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Found out today that I am going to be a grandfather

submitted by PenisEnvy to whatever 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 15:22:23 ago (+61/-0)     (whatever)

I am very happy my son did it right. He is married and doing well enough. Moving back to the area he grew up in to raise his children. Between military and current civilian life he has seen what the various parts of the country has to offer. As it turns out he will be doing better at his age than whatever I was doing back then.

33 comments block

[ - ] Sector2 11 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:05:39 ago (+11/-0)

Looks like you did it right yourself. \o

[ - ] PenisEnvy [op] 10 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:32:08 ago (+10/-0)

Far from it. His mom took off after he was born and basically I was a single parent for 7 years before getting remarried. We did scouts and all the regular stuff. Just was tough for him not having a mom around when he was little.

[ - ] Sector2 11 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:43:45 ago (+11/-0)

It was a circumstance you overcame. Don't sell yourself short on that.

[ - ] Portmanure 7 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:47:23 ago (+7/-0)

I second this.

[ - ] dassar 4 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:47:28 ago (+4/-0)

Good for you man. Congrats (well to your son, but you know).

[ - ] Hall_of_Cost 4 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 18:52:42 ago (+4/-0)

Congratulations to you and your family. I agree with @Sector2 because you were met with a challenge and you adjusted & overcame it. Happy New Year Gramps!

[ - ] Anus_Expander 3 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 15:34:10 ago (+3/-0)

Living well is the best revenge against ZOG

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 6 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:44:12 ago (+6/-0)

Being a grandpa is about the best thing in life
Enjoy friend.

[ - ] Portmanure 6 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:31:35 ago (+6/-0)

Congratulations, you are and have lived the dream. When you are bouncing your grandchild on your knee. I want a snapshot of that moment. I can’t imagine anything better than that moment. Congrats.

[ - ] Peleg 5 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:30:08 ago (+5/-0)

Awesome! Now the fun begins!
This really is the best part about getting older.
One piece of advice. Start now figuring out how you are going to answer your son when he starts in on you! "You're letting him get away with that!? You never would have let me do that!" LOL!
I've always told my children that I'm granpa and I get to spoil them. You are the parent so You have to be the one to discipline them. Then I laugh and laugh!

[ - ] BulletStopper 4 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 22:36:17 ago (+4/-0)*

^ Absolutely this. Dadding can be hard sometimes. "Many hands make light the work."

It's easier than some people think. Just do the stuff that you were going to do anyway, because it's fun and you like it, and just bring them along and teach them how.

Mrs. Bulletstopper and I raised 6 boys and 1 girl, and the crop of grandkids has been, shall we say, "abundant".

And all the cool toys are always kept at Grumpaw's house. All the so-called "dangerous" shit.
The best part is that my boys bring the kids here specifically so they CAN do these things, just the way they learned.

Fireworks, home-made model rockets, gokarts, minibikes, a couple tractors, guns, knives, axes, a working forge, a machine shop...

Having three generations of Bulletstopper White Men at the range out back, with Grumpaw and Dads supervising as the boys learn proper firearms safety, and marksmanship, or in the shop making their very first home-made rockets from scratch, that will get fired that very day right out back (after that store bought rockets are for the peasants), makes it all worthwhile.

Not to mention a whole library of books containing dangerous thought crimes that you just can't find in the public library anymore.
My grandkids learned about "Little Black Sambo" before they could even sit upright in Grumpaw's lap.


I sleep like a baby, with a smile on my face, knowing that, in spite of everything, I did this shit right.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 3 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 22:52:04 ago (+3/-0)

That’s fucking awesome! Much respect to you sir. My wife and I had our 4th in October after a 9 year stretch. Lol. It’s crazy how much different it is raising a baby in my 40s vs when I was 30. We have older kids as helpers now too. They fucking love helping out and taking care of and spending time with her. She is going to be looked after by all of us for the rest of her life. We have one boy(oldest) and she is our third girl.

[ - ] PenisEnvy [op] 2 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 18:12:26 ago (+2/-0)

Thanks goats. Just pne of those things that when it happens it is still a surprise. After having time to talk about it with my wife, we both agree to be the support their new family will need. I am sure we will watch over the children vigilantly and see them raised in our ways. If it wasn't for my parents and sisters i could not have done it myself.

[ - ] green_man 5 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:28:29 ago (+5/-0)

Congrats! Get him out of the military immediately, not a good place to be if you're White.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 15:35:59 ago (+1/-0)

And how exactly would he do that?

[ - ] boekanier 3 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 03:12:22 ago (+3/-0)

congrats man, something that normally happens to every man

[ - ] BulletStopper 2 points 8 monthsJan 3, 2024 02:58:48 ago (+2/-0)

It used to anyway.

[ - ] xmasskull 4 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:32:57 ago (+4/-0)

Well Done,future:GrandPa!

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 4 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 16:01:09 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 3 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 20:49:38 ago (+3/-0)

Congratulations, brother!

May his life be long and successful, and may he continue to be fruitful and multiply.

I've always wanted to ask you if your name was a reference to the psychedelic mushrooms?

[ - ] PenisEnvy [op] 2 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 17:55:30 ago (+2/-0)

No, it is a reference to dr. Sigmon freud. He wrote about how young females have a thing called penis envy. Most of these females whome don't adjust we call blue bair karens.

[ - ] ProudRebel 3 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 20:44:45 ago (+3/-0)

Having children that are more successful than yourself is a testimony to what a good man you are. Well done Sir!

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 8 monthsJan 2, 2024 04:04:01 ago (+2/-0)

Good job OP, you are a success story, an inspiration to all of us.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 23:28:12 ago (+2/-0)

Wait til she stays over and sleeps between you & your wife and she sleeps sideways. Or keeps asking you if you're awake when you are sleeping. lol I love every minute of it.

[ - ] Thatguy 1 point 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 21:04:17 ago (+1/-0)

Let’s talk Thai. Jack talks Thai. I used to fly all over the world. Tell your wife to relax. I was a globe trotting mofo. I went everywhere. I was shit at a few times. (A lot of few times..) but not by angry husbands. Just people who hate me.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:46:57 ago (+1/-0)

Is his wife Asian

[ - ] Portmanure 1 point 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 18:39:14 ago (+1/-0)

What makes you say that? Just curious.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 18:55:51 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:00:18 ago (+1/-0)

So you had penis envy against your son and now you forgive him for that?

[ - ] Portmanure 2 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:16:50 ago (+2/-0)

Real men don’t think about their son’s penises. They just know it’s going to be put to good use, like you did on his mother.

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 20:06:48 ago (+1/-1)

Your parenting skills are only revealed in the kids they raise

[ - ] paul_neri -1 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 19:30:11 ago (+0/-1)

Look at what is happening to the kids in Gaza. There is no guarantee it could not happen to the children of America. Parents are insanely selfish.

[ - ] IsraelRespecter -10 points 8 monthsJan 1, 2024 17:35:18 ago (+0/-10)

We will replace your stupid white son and his child.