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US weapons exports up 50 percent in 2023 as Washington challenges Russia, China

submitted by mxcviel to EconomicCollapse 7 monthsJan 31, 2024 15:21:47 ago (+1/-0)     (www.politico.com)


American defense companies racked up $81 billion in new foreign military sales last year, a more than 50 percent increase from 2022, with huge deals spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine leading the way.

The biggest deals were sales to Poland and Germany. Those sales come as the war in Ukraine rages on, raising fears about Moscow’s potential to target other countries.

1 comments block

[ - ] HelenHighwater 0 points 7 monthsJan 31, 2024 16:37:31 ago (+0/-0)

Meanwhile, "domestic terrorists" are our biggest threat, all while we arm future enemies to the teeth. War is peace.