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23 comments block

[ - ] KeepPoal4fags 8 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:31:40 ago (+10/-2)

...before the boomers took control..

[ - ] Gigglestick 3 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 20:37:31 ago (+3/-0)

Remember. When they were in charge tuition was also dirt cheap and you could afford a family of 4 on a year’s salary.

Make to mention the price of meat and how you strapped your boots on without any competition from illegals, you old fucking retards.

[ - ] x0x7 7 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:52:55 ago (+9/-2)

Boomers were the retard hypies who took us where we are today. And now that the world is the hell hole they created they pine for the days their fathers created and blame younger generations for their mismanagement.

"Things were better when I was young." Yeah. But you didn't create that world.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 3 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 21:38:16 ago (+4/-1)

and they just downvote the truth because they don't like to hear it. they're so pathetic.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 6 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 17:38:06 ago (+6/-0)

I started working on the books for $3.35 an hour and gas was $1.09.

Taco Bell is hiring for $16 an hour and gas is $3.00.

You tell me.

[ - ] Clubberlang 3 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 19:05:58 ago (+3/-0)

Mowed lawns gas was 99 cents.

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:22:03 ago (+2/-0)

Gasoline was 28 cents when I had my Z-28 racer. Also lived in the town designated "motorhead city of the US" by car and driver. It was a time.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 1 point 2 monthsFeb 21, 2024 05:31:03 ago (+1/-0)

You mean your Model T-28 racer with the rumble seat that folded out of the trunk you old fart.

[ - ] LawFag 4 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:50:12 ago (+7/-3)

Boomers tell the younger generations about how great things were all the fucking time while putting them down. Of course, the Boomer does not have the capacity to understand, even at a conceptual level, that it is the adults that are in power who maintain or influence society. They act like they were the ones who made society so great--as children or young adults with exactly zero influence--when the reality is that they inherited their great world from their grandparents and parents. Indeed, it is this fundamental misunderstanding that gives them the audacity to post shit like this all the fucking time, completely incapable of understanding that it could only have been them who led us to where we are today. They steal the work of their forefathers, presenting it as their own, just like they stole the younger generations' future with their inadequate leadership.

It wasn't enough for them to destroy the society that they supposedly loved so much, leaving nothing but a putrescent corpse for their progeny. They also have to rub their victims' face in it.

"Look at what we stole from you with our incompetence" they say with a great deal of pride.

Boomers literally couldn't even maintain the status quo after nonstop generations of real, tangible progress. And they blame the younger generation for it because, in their ignorant arrogance, they mistakenly believe that they were the ones who created the world that they grew up in. So, logically, it must be the youth of today who have destroyed everything.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 3 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 16:53:37 ago (+3/-0)

I don’t remember anything before two weeks ago Wednesday…, or Friday

At least I’m too young to be considered ‘boomer’ despite my two adult grandchildren

Age becomes eternal with every heavenly child God may provide

Blessed be all reading these words.

May your home be FILLED with many little white children


[ - ] Belfuro 4 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:35:33 ago (+6/-2)

I'm called boomer all the time.

Boomer has come to mean, intelligent, successful, white person with work ethics.

Anti boomer is judeo created anti white hate

[ - ] con77 [op] 3 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:14:38 ago (+3/-0)

We have a right to exist and to secure a future for white children.

[ - ] con77 [op] 2 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 17:05:29 ago (+2/-0)

14 words

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 1 point 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 17:25:31 ago (+1/-0)












….hmmmm, seems I’m left owing some words damnit!

.was gonna say grave but I never did see a dead niggerr dig his own grave….

..tombstone was another word I might offer but there is not one worthwhile white person reading this that would condone wasting a good piece of stone to commemorate some tar baby wanna be baby daddy…, yup.., nope…, yup

..beer. I think that makes thirteen and we can call it square or can fucking be a jew…up to you

[ - ] con77 [op] 1 point 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 18:12:58 ago (+1/-0)




[ - ] Peleg 1 point 2 monthsFeb 21, 2024 13:31:21 ago (+1/-0)

When they used to bury nigger slaves they would stack large flat stones on top of the grave.
Maybe you could use rock pile!

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 2 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 19:55:41 ago (+3/-1)

Life is struggle. Without it, the boomers have become nothing but overgrown children. Their incompetence is creating the next great struggle, and so the cycle continues.

[ - ] Breeder 1 point 2 monthsFeb 21, 2024 04:50:30 ago (+2/-1)

Boomers are the first generation of parents that are happy to do better than their kids.

[ - ] Breeder 1 point 2 monthsFeb 21, 2024 04:48:31 ago (+2/-1)

"If I was standing before an enemy and a tritor and had 1 bullet I would turn and shoot my grandchild" - Boomers

[ - ] CoronaHoax 1 point 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 20:21:55 ago (+1/-0)


Remember the days when MSM didn't decide our thoughts? Me either cuz it seems like it never existed.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 2 monthsFeb 21, 2024 00:04:26 ago (+1/-1)

I feel like that image is not a boomer.
Boomers are very fat and old as dirt.
The beard and fagdana are all that fit.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 21:39:06 ago (+1/-1)

You also miss those days when muttmericans killed europe twice, in ww1 and ww2?

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 0 points 2 monthsFeb 20, 2024 19:01:40 ago (+2/-2)

White people lost world war 2. The strongest went to die believing they were fighting for their nations when they were merely sent to the slaughterhouse on behalf of the jews.

Than the jew rounded up the ethno nationalists of Germany and systematically executed them while fabricating the holocaust to launch themselves as a protected class.

I don't know why retards on this website believe in the space programs, these begun at the height of kikes controlling all White nations. It is also a fundamental lynchpin behind their propaganda.

We live in clown world because our literal worldview has been shaped by kikes.

Earth is level and motionless, not a ball spinning at 66,666 miles per hour. E.t.c.