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Niggers shut down multiple restaurants in the same parking lot

submitted by NoRefunds to Niggers 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 12:32:58 ago (+30/-0)     (www.cbsnews.com)


police have recorded 1,335 incidents in and around the fast food restaurant, more than any other location in Oakland. Most of the reported incidents were car break-ins targeting visitors coming through Oakland International Airport.

So average 4 per day, what an insane number. And the shitty cops can't seem to go undercover or do whatever to stop it, fucking pathetic.

Fuck CA and the bay area in general anyway.

15 comments block

[ - ] NuckFiggers 8 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 13:18:56 ago (+8/-0)*

I've lived in the Bay Area. Here is the attitude:

When you point out crime you are just insensitive, privileged, intolerant, etc. You have no empathy for their situation and when you get robbed/murdered/your child gets raped consider it a learning experience.

It inevitably happens to them and you watch the struggle between what they are feeling and know is true and everything they pushed on everyone for years. They end up doing drugs (drugs and alcohol are MASSIVE with leftists. It helps them numb reality).

They will repeat the same phrases over and over again like a child putting his hands over his ears and then they will make up words like children do and talk down to you when you treat it like a nonsense word it is.
California politicians are notoriously corrupt, something even pedo homos joke about but still they cry about getting federal money to solve their problems. If they ever do get it wHeRe DoEs It Go???? No one can tell. It is a mystery. I'm sure white people are to blame though.

Then they keep voting for the same rapists and jews

They have long since passed the point of reevaluating their beliefs and have doubled down instead. California is in the first steps of complete armageddon. It will end up with Mad Max levels of crime. Just watch it happen.

[ - ] Fascinus 6 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 12:35:20 ago (+6/-0)

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 5 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 13:39:47 ago (+5/-0)

Damn those socioeconomic factors just seem to follow niggers no matter where they are.

[ - ] VitaminSieg 3 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 14:22:13 ago (+3/-0)

Like a bad stink

[ - ] TheNoticing 5 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 15:56:00 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] HelenHighwater 4 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 12:43:32 ago (+4/-0)

Get that laotion piece of shit mayor and gavin 'the nuisance' newsome and make them both work at the restaurant for a month. I guarantee that they will not last a day.

There is so much innocent blood on neoliberal hands that I don't even consider them human anymore.

[ - ] H8Texpress 4 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 12:52:42 ago (+4/-0)

Laotian's are low IQ rice niggers who are treacherous.

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 2 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 13:17:47 ago (+2/-0)

It beez a food desert up in dis bitch, rayciss ass White pipo

[ - ] xmasskull 2 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 15:01:32 ago (+2/-0)

This is ALL the White mans fault.

This In-N-Out,accepted ebt,wic,& Cali.food stamps.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 15:40:41 ago (+2/-0)

pull all business, cops, bamberlamps, etc out of heavy nigger areas.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 16:59:52 ago (+2/-0)

police have recorded 1,335 incidents

Those are just the one's they're allowed to report on, that the civilians have bothered to report. You can safely double or triple such numbers and be far closer to the truth.

[ - ] recon_johnny 1 point 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 20:05:03 ago (+1/-0)*

Oakland is nigger central. Just amazingly niggerish, from once you step outside the airport to whatever hotel you get to bunker up in the night. It's niggeropolis for all sorts, kinds, and brands of niggers. It's the light beacon that attracts niggers in a way that's literally unbelievable.

You think you know niggers, and believe me, I thought I did. I worked in South Central LA for 2 years...Compton, Watts. Where Reginald Denny lost most of his brain function. I thought "What the fuck, I know the nigger, and I have enough sense to be wary". Turns out, I did not.

Oakland is an absolute another entity altogether. It's the attitudes of San Fran, but since the niggers can't live there due to money (even living and stealin...err...begging on the street), they migrated to Oakland. The niggerball team that was there, but since left, attracted quite a few; and the other niggerball team still there gives the apes a reason to riot, win or lose. Don't go to any restaurant, utilize any service industry, and God help you if you decide to walk. You'll get food poisoning at best, and assault and murder is on the menu if you're stupid enough to trust ANY nigger. I've warned you.

It's one of the first cities to legalize pot--even before the push for "medicinal", they give a shit-ton of free shit (welfare, "healthcare", whatever), even moreso than the bigger cities...AND add that they're pushing like a motherfucker to have reparat...fuck it...I can't say it....more free shit for niggers...It's just the perfect storm. At night you believe they must bus them in, because there's niggers everywhere...even in the cold. Just being the nigger-locale that no rules, no restrictions, and no containment brings. You think Chicago is the nigger capital? I beg to differ. Oak-fucking nigger-land.

I wouldn't live anywhere close to there if you put a gun to my head and threatened to pull the trigger. Which, is essentially, what happens to White man when you live there.

Nigger, please.

[ - ] NoRefunds [op] 1 point 4 monthsJan 24, 2024 01:14:08 ago (+1/-0)

I flew into OAK w my wife to go to Napa. I was proposing to her there. Anyway, we get off the flight and 5 nigger sheboons decided to fight another troop of sheboons at the baggage claim right in front of about 10 cops. I was just amazed at how much the cops did not give a fuck at all, they just let the sheboons duke it out for 3-4 mins and they eventually stopped on their own and went about their way.

When we got to Napa, we were at an airbnb, turns out shared fucking room. My wife sees on the lawn that whole shitty sign black lives matter love is love refugees welcome bullshit. She goes, holy shit we can leave if you want. I said fuck it. Then the two old libtard fucks that live there greeted us at the door, being nice and shit, I just wanted to shove that sign up their ass and say, why don't you move your stupid liberal asses about an hour south and see how black lives matter. Fuck niggers and fuck liberals.

[ - ] scholarandrogue 1 point 4 monthsJan 24, 2024 01:48:16 ago (+1/-0)

no way not in the home town of NWA.

[ - ] Laputois -1 points 4 monthsJan 23, 2024 19:07:55 ago (+0/-1)

Look, if you faggots stopped eating that slop there would be less niggers. They hire niggers to man the joint and they build high density housing to house them nearby. While the sheboon flips burgers her crotch niglets break into cars.