich, by whom Democrat Party computers were utilized for data going to Wikileaks; and then sent to Ukraine for safe keeping, where White Hat agents gleaned everything they could.

Sandy Hook was a deep cover international law enforcement operation, masquerading as an unspeakable atrocity. Did any children die via slavery? Ask Jamal Khashoggi.

Bored now.






[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 02:36:48 ago (+2/-0)

Whoever downvoted moi is gonna get the skittery trots, then completely shit themself to death, if i come around to giving a living fuck.
It's not like i even care, in the least.
Yet i've been feeling like casting a good ole fashion Death Hex, like back in the day.
Until such hour as we opt to strike: beware.
Keep in mind for how little you died.
What a senseless waste of human life.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 02:39:34 ago (+0/-0)

🐈 💥 💥 💥 💨 #driveby

[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:01:46 ago (+2/-1)

You'd be more likely to convince a vax damaged libtard that the vax is a bio weapon before you'd flip them on Sandy hoax

[ - ] McNasty 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 01:35:18 ago (+3/-1)

Does anybody remember Wolfgang? He was that retired Florida trooper that was assigned a position after the Columbine shootings that would go talk to schools after shootings to figure out ways they can prevent them and implement more safety precautions in other schools. Anyway, Sandy Hook gave him a hard time and he ended up suing them. There's a whole ordeal but the whole town of Newtown Connecticut is like a CIA town or something. I remember there being videos of him trying to get any document that would prove the school was open past 2009 and the school denying him anything. And this is information that they are legally obligated to present if it is FOIA requested.

[ - ] 4thTurning 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 02:35:42 ago (+4/-3)

This is the crap Jews spread to make us look crazy. Like flat earth.

It's nonsense

[ - ] QuestionEverything 2 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 07:44:50 ago (+2/-0)

If you can't address the facts, or the facts make you uncomfortable. The problem is YOU, not the FACTS.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 1 point 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 03:01:03 ago (+1/-0)

There was a lot of school shootings at a time when Obama and the left had a lot of momentum and were really pushing for a chance at stripping back the 2nd amendment. They've died down since. Knowing that, and knowing that a preschool is the best way to cause outrage and hysteria, and was basically their last throw of the dice at it, highly indicates it was arranged. They have zero issue with slaughtering some goy kids for fun let alone for removing a big obstacle in their goal for total domination so I don't see why the kids and families have to be faked, only the ones who speak to the press might be as they know how to deliver their script the best.

[ - ] JewsAintHonkies -1 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 03:39:02 ago (+1/-2)

Jesus fucking Christ, is there anything you don’t blame on Jews?

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 04:01:52 ago (+0/-0)

It's always some one ELSES FAULT.
Women got them punked square thinking they are men with righteous anger like the slave niggers.

[ - ] JewsAintHonkies 0 points 3 monthsMar 16, 2024 05:34:54 ago (+0/-0)

At what point does that become the fault of heterosexual white women for perpetuating the myth of the patriarchy in order to further the very real and very dangerous straightriarchy? They are the ones who think racist stereotypes of Black MALE sexuality are actually superpowers.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 04:11:01 ago (+0/-0)

Simmer down

[ - ] clymer 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 07:16:24 ago (+0/-0)

Alex has gotten backed into more than a few corners by handlers he has let into his zone of influence (i.e. Steve Pieczenik) and the amount of flak he was taking over Sandy Hook forced him away from it, look what happened to Wolf Halbig. That whole psyop turned into the 3rd rail with no amount of resources being too much to use up destroying anyone that touched it. All that being said, I officially woke up 20 years ago and have to credit some of that to Alex. No one has gotten everything completely 100%, but no one can deny the effectiveness Alex has had. He refuses to name the jew, but he seems to be getting closer and closer.

[ - ] DrLeoMarvin 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 09:24:32 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. This guy knows too. He told the Oxford, Michigan school board, and he cleared the room.
Uvalde and Nashville were fake too. Also Iowa from January.


[ - ] LiberalsAreMental 0 points 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 10:05:43 ago (+0/-0)

I never would have believed your post until Alex Jones lost everything in a BS lawsuit. Now I am certain that you are correct.

The courts deliberately find the wrong way in every case. It may be part of their attempts to demoralize us.