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Gab Nuked Dredd

submitted by FreeinTX to TellUpgoat 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 17:51:29 ago (+2/-0)     (TellUpgoat)


Torba is fucking Gab up to prevent pro-trump meme lords from destroying the democrat effort to re-elect a brain dead old fool that's too far gone to be held responsible for mishandling classified documents that he had no authority to possess.

Dredd hated Christians, so he blocked me, even on the fedi, but Gab banhammering Dredd is a sign of the coming and intentional Gab collapse.

I'm also banned on Gab, so if you have input about why Torba banned Dredd, I'd love to hear it.

7 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 17:56:19 ago (+0/-0)



[ - ] chrimony 0 points 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 09:44:34 ago (+0/-0)

Glad I never went back to Gab after Torba failed his first litmus test:


I stayed away for years, even after it seemed he might have learned his lesson, and he truly was going to run it like a free speech site.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 0 points 3 monthsMar 2, 2024 10:27:46 ago (+0/-0)

Yup. Anglin cracked a joke about Heyer. A fucking joke. Can't have jokes on Gab.

I'd argue the minutia point about being the first test, but I'd probably be preaching to the choir on that.


[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 1 point 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 17:58:11 ago (+1/-0)

One thing to note about us Gab Haters - almost all of us are not only former Gab users, but former fans and supporters of the site (I remember back when Judge Dread had a Pro Account). We WANTED the site to be good, we desperately WISHED FOR a viable, influential free speech Twitter alternative, and we fucking hate Torba's guts for running the site into the ground because he wanted to scam Boomers instead.


[ - ] beece 1 point 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 19:49:16 ago (+1/-0)

I don't know what's been happening with gab. Didn't Torba say that they needed to limit how folks are using the site as uploading photos and large files was overloading it?

Gee, who would keep randomly just uploading multiple huge files in an attempt to make that happen?

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 19:54:49 ago (+2/-0)

There are a huge list of easily, and cheaply done things he could implement. Instead he chose the most shekel-worthy censorious method.

Dude flipped for the feds long ago.

[ - ] FreeinTX [op] 2 points 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 20:47:26 ago (+2/-0)*

Torba's lying. He said the necessary space to keep up with all the data being put on Gab was costing Gab hundreds of thousands a month. It's a bald faced lie that only his gullible boomers would believe.

Truth is, there are still hard-core edge lords posting their best work on Gab and Gab is being pressured to no longer allow their posts. Muh h8 peach. These lords will not register a credit card with Gab, so they won't be allowed to post their stuff. That gets gab off the hook with the jews whose dicks Torba sucks, but allows Torba to continue the "Christ is King" white nationalist grift bullshit that he barfs up to his boomer suckers.

He likely banned Dread because Dread will always say shit when shit like this happens. Dread hit Torba on the active user bots that Torba was using. He hit Torba on the original investors money being used for Torba's wedding. Dread barked when Torba set up the report feature to appease Apple. And the block feature so Torba could lure the e-grifters to Gab. There is little doubt Dread had something to say about mandatory credit cards and identifiable registration to post memes.

I was banned from Gab when Torba allowed Teddy Speghetti back on Gab after his threats to sue gab to death. Teddy gave Torba some money for Gab, so Teddy became beyond criticism, and when I called his baby raping antics out on Gab to everyone I knew, I got the ban hammer. Teddy is right there backing Torba's play as Torba destroys Gab once and for all.