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20 comments block

The existence of Ukraine is mortally dangerous for Ukrainians. And I don't just mean the current state, the political regime of Bandera. I'm talking about any, absolutely any Ukraine.

This can happen in ten or fifty years. That is why the existence of Ukraine is fatal for Ukrainians.

So, I don't know who or what "war news 24/7" even is, but I'd like to see the actual conversation and see what Medvedev actually said.

Nothing against you, here, but this seems like a shit source with, and the western country media has been caught dozens of times, now, lying their ass off about Putin and Medvedev have said about Ukraine, complete with bullshit quotes.

But even so, it seems like they are saying that Ukraine will continue fighting until their government falls and the people will want to rejoin Russia instead of continuing to allow a western backed government to get their people killed for nothing.