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11 comments block

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 6 monthsDec 12, 2023 03:00:23 ago (+0/-1)


Christcuck copium. You worship the god of Israel, Rabbi Jebus, and follow the teachings of Saul the Pharisee, who converted your European ancestors away from their "pagan" gods.

Christian Zionism is a thousand times more kiked than anything pagan you could name.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 6 monthsDec 12, 2023 01:55:35 ago (+1/-0)

this is a great copy pasta or point to memorize as a secret handshake to exhibit your power level, without exhibitng your power level.

[ - ] Death2Edom -1 points 6 monthsDec 12, 2023 01:42:15 ago (+0/-1)

Roman Catholicism is not Christianity. Just like Christianity is not Judaism. Just like being an Israelite is a racial trait that has nothing to do with any of those either.

We used to stone people to death for trying to become religious.

[ - ] mxcviel 1 point 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 21:29:00 ago (+1/-0)

For what I know, in the Holy Roman Empire, most of those "burning witches" and also taking all sorts of other prisoners in that time was purely political, to show which state, county or region of that Empire has more power over some other one... Religion was just an excuse for that land grabs. Pretty much as always.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 17:24:40 ago (+3/-3)

OP specifically implicates Catholics, a judeo-christian religion, lol.

[ - ] correctness [op] -1 points 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 18:11:46 ago (+3/-4)

There was no alternatives until 16-17 century. Are you talking about French Anglo religion war few centuries later?

Protestants emerged in 16th century.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 18:52:56 ago (+2/-1)

The Anglo-French War was in the 18thCE and was not a religious war, it was political and economic.

You are also directly implicating "pagans" in what is entirely a judeo-christian issue. Pagans didn't burn witches in the Middle Ages, judeo-christcucks did.

[ - ] correctness [op] -1 points 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 20:25:41 ago (+2/-3)

You cannot name three biggest lakes in own state, but you know European history from a to z at any given time :)

Do you ever watch or read "The Three Musketeers" ?

I just like to point something most Americans are familiar.

Is about religion war around 1650s between France and England.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 21:37:32 ago (+1/-1)

The Anglo-French War was from 1627–1629 and again from 1778–1783. It was about colonial aspirations not about religion. It wasn't a crusade, you fool.

The wars were specifically regarding colonial possessions in the Americas between colonial empires and dealing with trade goods from those provinces to bring them back to continental Europe. It made no difference if England was Protestant and France was Catholic, they didn't go to war over which bible they read, it was about territory and lots and lots of money to be made from those colonial territories such as spices, textiles and forming complete new industries.

But please, explain to me harder bible-basher.

[ - ] AryanPrime -2 points 6 monthsDec 11, 2023 19:37:12 ago (+1/-3)

^^^Demands others adhere to his version of history which is more reflective of the kike liars history

^^^Also claims to not be a kike, also constantly tries to subvert the "White nationalism" aspect of Christianity and prevent people from discovering it, while simultaneously claiming he is promoting "White nationalism" LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

kike filth you don't deserve to exist...pagans sacrificed, raped and cannibalized children, stop pretending like "druids" weren't kikes, it was that times "Fellow White people" for them

You know this full well and promote that to people because it's the only play that somewhat works these days, that's how desperate you kike filth are getting lmfao.

"It wasn't about this it was about "economics"

Same argument kikes use to discredit people pointing out that kikes ran the slave trade and Whites were getting rid of their slaves and that's why kikes hate American's

But you know, keep pretending kike filth

[ - ] NukeAmerica -1 points 6 monthsDec 12, 2023 00:27:28 ago (+0/-1)

Eat shit and die you fucking kike