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Pedo tries to meet 13yo girl, gets her Uncle instead.

submitted by ProudRebel to Pizzagate 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 06:41:09 ago (+35/-16)     (files.catbox.moe)


35 comments block

[ - ] the_old_ones 8 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 07:27:49 ago (+9/-1)

employee: "sir, stop that!"

him: (explains the situation)

employee: "nevermind, please continue punching him"


[ - ] John_doe 11 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 08:13:59 ago (+12/-1)

Is he breaking his arms there? Based

[ - ] Peleg 5 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 08:33:57 ago (+6/-1)

Yes. He is breaking his arms. The way it should be!

[ - ] John_doe 1 point 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:00:52 ago (+2/-1)

How is he going to jerk off now. Lol

[ - ] Peleg 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 10:28:18 ago (+1/-1)

Let him use a meat grinder!

[ - ] clymer 8 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 08:32:58 ago (+8/-0)

saw this a couple years back and thought, 'man that is a viscous beating. Looks like he might have killed him.' Anyone know what happened to these two?

[ - ] NoRefunds 25 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:08:50 ago (+25/-0)

From the video:

I am from Serbia and I remember this case. This is not the whole video and it's better that not whole video is shown. Because the guy in red broke both arms of the guy. It was some kind of revenge because the guy in red used to work as head of security and brother of the beaten guy was his boss who fired him. Guys in black shirts around are the security, you can see what is written on their shirts. Security didn't step in because they didn't want to mess with their former superior. The evil guy is arrested after month or two of hiding and today he's facing attempted murder charges.

[ - ] CRKT_M16Z 4 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 10:38:44 ago (+5/-1)

So this isn't even pedo justice? Well that's disappointing.

[ - ] Monica 2 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 11:48:39 ago (+2/-0)

Well we don't know that either because it's just someone commenting on a video. Again no proof. It sounds legit but you can't go by that.

[ - ] CRKT_M16Z 2 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 12:24:19 ago (+2/-0)

I found more information in the comment section here:

[ - ] Sector2 3 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 14:11:45 ago (+3/-0)

The news stories explain what appears to have been motivation because,imho, only intense anger would trigger such actions. Even sadists don't get joy from unconscious vics. The vic allegedly "abused" Ivan's sister and he did not want to cooperate with the investigation(a very odd thing indeed, unless the prosecution would lead to his actions.)

Seems the red shirt guy had a sister that black shirt had injured. Red shirt was also former head of security at that place, so muted intervention by the others.

This took place in Serbia. More info scattered throughout the comments. At the time, they say he ended up in jail for attempted murder.

[ - ] o0shad0o 3 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 08:50:31 ago (+4/-1)

Meh. I find beating a man who's down distasteful. Break his neck and put him out of his misery.

[ - ] Hh 4 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 08:51:06 ago (+4/-0)

[ - ] goatfugee12 14 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:03:46 ago (+15/-1)

what evidence do you have its a pedo? that's just a video. Lets not jerk our dicks imagining this is a pedo, that could just be a roid rage meat head.

[ - ] Laputois 4 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:13:35 ago (+6/-2)

and yet the OP has 21 upvotes. The retards on this site do not question anything. They are as bad as liberal normies.

[ - ] CHIRO 3 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 12:02:05 ago (+3/-0)*

It's the same shit as it was from the beginning, only back then you had the momentum derived from Trump's first run and the Reddit diaspora. It's like the party ended four years ago, and the people still here are just the ones who refused to leave the venue. There was momentum carrying it for a long time, but with that gone, the glaring fact is this site consists of the exact same things being said over and over again. It's a place for people to blow off steam, confirm what they believe, and maybe feel bolstered by knowing there's about a hundred others out there who agree. Is it a useful news source? Sometimes. If I want to know whether there is a "happening", usually the front page will indicate it without having to go to some other less desirable source. It can be depressing around here. I'm not blaming anybody, except the retards you already referenced. I think everyone is pretty blackpilled at this point.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 3 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 17:11:45 ago (+3/-0)

This is my only news source, I refuse to watch normie shit.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 2 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:18:02 ago (+2/-0)

- guy beats guy
- guy beats pedo

Which one do you want more? Rule of thumb...any description of implies a sales-pitch for ones consent to.

[ - ] CoronaHoax 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 19:16:31 ago (+0/-0)

If this guy wasn't doing this to someone who essentially rigged his country's election or worse or equivalent, he should be put down like a dog.

[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 20:07:45 ago (+0/-0)

Proudrebel is a known sleeper account just trying to get his account points up

[ - ] John_doe 4 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:04:14 ago (+4/-0)

How do you know he tried to rape his daughter?

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 0 points 8 monthsJan 9, 2024 07:03:41 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah judging from the comments from the source this was just an excuse the assailant used because the victim is the brother of the owner of the business and the assailant used to be head of security but got fired so he tried to murder his former boss's brother and the security didn't step in because the assailant used to be their boss.

[ - ] Rowdybme 1 point 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:06:51 ago (+1/-0)

I have 4 daughters. And only an idiot would want to spend 10 years in jail or more because some pervert wanted to fuck your daughter. I mean if the dude actually did fuck or he hurt or raped her I could see it. I guess as an uncle you can take one for the team.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 14:16:37 ago (+1/-0)

People who read the news stories in Serbia say black shirt abused and injured red shirts sister.


Thanks to @CRKT_M16Z for the link.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:22:14 ago (+2/-1)

owen benjewin and his bears talk about marrying 12 year old farm girls.

[ - ] soupnazi 2 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:43:57 ago (+4/-2)

It's how the world used to work.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic -1 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:44:44 ago (+1/-2)

Its how creepy pedo's work.

[ - ] soupnazi -1 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:50:58 ago (+1/-2)*

Your ancestors were creepy pedos.


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic -4 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 09:54:56 ago (+0/-4)

Sounds like something a pedo would say. Tell me, chimp, do you stick your fingers in your ass while room whacking? Are you ready to fund the new land scam?

[ - ] soupnazi 6 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 10:01:38 ago (+8/-2)

Age of consent of 18 was invented by feminists to guilt men over having a biologically informed age of attraction. Ok, 12 is pretty low. It's not the number I would have picked and I don't think that is what Owen Benjamin was talking about. But you were using hyperbole, which is fine. I'm just addressing the intent behind the hyperbole, that marrying off under 18 farm girls is wrong. There is nothing wrong with it and it is how the world used to work, and there was nothing pedo about it, or pedo in Owen Benjamin's remarks about it.

There is a lot he gets wrong, that isn't one of them.

[ - ] TomMacdonald 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 10:30:13 ago (+0/-0)

That's brutal

[ - ] GreenSaint 1 point 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 10:48:54 ago (+1/-0)

I wanna met y’all in person and we can all get naked together

[ - ] White_Pride_Cis -1 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 11:49:45 ago (+0/-1)

Fake and gay upvote farming. Kys faggot

[ - ] Bonlio99 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 12:36:42 ago (+0/-0)

Holy shit…What a finale

[ - ] rabidR04CH 0 points 8 monthsJan 8, 2024 18:42:19 ago (+0/-0)

Nobody whose life mattered was hurt that day.