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Death penalty used just 24 times in 2023, the lowest number in 20 years

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 6 monthsDec 10, 2023 14:13:46 ago (+3/-0)     (apnews.com)


In 2023, there were 24 executions in the U.S., with the final one for the year taking place Thursday in Oklahoma. Additionally, 21 people were sentenced to death in 2023, which was the ninth consecutive year where fewer than 30 people were executed and fewer than 50 people received death sentences, according to a report by the Washington, D.C.-based Death Penalty Information Center.

Only five states — Texas, Florida, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Alabama — conducted executions this year. That was the lowest number in 20 years, said Robin M. Maher, executive director of the nonprofit center, which takes no position on capital punishment but has criticized the way states carry out executions.

Alabama has set a January execution date for what would be the nation’s first attempt to execute an inmate with nitrogen gas. In July, Idaho became the fifth state to authorize executions by firing squad. The last time a U.S. inmate was executed by firing squad was in 2010.

The center’s report said a majority of states, 29, have either abolished the death penalty or paused executions.

Probably the single biggest thing that pisses me off. Some people are well beyond rehabilitation or remorse. The logical thing to do is to put them down, yet here we are spending tax dollars on keeping serial killers, child rapists, etc. alive.

Fuck any faggot who opposes the death penalty because they think it's "cruel".

2 comments block

[ - ] Bufordxl 1 point 6 monthsDec 10, 2023 17:41:41 ago (+1/-0)

The death penalty has been made useless for the intended purpose of showing future criminals what will happen when they commit murder. It Now takes 10 to 20 years to 'punish' them, because of the 'liberal' thought process of politically correct. IF the murderer was marched out of the trial and hanged on TV. the 17 year old punks would SEE the payment for crime.

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh [op] 1 point 6 monthsDec 12, 2023 22:55:18 ago (+1/-0)

Yup it's a total joke. Just imagine all the money and resources saved if they put down the worst of the worst.