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The Elites want a War

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 3 monthsMar 6, 2024 03:02:19 ago (+4/-0)     (www.rt.com)


The first comment on the article, from "Larry Layton" says it clearly:

The. West really wants a world war . They think that is how they will get global control and global currency . But nobody really wants that except the elites

The elites thrive on chaos. Give them a a war, a coup, an uprising - anywhere they can suspend the rules and impose authoritarian "order", and they come alive. That's what they want - they're just itching for someone to fire the first shot. They dream of a half destroyed planet, where they will swoop in like saviors, transforming the world into a totalitarian hellscape (their dream utopia) in the process.

1 comments block

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 3 monthsMar 6, 2024 05:20:59 ago (+1/-0)

If their war would have the same consequences as their 'sanctions' on russia, I fear the worst for those elites.
​I am just reading an article about those so-called 'sanctions'. It is simply a complete failure for the West