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2 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 monthsMar 6, 2024 18:19:23 ago (+0/-0)*

Hal Turner was a federal informant and had set up numerous people.

He got years in prison when he threatened a judge on his radio show and when he tried to get a lighter sentence by claiming that he was helping the Feds, the state gave no fucks.

The Feds hate their informants MORE than we do. Mostly because informants are total pieces of shit.

Enrico Tario was a federal informant. He got convicted for J6 charges and wasn't even in DC on Jan 6th.

The guy who bombed the WTC in the first attack was going to prison for life, but they let him go when he played the recording of the Feds telling him where to place the bombs. He's still wanted but he left the country.

The leader of Attomwaffen was serving time for possession of bomb making materials. They let him out early to frame a mentally ill, desperate and dying woman who had fallen in love with the guy. He promised to marry her, and then sent her picture to a fed agent. She was wearing camo with a swastika, carrying a rifle that she was barred for possessing. He sent that picture along with plans to shoot up a power transformer. He's now facing 10 years. So is she, but she's terminally ill and will likely die soon.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3 monthsMar 6, 2024 21:26:35 ago (+0/-0)

Liberal voters have been told over and over they're not the favorite child of the party. They get the kick in the teeth when the party turns around and sucks up the other side's voters to stay alive. It's the abuse method.

They have to turn on their own agents after isolating them to shut them up.