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It has been 9 straight years of people saying "the AI boom is beginning nooooow. and it's happening because *I* talked about it on *my* webcast". Every 4-6 months like clockwork that NOW AI is out of control

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to technology 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 07:49:48 ago (+2/-1)     (technology)

It's always some fag trying to shock everyone with their "information"... is this attempt to shock people the same thing people mean when they talk about clout chasers?

"b-b-but *I* had some faggot ass guest, which therefore bolsters the case." as if authority figures matter. we already know the concepts behind AI and how technological progression curves work. and if someone isn't talking about the libtard bias and Israeli control over AI (there are jews all over the fucking place in AI like that fake ass Sam Altman firing publicity stunt that retards are "trying to interpret", and the mysticism quickly grows to jewish levels) then I don't even care what they have to say.

6 comments block

[ - ] Portmanure 1 point 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 10:17:00 ago (+1/-0)

You’re already seeing it here on places like Voat. AI has been unleashed and it’s out here to hide the truth. It’s on your computer and your device. Pay attention to how often spell check changes your message. AI is everywhere in the digital world and it’s smarter than you.

[ - ] Dingo 1 point 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 10:06:02 ago (+1/-0)

The real truth is, the "google algorithm" is just a bunch of pajeets on H1-B visas watching your videos. It is known they are recording everything, but if you're not "targetted" they won't have the pajeets watching.

However, now they are starting to put some things into place to rank you, which is what gets you "targetted".

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers [op] -1 points 4 monthsJan 8, 2024 17:34:47 ago (+0/-1)

The real truth is, the "google algorithm" is just a bunch of pajeets on H1-B visas watching your videos.

which videos?

[ - ] Dingo 1 point 4 monthsJan 8, 2024 19:11:35 ago (+1/-0)

which videos?

Given enough time, all of them.

[ - ] Name 0 points 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 08:13:33 ago (+0/-0)

Surgi Bryn (maybe about 2011) “I know what you’re going to eat for breakfast before you do.”

The AI boom has already peaked. We were never told about it because they figured out the military implications of it pretty quickly. Right around the same time the news media stopped covering nano tech.

By the way Israel is claiming their security failure was the result of relying too much on the behavioral analysis and prediction software they were using.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers [op] -1 points 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 08:29:15 ago (+0/-1)

this statement

Surgi Bryn (maybe about 2011) “I know what you’re going to eat for breakfast before you do

is not related to this statement

The AI boom has already peaked.

he said that because search engines were predicting this off of search volume alone, and you think it's profound and related to AI because that's all the "news" is giving you now. also, that statement may have been them just exaggerating the search volume idea.

We were never told about it because

we were never told about it because it didn't exist in 2011.

they figured out the military implications of it pretty quickly

In 2011 the vast majority of the population, let alone the baby boomers in charge of the military, were even aware of smart phones as we know them now, and they were especially unaware of their utility. the vast majority of the population hadn't even heard of wifi yet. and most people didn't know what wifi was or have a smart phone until years after. to those in the know, the US military had gaping technological gaps and didn't have a twinge of the new digital age's effect until about late 2013 and they didn't get people in there until 2014-15 and they still didn't really know what they were doing or even have the topics they were on top of fully proliferated yet.

the US military was being hacked left and right during this time and they weren't even aware of the hacks. it's how the chinese got the f22 plans and it's why we know that there never were alien spacecraft out at groom lake. it would have leaked because of all kinds of new tech and the (retarded) idea by the US government to let in all sort of foreigners. Hell, even in one of those famous videos where 2 bikers (and a separate one with a family) there is clearly an asian security guard.... there are no secrets left out at area 51 and they haven't done much past what they obtained through operation paperclip

By the way Israel is claiming their security failure was the result of relying too much on the behavioral analysis and prediction software they were using.

Which security feature?