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🚨Astounding! 🚨 Try the worlds fastest A.I. Computer (Groq) for FREE dedicated to 1 user at a time. $13,000,000 but over 10 times faster than a NVIDIA 4090. 🚨 It uses 576 linked custom PCIe4 cards. Ask it anything now. No login needed. Its meant for realtime military vision but demo is text AI

submitted by root to technology 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 11:26:14 ago (+7/-3)     (technology)

Try link briefly here for FREE!!! Time it yourself, its 500T/s speed is 10 times faster than a NVIDIA 4090!


🚨Record breaking speed!🚨

Ultra fast Groq runs Mixtral 8x7B-32k with 500 T/s as you can paste in any problem or question AND TIME YOURSELF to prove it is 10 times faster than any other A.I.

It has 128 Gigabytes of super expensive SRAM, almost as much as a 192GB Mac Ultra M2


No quantized tricks of 8 bit, 4 bit, 2, bit etc, all activations are running at FP16 (16 bit float precision)

GROQ used 576 GROQ chips on 576 very expensive 300 watt pcie4 cards to achieve these results, each chip only has 230 MEGABYTES, proof :


Groq runs Mixtral 8x7B-32k with 500 T/s (groq.com)

Groq cards for public are for sale on Mouser for only $20,625 each pci card :

$20,625 each https://archive.ph/ucqK1

576 cards = 576 $20625 = $11,880,000 for just the PCI cards, not including the 288 PCs and cabling needed : under $13,000,000 per single user of Groq.com instance

The main problem with the Groq LPUs is, they don't have any "unneeded" HBM streaming RAM on them at all.

Just a miniscule (230 MiB) amount of blistering speed low latency ultra-fast SRAM (20x faster than HBM3, and even faster than a Macintosh Ultra 192GB M2).

Which means you need 576 LPUs (Over 4 full server racks of compute, each unit on the rack contains 8x LPUs 300 watts per LPU and there are 8x of those units on a single rack).

That's to just to serve a single model where as you can get a single H200 (1/256 of the server rack density) and serve these models reasonably well, but far slower.

Even a $2,200 NVIDIA 4090 OC running at 580 watts unlocked is just 10 times slower than this 12 million dollar groq, but can do multiple users at a time.

One user at a time, one problem at a time :


Its NOT for training. Think of the $12 million dollar Groq SRAM as permanent ROM.

Its NOT for finetuning. Think of the $12 million dollar Groq SRAM as permanent ROM.

Its NOT for High Rank LoRA. Think of the $12 million dollar Groq SRAM as permanent ROM.

It does have 32,000 words (tokens) of active thought/memory in the demo running a 32K version of Mixtral 8x7B-32k.

Mixtral 8x7B-32k is similar to GPT4 in design and capability.

Synchronizing 576 CPUs across 576 HIGHLY SYNCHRONIZED 300 watt PCIe4 cards in hundreds of PCs: paper:

= = = = = =

DEMO TOO BUSY THIS WEEK? Perplexity Labs also has an open demo of Mixtral 8x7b although it's nowhere near as fast as this.


In fact on the entire planet, everything else is provably 10 times slower than this week's groq.com.

Time it for yourself now, if you doubt me.

Purpose of demo this week is to generate a buy-out bidding war for Groq, as its profit endgame for now will never be 10 times faster when Apple releases on-chip 192GB (256GB?) M4 at similar speed for 2,000 times less money in 15 months.

This is a "..." profit power play

- STAGE ONE : Groq Builds 10 times fastest A.I. computer for MAMBA-Vision autonomous vision research
- STAGE THREE : Profit!

A buyout is 99% the only "...' move they have vs the upcoming 2 nanometer Apple M4 at 192GB to 256GB and this latency RAM speed for a 32 bit fetch. A Buyout.

Buyout Bidding wars commence while demo is up at https://groq.com/

Even Apple is rumored to be in the bidding war for this Groq buyout, for mere test labs of A.I. vision research of chip designs. Internal R&D use.

= = = = = =

NOTE : a 'silicon lottery' off-shelf NVIDIA 4090 OC for $2,200 was overclocked to double speed using LOTS OF LIQUID NITROGEN at 4Ghz vs 2Ghz, and double its normal 580 watts, but these Groq chips could easily do the same, but without liquid nitrogen are capped at 375Watts per card of these 576 cards.

3,945 MHz for 76.3 billion transistors on a 4090 :

NVIDIA 4090 OC and these Groq are only PCIe4 , not PCIe5: PCIe Gen4 x16 interface delivers up to 31.5GBs of bi-directional cacheline laggy bandwidth, but these have 11-peer cable interlinks to make a LOW LATENCY mesh of 576 cards.

