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It's true, Christians throughout history knew nothing about Christianity, just that that was what they were and others existed who were different from them. Also reading the Holy Bible was not just discouraged for most Christians, it was actually forbidden by the church.

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 11:15:23 ago (+6/-4)     (youtube.com)


Think about that when someone on here talks about the place the Christian religion had within the history of European peoples, also Christianity was popular in Africa before it was in Europe.

11 comments block

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 4 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 12:27:58 ago (+5/-1)

Lots of untruths to unpack here.
Christians knew nothing of Christianity - false. To go through the sacraments of first communion and confirmation, you need to learn your catechism (what the church teaches/believes). This has been true even from the time of the apostles, as can be read in many of Paul's letters.

People were forbidden to read the Bible - false. The church was resistant to translating the Bible out of Latin into the vernacular as they were afraid that there would be a proliferation of bastardized versions, a prediction which has actually come true. Also, EVERY Mass performed contains readings directly out of the Bible. If the church didn't want people to know what was in the Bible, then why read it EVERY day at Mass?

I don't really understand your point about popularity in Africa. There were civilizational hubs along the Mediterranean such as Egypt in addition to those in Europe. Why wouldn't Christianity become popular there?

[ - ] OftenWrong 2 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 13:19:18 ago (+2/-0)

I hwve read lots of works from this time period and including lots reporting on the average person. This is probably a cherry picked satire piece taken serious or jewish propaganda from the era to make another nation look stupid

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 14:14:16 ago (+2/-1)*

To be fair, Latin was already a basterdized version taken from Greek, which was in turn basterdized and translated by jews from the original aramaic and hebrew.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 2 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 16:31:01 ago (+2/-0)

Well, you have translations, and then you have bastardized translations. Saying the Latin version is bastardized is a bit of a stretch. When we have versions now that refer to God as female, versions that remove gender altogether, comic book versions, etc.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but the Latin translation has been in use for hundreds of years and is pretty well vetted.

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 5 monthsDec 20, 2023 00:40:00 ago (+1/-0)

Fair enough point. My main concern is anything that the jews had a hand in, which would be the original translation into Greek. And also the writing of the original hebrew parts.

[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 12:55:40 ago (+3/-0)

Never take religious advice from an Atheist who prefers to live in the dream of an unaccountable hedonistic lifestyle who gets all his hot takes from youtube videos that fit his pre-existing bias.

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 14:11:03 ago (+2/-0)

Haec sit vera

[ - ] OftenWrong 2 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 13:18:03 ago (+2/-0)

This doesnt match anything I have read from that era at all. This is probably jewish "look at the idiots" propaganda of the time like those fake interviews with americans that were from tik tok a while ago

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 14:15:57 ago (+2/-0)

What have you read from that era that isn't a Christian or jewish source though?

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 16:05:38 ago (+0/-0)

All they knew in the Middle ages when the Bible was taught on the Latin which most people didn't know and the whole services were in Latin was that the goblins on the outside of the cathedral would eat them in hell eternally if they didn't keep paying the priests for their salvation.