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Ladies and gentlemen.

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 3 monthsMar 7, 2024 13:02:49 ago (+7/-1)     (whatever)

White European Christians spent 14 centuries starring down the barrel of annihilation, slavery, and subjugation from the Muslim world. Millions died, were enslaved, or forcibly converted and raped. Just because Europe "won" no one gave a shit. You don't have America and therefore the degenerate way of thinking without the sacrifices of millions of Greeks, Hungarians, Polish, Spanish, Italians, and the crusaders. If you changed all the agitator propaganda around from "white" to "black" and said things like black toxicity, black privilege, black fragility, black bigotry, toxic black masculinity, black misandry, etc people would be pissed and there would be riots and violence in the streets. What makes alright to do it to whites?

3 comments block

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 3 monthsMar 7, 2024 13:17:35 ago (+0/-0)

Because WHITE is the source.
Not all niggers are black

[ - ] carnold03 -1 points 3 monthsMar 8, 2024 06:35:18 ago (+0/-1)

The producers of mainstream media deride you solely due to your race and your faith in Christ. Why do you still allow them to have such unfettered access to your mind? Get ride of your useless periodicals, television, radio, and stop watching movies. Allow yourself time to de-stress.