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3 comments block

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 6 monthsMar 9, 2024 07:32:09 ago (+0/-0)

yes, but the people love it. The people must be retarded.

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 6 monthsMar 9, 2024 09:13:16 ago (+0/-0)

To late,it's already a religion

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 6 monthsMar 9, 2024 12:26:33 ago (+0/-0)

Remember that time Donald Trump was president?

Notice the time stamps on these posts. They're old.

Remember that time the Zion Don never locked up Hillary?

Remember that time Zion Don granted 400k visas for white collar foreigners instead of employing Americans at those jobs thus further marginalizing the ethnic American master race?

Remember that time the Zion Don complied with Jewish protocol and offered niggers a half trillion of ethnic Americans' money to purchase votes instead of student loan forgiveness because (((banksters)))

Remember that time Zion Don threatened to kill any whites in America who wanted to kill Jews?

Remember that time Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to carry out terrorist attacks in America and Europe if they didn't assist in the genocide of Palestinians?

Member that time the Zion Don said "Israel literally owned congress, and it was so powerful, and today it's almost the opposite ... Israel had such power, and rightfully, over congress" in an attempt to invoke white guilt to give Israel more power yet?

Remember that time the Zion Don tried using taxpayer money to purchase negro votes?

Remember that time Trump flew half way across the world to save 3 thieving niggers from justice?

Remember that time the Zion Don pretended he was drowning in the pussy by pretending to be his agent and saying all the women call him and he has 4 girlfriends?

Remember that time The Zion Don turned down money for our brethren in Poland until they gave Jews Polish land?

Remember that time the Zion Don tried proving he loves nigger by fucking a nigger?

Remember that time Zion Don got raided by the FBI and didn't even bring up his dear friend Jeffery Epstein's client list that the FBI has been ignoring?

Remember that time the Zion Don registered as a democrat for 30+ years?

Remember that time the Zion Don told the the January 6th people that "they will pay" for fighting back against the fraudulent election and threw them in prison?

Remember that time the Zion Don was dear friends with (((Jeffrey Epstein))) his entire life and aware of his pedophilic activity and didn't say anything even as Epstein was in prison on trial for it?

Remember that time Zion Don gave Israel $38 billion dollars of taxpayer money instead of investing in America?

Remember That Time The Zion Don Was Running For President In 2024 And Never Even Mentioned The Second Large Jewish Child Sex Trafficking Operation Uncovered In The USA, Similar To How He Never Mentioned His Dear Friend Jeffery Epstein's Child Sex Industry?

Remember that time the Zion Don was in cahoots with his dear friend Jeffrey Epstein and alluded to his pedophile behavior with "It is even said that [Esptein] likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Member that time the Zion Don said to "take the guns first, due process second"

Remember that time the Zion Don pretended to have a problem with Jewish owners of big tech for 4 years then did nothing, and then (((they))) defrauded the presidential election of the United States in a high profile manner?

Remember that time the Zion Don set up a hip propaganda outlet for the kids called Q anon and he told you to trust the plan?

Remember the mentally impared followers of the totally-not-donald-trump-ran Q tard propaganda outlet?

Remember that time the Zion Don covered for his dear friend Epstein and his known pedophile buddy Prince Andrew by pretending to be unaware of the world's most egregious pedophile ring, as president of USA?

Pepe Farm remembers.