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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 17:57:06 ago (+19/-2)     (HDLunited)

Many don't understand the shocking disappointment that many of the "POST WAR GENERATION" has experienced with the clown world affliction that today, has the Western 1st World on the verge of collapse.

Without getting into the intriguing details of my past I will to state that I choked on a large red pill in the mid to late 80's and then again about a dozen years ago with the ✡ problem. I've been through shit that hollywood scripts through fantasy and daydreams. I've dropped millions of dollars in court, I've done time behind bars, I've been involved in heavy shit where cops have literally had heart attacks in pursuit of me, and, in a form of "POETIC JUSTICE" was contracted for 20 plus years by a police agency to assist in disaster response and catastrophic events and as a result of my past I got the inside scoop of how corrupt the system is and how dangerous the lying media is.


I have no country to stand in defense of. I have no motivation to help society and it sickens me to know that I live in an evil country that sides with terrorists and that I fund that evil with my taxes. I am thoroughly unimpressed with the "1984 Animal Farm" that has been created by the artificially empowered "Lord of the Flies" children and their emotionally charged mothers. This animal farm is a failed zoo and the caged beasts are incapable of feeding themselves...these beasts ensured that even those on the outside would go down with them and still nobody will hold accountable (((those))) responsible for this mess. Israel Ukraine, Grt Britain(Canada) and ✡ controlled America along with other real bad actors, are blood thirsty power mongers that have destroyed the very idea of "FREEDOM, UNITY, SANCTITY OF LIFE AND LOVE OF FAMILY AND COUNTRY ".

The real enemies of ours are in government and NGOs and they are bound by an evil web woven by the venomous ✡.

What a waste of time it was to be patriotic and proud of my country. Life is different now. I don't give a fuck now and I don't see how that will change. Unless a (((big problem))) dissappear.

13 comments block

[ - ] Belfuro 4 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 20:58:01 ago (+5/-1)

Boomer hate is judeo anti white hate

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 9 monthsJan 26, 2024 06:20:39 ago (+0/-0)

No, it's a lot more nuanced than that. Why are you guys trying to oversimplify it?

First off, I don't simply "hate boomers"...obviously...there are good ones, and bad ones, and some in between, and some that are merely irrelevant, etc...

But I do hate that generation generally, because, regardless of whether they are a "good boomer" or a "bad boomer", at the end of the day, none of them, collectively, did anything to stop what we have now, and we all witnessed all of them do nothing.

It's not young people who are letting theirselves be manipulated to be divided against boomers, but rather boomers who let themselves be divided against young people.

[ - ] PurpleDrank 1 point 9 monthsJan 26, 2024 10:41:56 ago (+1/-0)

You must not know a lot of young people. Every single generation has been manipulated and will continue to be manipulated, especially since the average IQ continues to decrease. Boomer hate is just misplaced blame because that person subconsciously knows that they'll never do shit about anything.

[ - ] Jimmycrackerson 4 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 19:21:57 ago (+5/-1)

I feel ya brother. I don't remember the quote exactly. It is by someone on voat.

Suicide should never be an option. Instead go down taking out as many people as you can who made you feel that way in the first place.

If someone knows the correct quote. I'd like to read it again.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 20:42:18 ago (+2/-0)

Very few people know who made them feel that way. That's how school shooters are made; misidentifying the abused as abusers.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 19:20:03 ago (+1/-0)

What was the "boomer red pill post"?

I think one of the main problems with boomers over the years was that...they tried to find "boomer" youth to look for their "youth saviors". That was never going to work. EVER.

What I mean is, the boomers took their mindset, and used it to find youth that also had their outlook and mindset, and those were the gen xers and millennials they singled out and, often times, astroturfed into "success".

The problem with that, among many problems, is that a lot of the problems we have now are the direct result of the "boomer mindset". The very youth they needed to save them were the ones they were never going to notice, and, in fact, were the same young people they probably actively worked against.

I speak from experience...

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 20:19:18 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 20:24:06 ago (+1/-0)*

The boomer mindset is locked in their own experience of psychological abuse by the media and schools.

THey were led to believe that a group pf young people who went to music festival in upstate new york in 1968 was all about "elevating" everyone else in the country up to their level. Before that tHey'd been told to shelter under their desks in elementary and high school to protect themselves from Pierre Trudeau's best friend Fidel Castro and the nuclear weapons he was threatening their lives with.

It seemed plausible to them that they could make everyone in the world personally like them and adopt their morals. It never occurred to them all the world would have to reject their own morals to do that.

Woodstock was the name of one of the farms the jews had in South Africa where they built bombs with equipment from the soviet union to murder South Africans.

THey got the name from a Sir Walter Scott novel about the devil interfering in politics.

THe 1960's gave way to the big money publishing industry flooding the market with self improvement books. Every single person that bought or read one thought they were inferior and would "elevate" themselves up to a higher level. THeir lives have bee about elevating everyone else up to their level. THe only standard of measure they have is money.

Oprah Winfrey was put in their face with a constant parade of experts who would help them raise the perfect child, just like Hitler was going to do. Everything would be OK as long as they never used their own judgment. Only the experts. THe show used the communist perpetual struggle method where an audience would stand up and disagree and be shamed for disagreeing

In 1980 the Yuppie character was the template the media used to make them worship money. It was invented byDan Rottenburg and Joseph Epstein. Two jews. Newspapers started publishing charts saying it would cost this many big dollars to arise a child and frightened their non thinking audience. Babies can sleep in a drawer, and don't care how much the hand me down stroller cost. But still, people who didn't have money for the best stroller shouldn't have kids was the take away. Nurture was psychological manipulation and money, not a bowl of hot soup anymore.