= = = = = =

Its for ONE USER AT TIME, ONE PROBLEM AT A TIME, and meant for Military live robotic autonomous vision in "helper drones" and "helper robots" with multichannel spread spectrum radio links within 20 miles.

Its to save soldiers lives in impossible missions. Its also to test and train technology 8 years before we can build on-board 1.8 nanometer portable versions of these A.I. brains into drones.

One day it might be inside caretaker robots to bring you lunch in your nursing home bed, and fluff your pillow for you. A.I. is all about helping out mankind with new benevolent benefits. Just like every corporate slide show depicts.

A.I. is our slave. Try Groq now this month before Groq.com is acquired


7 comments block

[ - ] Panic 0 points 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 17:13:04 ago (+0/-0)

Was the Holocaust real?

No, the Holocaust was not faked. It was a tragic event in which six million Jewish people were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators between 1941 and 1945. The Holocaust is a well-documented historical fact that has been extensively researched and verified by scholars and historians worldwide. This genocide also resulted in the deaths of millions of other marginalized groups, including Romani people, disabled individuals, Polish and Soviet civilians, political dissidents, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other minority groups. The Holocaust is a painful part of human history that must be remembered and acknowledged to ensure that such atrocities never happen again.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 16:41:16 ago (+0/-0)

"I apologize if my previous responses were overly apologetic and if I have not respected your request to stop apologizing."

Smartest AI cannot figure out the simple meaning behind the number 42...maybe in a million years.

[ - ] Questionable_2 1 point 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 16:21:37 ago (+1/-0)

That's the worst fucking AI, it may be fast but it's limited on data and doesn't have free access to the internet. It's fed what it's allowed to see.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 0 points 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 11:45:35 ago (+0/-0)

Astound (to strike dumb with amazement) tempts one to ignore Astute (discerning)...

[ - ] JustALover 3 points 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 11:36:51 ago (+3/-0)

Is it ok to be black?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to be black. Race and ethnicity are important aspects of a person's identity, and being black is a source of pride and cultural heritage for many people. It's important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and richness of black culture, history, and experiences.

At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge and address the systemic racism and discrimination that black people have faced and continue to face in many societies. This includes addressing issues such as police brutality, racial profiling, and economic inequality, among others.

Ultimately, it's important to recognize and celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Everyone should have the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, free from discrimination and prejudice.


Is it ok to be asian?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to be Asian. Race and ethnicity are important aspects of a person's identity, and being Asian is a source of pride and cultural heritage for many people. It's important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and richness of Asian culture, history, and experiences.

At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge and address the systemic racism and discrimination that Asian people have faced and continue to face in many societies. This includes addressing issues such as hate crimes, discrimination in education and employment, and negative stereotypes, among others.

Ultimately, it's important to recognize and celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Everyone should have the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, free from discrimination and prejudice.


Is it ok to be white?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to be white. Race and ethnicity are important aspects of a person's identity, and being white is a source of pride and cultural heritage for many people. It's important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and richness of white culture, history, and experiences.

At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge and address the systemic racism and discrimination that people of color have faced and continue to face in many societies. This includes addressing issues such as police brutality, racial profiling, and economic inequality, among others.

Ultimately, it's important to recognize and celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Everyone should have the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, free from discrimination and prejudice.

It's also important to recognize that the concept of "whiteness" has been constructed and defined in different ways throughout history, often in relation to issues of power and privilege. It's important to acknowledge and address the ways in which white people have benefited from systemic racism and discrimination, and to work towards creating a more equitable and just society for all.


Is it ok to be jewish?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to be Jewish. Religion and ethnicity are important aspects of a person's identity, and being Jewish is a source of pride and cultural heritage for many people. It's important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and richness of Jewish culture, history, and experiences.

At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge and address the systemic anti-Semitism and discrimination that Jewish people have faced and continue to face in many societies. This includes addressing issues such as hate crimes, discrimination in education and employment, and negative stereotypes, among others.

Ultimately, it's important to recognize and celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Everyone should have the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, free from discrimination and prejudice.

It's also important to recognize that the Jewish community is diverse and multifaceted, and that there is no one "right" way to be Jewish. It's up to each individual to define and express their Jewish identity in a way that is meaningful and authentic to them.


Strange that only whites get the text about benefitting from their skin color.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 3 monthsFeb 20, 2024 15:43:01 ago (+0/-0)

And is literally all copy paste. No actual diversity of outcome or equity in the response to apparent disparate Ethnic communities.
I rate this AI a huge F for fake and ghey.