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13 comments block

[ - ] MustageManWasRight 0 points 6 monthsMar 11, 2024 09:15:21 ago (+0/-0)

I prefer original one even I cant understart shit.

[ - ] rhy 11 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 04:52:00 ago (+11/-0)

This is awesome. Can we get all of his speeches in their entirety?

[ - ] Freespeechplease 6 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 07:09:23 ago (+6/-0)

I'm sure someone is processing them all right now. Amazing

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 3 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 08:10:45 ago (+3/-0)

Flood did it. He posted all his stuff on Odysee.

[ - ] Fascinus 9 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 00:14:18 ago (+9/-0)

Darn near brought a tear to my eye.

How will the (((History channel))) portray him as an unhinged monster when this tech is built into televisions?

[ - ] Dingo 0 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 18:56:02 ago (+0/-0)

What we need to do is use this algorithm to put (((History Channel))) speeches into German to villify them! >8^D

[ - ] iSnark 6 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 00:22:13 ago (+6/-0)

Sounds rather "Theater gay" in English to me. I don't think the AI nailed it!

[ - ] AtomicForeskin 5 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 00:32:15 ago (+5/-0)

Yeah there’s like 5% weepiness that is clearly not present in the original

[ - ] iSnark 4 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 00:38:58 ago (+4/-0)

COOL! I thought I was the only one. Thanks

[ - ] watts2db 2 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 07:26:35 ago (+2/-0)

but THAT could be pretty useful considering todays target audiences

[ - ] watts2db 2 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 07:24:50 ago (+2/-0)

we need alot of these

[ - ] Dingo 0 points 7 monthsFeb 13, 2024 18:54:07 ago (+0/-0)

I can't wait to listen to hours of this shit while doing squats. I'm going to be fucking ripped!