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Automatic mirroring and archiving would be a cool feature for this site

submitted by Nosferatjew to whatever 3 monthsMar 1, 2024 15:58:52 ago (+1/-0)     (whatever)

On voat.co, we had derram. Derram was our loyal friend, always there to provide mirrors for image and video posts, and to archive links. I miss derram. Derram was a good bot.

@Fascinus does a good job of providing mirrors, but because he is not an automated bot (as far as I can tell...), he can only do so much. What I think would be ideal here would be a bot, or maybe something built into the site itself, that can fill this role for every applicable post.

I haven't a clue how to do this sort of thing, so I am posting this suggestion today in the hopes that someone more qualified than myself can be inspired, take the lead, and figure out how to automate mirroring and archiving media and links.

@system, you've made a great site here, thank you for all your efforts. Is this something you've considered or maybe attempted? What do you think about all this?

(I don't know what sub this post belongs in, so, like all my posts, I'm putting it in whatever, because, whatever)

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