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9 comments block

[ - ] RabbiKinderschtupper 1 point 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 21:53:28 ago (+2/-1)

A technical analysis of System of a Down's whole ass career:


[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -1 points 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 22:08:47 ago (+0/-1)

Why? I'm trying to see if you'll respond with intelligence or not..nothing you said is smart. You'd have to be a literal idiot to say what you said....got anything of substance? Nope.... They're trying to make us have retarded conversations....nope, not going to let you....so...again, anything of substance? No..just wanted to point out that you are retarded, stupid, and...shut the fuck up. Fuck you. I just won.


Your comment is so simplistic...nothing of substance, almost like you were trying to goad me into an emotional response. So I won't do that...

Why do you say it's simply MTV garbage? My post wasn't just the song, but rather the analysis of it. Said analysis lasts over 23 minutes and yet you responded just 13 minutes later. So obviously you didn't watch the video.

Trying to derail intelligent conversations much.

Also, what is "kike" about the song? If anything if you look at the lyrics it's arguably "AnTi-SeMeTiC!!!11!1". I don't even see the point your obvious disruption technique is trying to gaslight.
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[ - ] Panic 1 point 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 21:47:32 ago (+1/-0)

I was living in California when this first hit the radio. I found the changes in rock music unsettling but let the radio play.

Never liked anything this band did. To each his own.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 22:03:38 ago (+0/-0)

So what do you think about the lyrics?

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 20:22:56 ago (+2/-1)

(((MTV))) garbage

Fuck off kikefaggot

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -2 points 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 20:32:04 ago (+0/-2)*

Your comment is so simplistic...nothing of substance, almost like you were trying to goad me into an emotional response. So I won't do that...

Why do you say it's simply MTV garbage? My post wasn't just the song, but rather the analysis of it. Said analysis lasts over 23 minutes and yet you responded just 13 minutes later. So obviously you didn't watch the video.

Trying to derail intelligent conversations much.

Also, what is "kike" about the song? If anything if you look at the lyrics it's arguably "AnTi-SeMeTiC!!!11!1". I don't even see the point your obvious disruption technique is trying to gaslight.

EDIT: Hasn't responded. Never was going to...just a fucking jew....

[ - ] SumerBreeze -1 points 4 monthsFeb 4, 2024 23:05:08 ago (+0/-1)

Everything about the rise to fame of this band has KIKE written all over it - from the obvious push on late night tv to the astroturfing buyout of “fans” for their music videos to make them appear more enjoyable and popular than they ever were.

You might be too young to understand how the (((industry))) works, but its jew trash without any musical value.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -1 points 4 monthsFeb 5, 2024 08:53:25 ago (+0/-1)

I understand how the (((industry))) works better than you do.

I'm an older account than you going back to old Voat. I helped create this community. What did you do...?

You saw a post that had substance and intelligence and reflexively decided to make an ultimately worse than worthless, idiotic comment that only accomplishes to make the comment section drivel. Congratulations, you're the kikes best asset, a stupid fucking goy...hope you're proud of yourself...

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 4 monthsFeb 6, 2024 04:24:30 ago (+0/-0)*

Your claim to fame is having an older account? You sad faggotkike.

I organized hundreds of anti-jew videos and made this - efficiently crunching it under 200MB so that you can send it as a catbox link to people on your phone contacts list without it being censored or scrubbed from the internet:


I am the kikes worst fear. Now go back to sucking jew dick and play with your shitskin music, while I redpill more people every day about the jews that ruin poor souls like you.

PS you should probably drop the fagmetal and cargo pants and go listen to some Bach instead. Who am I kidding, you are going to go see these FAGGOTS play live supporting literal jew kikeniggers SLIPKNOT. HAHAHAHAHA YOU AND YOUR FAVORITE BAND BOW DOWN TO JEW COREY TAYLOR