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Jewish and Freemasonic Ritual Murder

submitted by Dingo to whatever 5 monthsJan 8, 2024 23:23:50 ago (+37/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


14 comments block

[ - ] beece 2 points 5 monthsJan 8, 2024 23:41:55 ago (+2/-0)

Can you give a time frame of the video where there is actual evidence? Cause everybody and their dog has a phone/camera these days. I mean, you belive this one as well? https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1744545825458470936?s=42

BTW, game cameras as well. Where are the videos of bigfoot?

[ - ] Dingo [op] 0 points 5 monthsJan 8, 2024 23:49:42 ago (+0/-0)

Testimony != Evidence.

I found the video here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4gpoucdBBKgu/

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 8 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 01:11:13 ago (+8/-0)*

Via family CIA thugs, when I was 9, I was made an acquaintance of serial killer Gerald Gallego (whom I knew as Steve) and his woman Charlene.

There were about seven other kids, mostly girls, huddled in a lump on the sofa, in front of the TV, who he referred to as their children. The youngest was a girl about five, and the oldest a teenage girl. Only one of them was a boy, I think, about six. I was not allowed to talk to them, and they stared at me strangely. Did not yet know why.

Won’t get into details here; but ended up giving Charlene a bite below the belt, on or near her snootch, which she probably has a scar from, to this day. I still have the teeth that bit her. I have also still the scars where she bit me.
But that’s not the point of this post.

What is significant is that Steve, just like my great uncle CIA lackey of GHW Bush (prior to HW’s 1974 promotion), always stressed: “We own the cops, the judges, everyone. If you tell .anyone, then everyone you care about will be murdered, and you’ll wish you were never born.”
Didn’t believe this crackdown was really happening until HW died. When Q called him a dog, it was the first time I heard someone say that since Avery, circa 1973; who would go on long rants about all the stuff they were doing (most of which he stopped himself before he blabbed to much), although he did spout a lot of names I didn’t know, and talk about places I didn’t know. (Tex and those kids up in the canyon stand out.)
Except the moon landings. He could not shut up about them being fake. He was the only person I heard say they were fake, back in the early seventies. He said it was all done on a movie set in Southern California. He said: “Everything is bullshit! The most important thing for you to never forget, is that GOD spelled backward is DOG! .. His name is George, and he is a sonofabitch!”

(Avery Hammond, (no known pseudonyms), my mother’s mother’s brother)
DECEASED of natural causes.

Sometimes, he talked about murdering me, but said George wouldn’t give him permission. He didn’t drink, but he got really steamed; and called me George when he was so pissed that he was twitching.

His wife’s brother was a low-level mobster and real estate tycoon, who most likely afforded Steve (who I know he knew, and who was really a friend of his, and who he talked about a lot) the house by the American River where Steve & Charlene (she used no pseudonym) were operating.

(Ned Ronson (Edward Ronsovitch, or such)
DECEASED of natural causes. (Heart attack while with the female child who called 911.)

Ned was the one who moved us to Northern California, after an LAPD police captain came to our house, saying he could no longer guarantee the safety of my father and his family. That had been a matter of my father being a friend of Jimmy Hoffa.
Ned told me to watch NBC for news, and the KCRA sign off, back in the early 70’s; so he was, like Avery, connected to whatever I am.

While I was in seventh grade, Gerald Gallego killed someone with a name similar to mine; and, (since I usually took off Monday or Friday), everyone at school thought I was dead, and grieved. They were not noticeably relieved when I turned up alive, the next day.
Suppose I have that sorta effect on folks.)
But one girl did quietly seem sympathetic. She said that I was one of Gallego’s first victims. She didn’t mean the guy who had just died. That didn’t make much sense at the time.
Later, I learned that one of her relatives was a high-ranking cop. He must have let slip something about when I was nine.

The cops knew all along. Someone is shitting themself reading this. Usually, am banned from a forum, or it shuts down, after telling of these things (and others off-topic).
Pay close attention to such attempts or reaction, as there may be rats & moles about.




[ - ] Dingo [op] 0 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 10:16:41 ago (+0/-0)*

This is a worthy comment. I'd updoot you a few more times if I could ...

Have you ever looked into the whole social control psychology on this stuff? It seems that more and more I know were hiding such secrets. Many long chats over the covid time have revealed this kind of story in people I directly know.

I often suspect this is why people never really "wake up". The trauma control is totally different than what the "lambs" get (those who don't experience learning through intense trauman). On an inverted note, I was involved in high level sport and each one of the people that were olympic level had the minds of downright criminal bastards.

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 0 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 18:03:01 ago (+0/-0)

You okay fren?

[ - ] Localuser 3 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 01:27:46 ago (+3/-0)

Where are they getting all these kids to rape and kill? They must have some kinda reservoir tap they can spawn kids from.
I mean every kid has a cell phone now at 7 years old, all these single moms whose kids are their world. Where the fuck are all these orphans coming from?

[ - ] carnold03 3 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 05:32:17 ago (+3/-0)*

Latin-America, Ukraine, Africa, East Asia, the pacific islands, foster care, and so on. Also, @fuew claims here that 2,300 kids go missing in the US alone every day.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 1 point 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 05:44:13 ago (+1/-0)

those 'missing' stats are pointless, most are runaways which are found almost straight away.

[ - ] QueenAlt 1 point 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 09:39:53 ago (+1/-0)

You can buy them on Wayfair

[ - ] VitaminSieg 0 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 14:03:51 ago (+0/-0)

Or Etsy

[ - ] carnold03 0 points 5 monthsJan 10, 2024 05:46:08 ago (+0/-0)

That joke kind of fell flat, but thanks for letting me know they exist. I've been meaning to get myself another bookshelf.

[ - ] QueenAlt 1 point 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 09:39:07 ago (+1/-0)

They’re pouring in over the border then bussed north.
They disappear by the 100’s of thousands yearly from CPS.
If you have the money, you can get kids.

[ - ] Dingo [op] 1 point 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 10:27:43 ago (+1/-0)

Where are they getting all those kids

One possibility (shown from time to time) is that they can just breed them on slave plantations on various undisclosed "ranches" and "islands". John of God is one example, but there are indications Epstien had a ranch for doing this.

There is a documentary about a kid named Johny Gotche (not sure of exact spelling) where the mother talked about being at a missing child symposium and an FBI agent had a presentation of a catalogue that you could "buy" children that had not yet been kidnapped.

[ - ] soupnazi 0 points 5 monthsJan 9, 2024 10:49:28 ago (+0/-0)

Apparently 2/3rds of police and the whole royal family. And jews control nearly all members of congress, and I imagine parliament. Why is it that if these people are in control and have been for a long time that ages of consent have trended upward in the west?