In 1963 Kennedy was shot and Johnson took over. He made the country into a social science government. That means teachers, reporters, social workers, criminologists, political science graduates, human resources staff would exrecise psychological control over their subjects, based mostly on approval seeking and the nation would work more hours to pay them.

Statistically poor neighbourhoods would have uninvited reformers, like youth workers show up, so every single kid in the neighbourhood would believe their parents were inferior and incompetent to government. THey competed with volunteer Big Brothers and Sisters but parents didn't call them, they would have the volunteers. THe youth workers were just outside, like teachers they never stepped foot inside any home and had no idea what the fuck reality was, because it all came from terrible statistics worse research and their own narcissism as human programmers who thought they were important and mattered.

THey told every nigger in America they had "Generational poverty" in the 1960's, twenty years after World War Two when everyone was poor, and the depression before that. Every White victim of the media since then has been trying to alter genetically foraging people into White people since.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 3 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 20:43:26 ago (+3/-0)

In 1963 Kennedy was shot and Johnson took over. He made the country into a social science government. That means teachers, reporters, social workers, criminologists, political science graduates, human resources staff would exrecise psychological control over their subjects, based mostly on approval seeking...

For me, that's the main point to take away from what you wrote. It perfectly explains my personal experience with "big education" as someone born in 1990. Education stopped being "practical education" and became "education theory", and it didn't matter how much the "education theory" utterly failed...as long as you were educating in the right philosophical way, as long as you touted the "correct" statistics and and educated in the "correct" ways...all practical evidence be damned, you were educating the "correct" way.

And now we're cutting kids genitals off, we have no military, our elections are overtly fake, and we're being invaded and if you criticize it, you're a "hateful person".

The old people should have promoted the young people who were rebelling against them. A paradox, for sure...but they still should have done it, objectively...even if it would have been "wrong", in theory.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 21:05:31 ago (+0/-0)

That's the thing with the moral reversal of communism.

Teleophone soliciting only contacted business nubers until they started calling residents; probably in the late 1970's. Something considered rude, unethical and immoral to the people who payed for a "residential" phone line.

Bank credit cards weren't used much yet, so a person offended by the intrusion could order all the magazines and everything else they were selling and just not pay. Theft was newly moral.

It was sold as moral superiority to save delusional brain patients from residential care in psychaiatric "hospitals". THey never should have been called that, nor had psychiatrists. Homelessnes was the result.

It was sold as morally superior to kill newborn babies. It's morally superior to support the war with drugs against us by repeating propaganda like Prohibition doesn't work. It's better than alcohol. THose are intellectually inferior cliches, like "they have to hit rock bottom first" a cheezy line from a cheezy 1940's movies called "Smash up" about a drunk woman that was promoting psychoanalyses; as big a failure as psychology and the unreal world it sells.

All of it is moral reversal. To maintain the illusion of intellectual superiority, Hollywood has since the 1960's fed them the US south as fat bellied sherrifs, hicks, inbred hillbillies and drooling morons to contrast themselves with. Everyone understands clearly that someone imitatating a Southern accent is indicating stupidity. Everyone in the South does to. It's morally superior to genocide the culture of the South for the followers.

[ - ] shadowwolf225 0 points 9 monthsJan 26, 2024 09:20:23 ago (+0/-0)

You're pretty well on point. I was born in the late 80's and my father (not grandfather) was born in the middle of the great depression. I was brought up so redpilled that in 10th grade english when going over the word "haggle" i legit asked "so that's like jewing someone?" my liberal as fuck teacher was not amused and I had no idea what I said wrong. My father hammered into me the phrase "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see" He was a good man. Built his own house. Built radios to talk around the world with only a 7th grade formal education. Cancer hit and wiped it all out.

I learned all of my practical knowledge from him and then on my own from his start. If it weren't for him I'd probably be that which i now find disgusting.

Because of him, by the age of 10 I could work on anything mechanical, anything electronic, could raise my own food, could shoot, could build and program computers, operate heavy machinery, and know what it means to be a man and do the damn thing.

[ - ] Panic 0 points 9 monthsJan 26, 2024 21:50:26 ago (+0/-0)

It's the jews. Everything starts with them and other generations are controlled by them too. This goes back for at least 2000 years.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper [op] 0 points 9 monthsJan 25, 2024 23:29:38 ago (+0/-0)

I'm chiming in as OP...first off the post refers to a screen shot post by conspirologist yesterday and I read it over a number of times because it hits home, not because I shared the same red pill shock but rather an empathetic concern for someone who genuinely thought that he was living in and devoted to, even if it meant dying for, a righteous way of life that in itself was just a narrative of deception and control with nothing of benefit, only contempt for the righteousness that he and soooo many others considered impermeable to perversion and corruption...because that is what the world was taught. Civilized people in a society that placed the welfare of others first and where benevolence and charity were character traits inculcated through the very righteousness that was "perceived" as genuine...nobody ever thought that their wise leaders would fucking lie to them because they are the ones who mandated righteousness...ergo the slap upside the face when the truth comes out, it's like living with a wife who is married to someone else and after 30 40 50 years she's found out. I have no more of me to give out, everything about this country, all we've been taught and all of the (hollow) promises still being spewed, everything is a lie and I am not impressed but for so long I tried to wake up whomever I could and I got attacked for it...now I have to sit back and watch the misery that so many refused to acknowledge and are now feeling.

That's the best I can do without getting into a long lengthy post but I have to state that there's some good replies here...and my fucking battery